And she loved me Çeviri İspanyolca
362 parallel translation
and she loved me too, very much
A mí me quería... mucho...
Everything I did for her was because I loved her and she loved me.
Todo lo que hice fue porque nos queríamos.
I loved her and she loved me.
La quería y ella me quería.
And she loved me.
Y ella me amaba.
I have always loved your mom. And she loved me too. All the rest is dust.
Analizándolas podrás comprender que siempre he amado y amo a mamá y mamá me ama a mí.
I loved a girl, and she's in love with me.
Amé a una muchacha y ella está enamorada de mí
When she wrote and told me she found someone she loved,
Y cuando escribió diciéndome que había encontrado su gran amor,
Papa, remember how you loved mama and she loved you and you'll understand and pity me...
Papá, recuerda como querías a mamá y como te quería y sentirás pena...
Because, you see, I am going back to Taronia tomorrow, and even if I loved you like she loves you, still I would have to go back to Taronia, and never, never you would see me again.
Porque, verá, regreso mañana a Taronia, e incluso si le amase como ella le ama, tendría que volver a Taronia y nunca, nunca volvería a verme.
I wanted to clean up that whole mess about Roger, but that was the night that she told me that she loved him and then it was too late.
Quería aclarar todo el lío de Roger, pero esa fue la noche que me dijo que estaba enamorada de él, y fue demasiado tarde.
She would have loved to come back to England. But it seemed to me that I would be letting down my country in its greatest need. And so she stayed at my side.
Le hubiera encantado regresar a Inglaterra, pero a mí me pareció que iba a dejar en la estacada a mi país cuando más me necesitaba y ella se quedó a mi lado.
And Blanche whom I loved didn't love me so she had to die.
Y Blanche... yo la quería, pero ella a mí no, así que tenía que morir.
I loved Matilda, and anyone she loves would necessarily be very close to me.
Yo quería a Mathilda, y siendo Ud. su esposo, considérese amigo mío.
And even though she told me that she loved me,
Y aunque me decía que me amaba. Yo sabía que nunca podría ser mía.
She thanked me, and bade me if i had a friend that loved her i should but teach him how to tell my story and that would woo her.
Me dio las gracias y me dijo que si algún amigo mío la quería,... le enseñase a contar mi historia,... que con eso podía enamorarla.
Upon this hint i spake, she loved my for the dangers i had passed, and i loved her that she did pity them.
A esta sugerencia respondí que, si ella me quería por los peligros que había corrido,... yo a ella la quería por su lástima.
Mark me with what violence she first loved the moor but for bragging and dealing a fantastical lie.
Advierte con qué vehemencia ha amado en principio al moro,... sólo por sus fanfarronadas y por contar una fantástica mentira.
And then I suddenly realized that she had loved him, too, and had done actually nothing to harm me.
Entonces me di cuenta de que ella también le había amado y no había hecho nada para hacerme daño.
She was a good and sincere creature, she loved me very much.
Era una criatura buena y sincera, me quería mucho.
And if I had a wife the only way that she could ever prove that she loved me would....
Y si tuviese un esposa, su única manera de demostrarme su amor sería...
Mrs. Gillespie was just telling me how she loved the house and I...
La Sra. GiIIespie ha dicho que es muy feliz aquí.
Give me back the wife that I loved... and the child she carried.
Devuélveme a la mujer que amaba... y al niño que cargaba.
Through sorcery, she's taken possession of your heart, made you forget the woman you loved. She made me forget the sadness of the past and gave me back the joy of living.
Cuando rompo una rama todavía puedes ver fluir sangre humana... y oír el corazón llorar.
She left me. And I loved her.
Me ha dejado, y yo iba con buena intención.
And when she wrote me that she'd found someone she loved...
Y cuando me escribió... que había encontrado alguien que la amaba...
And she came because she loved me and wanted to be with me that's the truth.
Ella vino porque me quería y quería estar conmigo. Es la verdad.
Yes, she loved me. And I loved her.
Sí, me amaba, y yo a ella.
She thanked me and bade me, if I had a friend that loved her I should but teach him how to tell my story and that would woo her.
Entonces me dio las gracias. Me dijo que si tenía un amigo que la amaba, bastaba con enseñarle a contar mi historia para que la conquistara.
She loved me for the dangers I had passed and I loved her that she did pity them.
Me amaba por los peligros que había vivido. La amaba porque de ellos se compadecía.
Elsa told me this morning that her husband was a communist and a spy, and that because she loved him she consented to be his courier to Harek.
Elsa me ha dicho esta mañana que su marido era comunista y espía... y que, como lo amaba, consintió en ser su correo con Harek.
Then she said I was strange somehow, and that she loved me because I was strange, but that one day she may come to hate me for just that reason.
Entonces dijo que de algún modo yo era extraño y que me quería porque era extraño, pero que un día podría odiarme, por la misma razón.
She loved me and she left me.
Me amó y me dejó.
For instance, a girl I loved didn't love me, and she married another.
Por ejemplo, amaba a una chica, ella a mí no y me dejó por otro.
The old Branca has loved and loves a great dame! I'll always be faithful to her, even if she's closed in a convent.
Debes saber que el viejo Branca amé y amo a una gran dama la cual está recluida en un convento y me será siempre fiel.
And if somebody loved me like she done me Ooh she done me She done me good
Y si alguien me amara como ella lo hace ella lo hace, sí lo hace bien.
And if somebody loved me Like she do me Ooh she do me.
Y si alguien me amara como ella lo hace oh, ella lo hace, si lo hace.
Tell me, doctor, if I had a friend or a younger sister and if you knew that she loved you... what would you do?
Si yo tuviera una hermana menor y usted - supongamos- supiera que ella le quiere... ¿ Cuál sería su correspondencia?
Yes, she has loved me for 30 years. And lets me be in peace.
Justamente, hace 30 años que está enamorada de mí, que no tiene teléfono y me deja en paz.
She came back a second time... to let me prove I loved her... and I killed her.
Regresó por segunda vez... para dejarme demostrar que la amaba... y la maté.
I said that she loved me, but I was mistaken and she was mistaken too.
Yo dije que ella me ama, pero me equivoqué y ella se equivocó.
She said she loved me and wanted to marry me.
Ella dijo que me amaba y deseaba casarse conmigo.
But she, though spurned loved me more than anyone. I love her, too. Go ahead and be surprised.
Pero ella, sabiéndose despreciada me ha amado más que ninguna otra y yo también la amo.
¤ Sunday morning she gave me her photo... ¤ and right then in the park she told me she loved me.
# El domingo en la mañana me dio su fotografía # # y después allá en el parque me dijo que me quería. #
She - you'll laugh when you look at this poor thing huddled in front of the fire and hear me say that it was for my good looks that Nancy loved me.
Ella... se reirá Ud. al mirar a esta pobre cosa acurrucada frente al fuego, y al oírme decir que era por mi buen aspecto por lo que Nancy me amaba.
Yet she still loved me on Sunday... Even Monday... and Tuesday...
El domingo aún me amaba, incluso el lunes, y el martes...
She said that she loved dad and didn't want to embezzle her life.
Me dijo que amaba a mi padre, y que no quería desaprovechar la vida.
[Crying] Now, she did that...'cause she loved Ben... and Ben and me, we love her right back.
Ella lo hizo porque amaba a Ben...
She loved me, and I blew it.
Y yo la he cagado.
He had a girlfriend very much like me and loved her but she was a slut.
Tenía entonces una novia. muy parecida a mí. Pero resultó que era puta y él la adoraba.
And she wouldn't even pretend she loved me.
Y ella ni siquiera simulaba amarme.
She was... she loved me most and so did I.
Era... Ella me amaba más que a ninguno y yo a ella.
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she said no 16
and she was gone 27
and she's dead 32
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she said no 16
and she was gone 27
and she's dead 32
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she 275
and she is 39
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she 275
and she is 39
and she said 267
and she didn't 24
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27
and she didn't 24
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27