And she was right Çeviri İspanyolca
1,082 parallel translation
Tonight, your mother said, "Shame on you," and she was right.
Esta noche, tu madre dijo : " "Qué pena" ", y tenía razón.
And she was right. I hated it.
Odiaba hacerlo.
She said we were making a big mistake when we fired her, and she was right.
Nos dijo que cometiamos un error al despedirla y tenia razón.
And she was right.
Es verdad. Sí, le dije.
He was standing there, and she just headed right for him, floored him and ran him right down.
Condujo su coche hacia él y lo atropelló sin miramientos.
Right. And how did you know she was with me?
Y como sabía que estaba conmigo?
Well, they have the tea right there where she works, and the lady who owns the shop was very angry, and she gives her the sack there and then.
Van a tomar el té a donde ella trabaja.
I don't know what about, but... - And right after that she was... - Kitty.
No sé de qué tema, pero... justo después que hablamos...
She knows I'm right, and there was nothing else to do.
Sabe que tengo razón, no se puede hacer nada más.
I'm sure that the girl was strangled right here and then taken to the garret when she was dead.
Estoy seguro que la chica fue estrangulada precisamente aquí.
And she's as big a hit right now on Broadway as she was here in Hollywood.
Y tiene tanto éxito ahora en Broadway... como lo tenía aquí en Hollywood.
I was up to breakfast the other day and she's... She came apart right in front of my eyes and it's all your fault.
El otro día fui a desayunar y ella se quebró emocionalmente ante mi mirada y todo es por su culpa.
And, of course, we knew that she was right, but...
Y, por supuesto, nos dimos cuenta de que tenía razón, pero...
Next thing I knew, she was sitting right where you are... shoveling in Tex's ham and eggs.
Y al instante estaba sentada donde estás tú ahora... comiendo el jamón y los huevos de Tex.
See, that's when he panicked and he shot her. But he hit her right in the heart, sir, and at the distance of 30 feet while she was running.
Le entró panico y disparo pero le disparo en el corazón, señor, y a una distancía de 10 metros y cuando ella corría
Professor, I was standing here, here, yes, right here, and she was there, when she saw me - she ran away!
Profesor, yo estaba aquí, aquí, sí, y ella ahí, y cuando me vio, salió corriendo.
I was standing right here, and she was over there drinking water right infront of my eyes!
Yo estaba ahí, y ella bebiendo agua delante de mis ojos.
It wasa Saturday evening and the theatre was full. She put me in a folding chair, right next to her.
Era un sábado por la noche y, como el cine estaba a rebosar, me colocó en una silla plegable justo al lado de ella.
She said she was in trouble. She wants me to help her. She wants me to come and get her right now.
Me ha dicho que tiene problemas... y quiere que vaya a buscarla ahora mismo.
And why wouldn't you, Ceddie? Seeing as how she was left a widow so young It's kind of up to you to uhh take your pa's place, right?
No veo porque no habrias de decirle asi, desde pequeño ha estado viuda y depende de ti tomar el lugar de tu papá cierto?
'This time it was right, it would work,'and no one would have to get nailed to anything. 'Sadly, however, before she could get to a phone to tell anyone,'the Earth was demolished to make way for a hyperspace by-pass'and so the idea was lost forever.
Desgraciadamente, sin embargo, antes de que pudiese llegar a un teléfono para decírselo a nadie, la Tierra fue inesperadamente demolida para dejar sitio a una carretera de circunvalación espacial así que la idea se perdió para siempre.
She had class, but she saw that something was not right, and they soon found out. With these glasses on, he went with his car to universities, And picked up hitchhiking students.
pero vio algo en mi que no le convencía y lo averiguo pronto. y recogía a los estudiantes que pedían aventón.
And it was your car that she landed on, right? Yeah.
Y el auto donde aterrizó era el suyo, ¿ no?
When asked why she was having it done, she said that her left tit was her favourite and she wanted it on her right side, where her left-handed husband can reach it easily!
Cuando le preguntaron por qué quería hacerlo, dijo que la izquierda era su favorita y quería tenerla en el lado derecho, donde su marido, que es zurdo, pudiera tocarla más fácilmente!
So I got her tickets to Hello, Dolly... bought her a dozen roses, new drapes for the living room, and in no time at all... she was right back to being the regular little woman.
Le compré boletos para Hello, Dolly... una docena de rosas, cortinas nuevas para la sala y de inmediato... volvió a ser la mujercita de siempre.
Right now Karen was in need and could use all the friends she could get, whether she realized it or not.
Karen necesitaba ayuda y le harían falta muchos amigos, lo reconociera o no.
One time, she was right here and there was her shoes about 10 feet back, stuck in the mud.
De pronto... ya estaba allí. Y la pobre no llevaba zapatos. Los había perdido.
She was quite all right until the Jeffersοns were mentiοned, and then her manner became quite altered.
Estaba muy bien antes de hablar de los Jefferson ; luego, se alteró.
She was nuts about me and asked me to move right in with her.
Estaba loca por mí y me pidió que me mudara con ella.
And they found she was dead, right? Oh, yeah, she's dead.
- Para ver a qué hora murió, ¿ no?
This afternoon, however, amid the old shawls, he was sure she had a lover, but that she'd never tell him and that he'd never ask and that they were both right to lie.
Aquella tarde, empero, rodeados de viejos chales... estaba seguro de que tenía un amante, pero nunca se lo diría... y él no se lo preguntaría nunca, y que los dos hacían mejor mintiendo.
The candle and clothes was Yuki's idea... she was right.
Las cuerdas y la ropa fueron idea de Yuki, estaba en lo cierto.
I was at the roulette table with her last night, and she was dripping with jewels, all right, but they were all fakes - and very good fakes - but if I could spot them, an experienced jewel thief could not be fooled by them.
Yo estaba en la mesa de juego con ella anoche. Iba cargada de joyas, de acuerdo. Pero eran todas imitaciones.
However, the fact that she was unsuccessful... does not give you the right to make a mockery of our system of justice... and sentence her to death.
Pero el que no lo haya logrado... no te da derecho a burlarte del sistema de justicia... y arreglar su muerte.
Tell your mother, if she is still living, that she was right, and I was wrong.
Dile a tu madre si esta viva aun que tenia la razón y yo estaba equivocado
that's right, Adora is my sister she was only serving the Horde because one of Shadow Weaver's evil spell but I broken it, and for now on I'm with the rebelion oh, welcome to the right side deary, it could be a big help to us
Así es, Adora es mi hermana Ella sólo servía a la Horda por uno de los hechizos malignos de Shadow Weaver Pero lo rompí, y de ahora en adelante estoy con La Rebelión
And she knows who was I'll have Sarah call you Better yet, I'll call her for you, right? Do me a favor, get the fuck out of my car
y ella sabe quien mas haré que ella te llame o mejor la llamare por ti ahora hazme un favor sal del auto
She said : "All right, here I come." She came, she stuck her head out the window and all I heard was
Murió tal vez dos días más tarde. Para Jane.
All right, and that was 500- - and she better be fantastic- - dollars.
Muy bien, y que fue 500- - y ella mejor que sea dólares fantástico- -.
The man did not like to be embarrased in front of so many people, and slap her, and even shouted that she had no right to speak of honesty because she was a bitch.
Al señor no le gustó nadita que lo pusiera mal frente a tanta gente, y la cacheteó, y hasta le gritó que no tenía derecho a hablar de honradez porque era una puta.
The bus dropped her off a little after midnight. I saw him hanging around again, but it was too fucking cold to go out and mess with him. I remember thinking, it's kind of strange she didn't drive right out.
El autobús trajo a esa chica alrededor de medianoche y le vi otra vez rondando por aquí pero hacía un frío intensísimo para salir a hablar con él.
Look, Frankenstein was my pet cat, right? And she was pregnant.
Frankenstein era mi mascota y estaba embarazada.
And a few hours ago, my wife... she was, uh, murdered right in front of my eyes.
Hace unas horas mi mujer fue asesinada ante mis propios ojos.
but it was really a bitch that she got the wrong idea and kicked Mike out well from where I'm sitting, I think Mike could've used some kicking yeah I think you're right it was crummy the way he treated her
Sí, creo que eso es correcto. Él está con ella. Debe respetar la relación.
Do you remember when I was 7 and I was crying because Bobby Shepin liked Terry Mull just because she was a blonde, and you ran right out and bought me my first bottle of bleach.
Muy bien. Al, baila como un caballo.
She was raped by the lunatics and had the baby there. That baby grew up to be Freddy Krueger... who murdered twenty or thirty kids... right here on Elm Street.
Ella fue violada por los locos y tuvo un bebé ahi el bebé crecio y fue Freddy Krueger quién mato 20 o 30 chicos.
I dont know if this is the right time or place but I wanted to tell you that Sammy and I have decided if this babys a girl wed like to name it Shelby since she was the reason we met in the first place.
No sé si sea el lugar y el momento apropiado pero quiero decirte que Sammy y yo decidimos que si tenemos una niña queremos que se llame Shelby pues nos conocimos a través de ella.
and, you know, she was like my right hand, as far as I'm concerned.
Nos llamábamos para saber qué ropa nos íbamos a poner. Para mí, era como mi mano derecha. La extraño.
Anyway, Miss Buckley unwrapped them both, and your card was in one of them, so she said that was all right and I was to take the other one away.
Bien, la señorita Buckley abrió las dos cajas. En una de ellas estaba su tarjeta por lo que me dijo que se la quedaría pero que debía llevarme la otra.
When we split last night, she was stoked to surf right then and there, huh, bro?
¿ Tus padres no están en casa?
But right from the beginning, she'd been able to get me so rattled and mixed up, I didn't know what I was doing.
Desde el mismo principio, había sido capaz de liarme tanto que no sabía lo que hacía.
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she said no 16
and she was gone 27
and she's dead 32
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she said no 16
and she was gone 27
and she's dead 32
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she was 85
and she's gone 29
and she says 116
and she 275
and she is 39
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she was 85
and she's gone 29
and she says 116
and she 275
and she is 39
and she said 267
and she didn't 24
and she just 19
and she's not 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27
and she didn't 24
and she just 19
and she's not 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27