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And paige Çeviri İspanyolca

765 parallel translation
And Paige has gotta understand that I will never, never work against cops who've been my friends or partners in SIU.
Y Paige debe entender que jamás trabajaré en contra de policías que han sido mis amigos o compañeros en la UEI.
Cappalino and Paige, these men don't know about cops or care.
Cappalino y Paige, ellos no saben sobre policías, ni les importa.
You're the popular one, and shelley was the brainy one LiIy was the fun one and Paige was the sexy one, and I was the big, fat one.
Siempre fuiste la popular, y Shelley la inteligente Lily la divertida, Paige la sexy, y yo era la gorda.
We're a chose family, and Paige just felt she needed to be home.
Somos una familia unida. Y Paige necesitaba estar en casa.
You and Paige can do it, and then call me when you find him.
Tú y Paige podéis hacerlo y luego llamarme cuando lo encontréis.
Phoebe, you and Paige check that alley.
Phoebe, tú y Paige revisad ese callejón.
We spoke with Troy Johnson, husband of Sarah Forbes... and Paige Taggart, wife of Shuttle Commander, Chuck Taggart... and mother of astronaut Neil Taggart.
Hablamos con Troy Johnson, el marido de Sarah Forbes... y Paige Taggart, esposa del comandante Chuck Taggart... y madre del astronauta Neil Taggart,
Why don't you let me and Paige worry about the Sea Hag?
Déjanos a Paige y a mí que nos ocupemos de ella.
Which means he won't stop at just my powers, he's gonna send another demon for yours and Paige's.
Lo que significa que no se contentará con sólo mis poderes. Mandará otro demonio a por los tuyos y los de Paige.
You tell Mr. Paige that Danny called, and I'm going to be at his fucking house!
Dígale al señor Paige que Danny llamó, ¡ y que voy a estar en su maldita casa!
And we'll get Satchel Paige to pitch.
Y a Satchel Paige para lanzar.
My name is Paige Woodward... and I have something to say to you people.
Mi nombre es Paige Woodward... y tengo algo para decirle a la gente.
And really, Paige... the question is...
Y, en verdad, Paige... la pregunta es :
And she's going to possess Paige unless we stop her.
Y va a poseer a Paige, a menos que la paremos.
And you wanted Paige...
Y también te gusta Paige...
In Silk Stockings, Janis Paige and Fred Astaire spoof the necessary elements to make a modern motion picture.
En Silk Stockings, Janis Paige y Fred Astaire... bromean sobre los elementos necesarios para una película moderna.
I'd like to say "I love you" to my mother Paige and my sister Gina.
Quiero decir "Te amo" a mi madre Paige y mi hermana Gina.
Campbell, this is Kate and Lily, and I see you've already met Paige.
Campbell, ellas son Kate y Lily. Veo que ya conoces a Paige.
Dr. Paige, Melinda and I have worked through our problems.
Melinda y yo hemos hecho las paces.
Dr. Paige, I want to thank you for giving Melinda and I... the tools to help communicate and share our fears.
Dra. Paige, gracias por darnos las herramientas para comunicarnos.
We'll file a sue on behalf of Carmichael and Klink... the real victims in this case... against the real villain... the knaving and vengeful Dr. Paige.
Presentas una demanda en nombre de la Sra. Carmichael y Klink, las víctimas, contra la auténtica malvada... la vengativa Dra. Paige.
I mean, Dr. Paige what do you want from Dr. Klink? And vice versa.
Dra. Paige, ¿ qué quiere del Dr. Klink y viceversa?
So what? Paige and I dated once or twice. She wasn't my type.
- Salimos una o dos veces pero no era de mi tipo.
We can see that Paige was an average apparently happy and healthy freshman looking forward...
Podemos ver que Paige era una alumna corriente y aparentemente feliz y sana, ilusionada...
And now you guys think the guy that attacked me had something to do with Paige's disappearance?
¿ Y ahora creen que el tipo que me agredió tuvo algo que ver con la desaparición de Paige?
And what kind of student was Paige?
¿ Y qué clase de estudiante era Paige?
Medulla, cuticle and cortex are a visual match to the hairs I pulled from Paige Rycoff's brush.
Médula, cutícula y corteza coinciden visualmente con los cabellos que saqué del cepillo de Paige.
Sharon, someone called Paige from the house, and it wasn't me.
Sharon, alguien llamó a Paige desde casa y no fui yo.
Paige was in her dorm room, and then ended up in the dumpster.
- Paige pasó del cuarto al contenedor.
All right. So, Paige leans over... and reaches for the trash can.
Muy bien, Paige se inclina y trata de agarrar la papelera.
And my wife and I won't rest until every question is answered.
Alguien mató a Paige. Mi mujer y yo no descansaremos hasta que todo se aclare.
We have to call Paige and set up a time where she can come over, and- -
Hay que llamar a Paige y quedar para ver cuándo puede venir y...
All right, you try scrying for him, and if that doesn't work, I'll have Leo orb Paige back here, and hopefully the prince will follow.
Vale, intenta adivinar dónde está, y si no funciona haré que Leo teletransporte a Paige, y con suerte el príncipe la seguirá.
So I suggest you check with the Book of Shadows, and get up to speed on Paige's fairy tale.
Mirad en el Libro de las Sombras y daros prisa con el cuento de Paige.
Paige and Phoebe think they've found the demon.
Paige y Phoebe creen que saben dónde está el demonio.
All right, but if I tell you all about Paige and you use it against me, I will get out my voodoo doll and make you sorry you're a man.
Está bien, pero si te cuento la vida de Paige y la usas en mi contra sacaré mi muñeco de vudú y lamentarás ser un hombre.
And then I put all my energy into trying to save Paige because I figured only one of us could break down at a time.
Y después dediqué toda mi energía a intentar salvar a Paige porque pensaba que no podíamos derrumbarnos a la vez.
Okay, so we have less than 24 hours to get to Paige and no idea how to find her.
Vale, tenemos menos de 24 horas para convencer a Paige y no sabemos cómo encontrarla.
Paige, Piper and I had to learn how to be witches the hard way.
Paige, Piper y yo tuvimos que aprender brujería por el camino difícil.
I told Paige how you've been treating me, and she just thinks you're way out of line, buddy.
Le he contado a Paige cómo me has estado tratando y cree que te has pasado de la raya, amiguito.
- And we won't be ready for him because instead of teaching Paige how to be a witch, we are out hunting for every Tom, Dick and Beelzebub in San Francisco.
- Y no estaremos preparadas porque en lugar de estar enseñando a Paige a ser una bruja estamos cazando a todos los Tom, Dick y Beelzebub de San Francisco.
She's completely dismissive of Paige, and... I don't know what to do anymore.
Ignora a Paige completamente y ya no sé qué hacer.
Yeah, I look at Paige and Piper, and it makes me think back to all those times that Piper had to play mediator between me and Prue.
Sí, veo a Paige y a Piper y pienso en todas las veces en que Piper tuvo que mediar entre Prue y yo.
Paige and I will grab the Book and meet you there.
Paige y yo cogeremos el Libro y te veremos allí.
Yeah, and I understand the temptation, Paige.
Sí, y comprendo la tentación, Paige.
Then we need to find Paige and hope that she's not in trouble so we can find Phoebe and hope that she's not in trouble.
Entonces hay que encontrar a Paige y esperar que no esté metida en un lío para poder encontrar a Phoebe y esperar que no esté metida en un lío.
And, Paige, you don't listen to Piper's advice.
Y Paige, tú no escuchas los consejos de Piper.
Phoebe, Paige and I are here now.
Phoebe, Paige y yo estamos aquí.
Paige, we were saved by some, I don't know, being. And he sent us back here... to try to stop this horrible thing from happening.
Paige, fuimos salvados por algo, No lo se, un ser... y el nos mandó de vuelta para intentar impedir... que esa cosa horrible ocurra desde el principio...
And if Phoebe saves him today, she'll be killed by a warlock, along with Paige.
Y si Phoebe lo salva hoy un hechicero la matará, a ella y a Paige.
Paige, I have two words for you : Broken and record.
Paige, tengo dos palabras para ti :

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