And she was Çeviri İspanyolca
37,552 parallel translation
Attacks on her started then, and she was the butt of jokes of late night comedians.
Ataques en ella comenzó entonces, Y ella era la culata de las bromas De comediantes nocturnos.
And she was a successful wife with Marcus, gave him children over that period. So she must immediately have looked for her safety and for her family's safety.
Y fue una buena esposa para Marco Aurelio que le dio hijos en ese periodo, así que inmediatamente pensaría en su seguridad y la de su familia.
But it turns out she was a fucking... specialized police officer... chasing some fucking serious criminals in Moscow, and the only messed up idiot is me.
Pero eso termina cuando ella se hizo una jodida... oficial de policía especializada... persiguiendo criminales de mierda por Moscú... y la única idiota que jode todo soy yo.
I'm checking for signs of penetration by a foreign object or a sexual organ, and whether she was subjected to violence.
Estoy revisando signos de penetración... con un objeto extraño o un órgano sexual, y si es que ella fue objeto de violencia.
She was foul-mouthed and loud.
Estaba maldiciendo y gritando.
She was against, she fought gay marriage and then she was for it.
Ella estaba en contra, ella Luchado matrimonio homosexual Y luego fue por ella.
It was during the Lewinsky scandal, and Clinton was being impeached, there was a lot of speculation that she might leave him.
Fue durante el Escándalo de Lewinsky, Y Clinton estaba siendo acusado, Hubo mucha especulación Que ella podría dejarlo.
I mean she was being knocked and criticized all the time, she was being made fun of.
Quiero decir que estaba siendo golpeada Y criticó todo el tiempo, Se estaba burlando de ella.
Because, remember when she said that they were, she was being criticized during the campaign when Bill first ran and she said,
Porque recuerda cuando Ella dijo que eran, Estaba siendo criticada Durante la campaña Cuando Bill primero Corrió y ella dijo,
She was known as Hillary Rodham, and all the papers, everybody said,
Ella era conocida como Hillary Rodham, Y todos los papeles, Todo el mundo dijo
She was willing to subjugate and submerge herself to help him do this, and to take the shit for it.
Ella estaba dispuesta a subyugar Y sumergirse Para ayudarlo a hacer esto, y A tomar la mierda por ello.
And the night before she was murdered, we slept together.
Y la noche antes de ser asesinada, nos acostamos.
Our parents were devout, and Sarah was 17 years old when she told them the news.
Nuestros padres eran devotos y Sarah tenía diecisiete años cuando le contó las noticias.
We need access to that burner phone she was calling and try to I.D. Brian.
Necesitamos a acceder a ese móvil al que estaba llamando e intentar identificar a Brian.
And the night of that call... she'd slashed my tires, wrote a note saying she was gonna kill herself.
La noche de la llamada... ella había roto mis neumáticos, escribió una nota diciendo que se iba a suicidar.
I didn't know who she was until a month ago when she called me and said she wanted to make sure Zoey had money for college.
No supe quién era hasta hace un mes cuando llamó y dijo que se quería asegurar que Zoey tenía dinero para el instituto.
Oh, she was just thanking me for saving her life, and it took a lot out of her.
Solo me agradecía por salvarle la vida, y le costó mucho esfuerzo.
She was vibing with me and he was jealous.
Ella estaba ligando conmigo y él estaba celoso.
She thought that it was a coincidence, and that the link that I was looking for wasn't there.
Ella pensó que era una coincidencia y que la conexión que estaba buscando no estaba allí.
Yeah she was notorious for kidnapping and eating children.
Sí, era famosa por secuestrar y comer niños.
This was a bad idea, she's killed Emma, and Nathan and Danni.
Fue una mala idea, ha matado a Emma, y a Nathan y a Danni.
Larissa and I were close as kids, but she was older than me.
Larissa y yo estábamos unidos cuando éramos niños, pero era mayor que yo.
Employment records show that she was only first aid and CPR certified.
Los registros de empleo muestran que solo tenía certificado de primeros auxilios y reanimación.
And two years after that, in'94, is when she was reported missing.
Y dos años antes que eso, en el 94, es cuando la dieron por desaparecida.
At first, she was just part of the life, and then, pretty soon she was the life.
Al principio, ella solo era parte de esa vida, y luego, muy pronto ella era esa vida.
She was the one who found the body, and there was gunshot residue on her hands.
Fue la que encontró el cuerpo y había residuos de pólvora en sus manos.
Oh. When Chris was here, helping find Casey... I kind of asked her for her autograph and she gave me her own personal copy.
Cuando Chris estuvo aquí, ayudando a encontrar a Casey... digamos que le pedí un autógrafo y me dio su propia copia personal.
When she was a kid, he convinced her that no one was gonna believe her and it was all her fault.
Cuando era una niña, la convenció de que nadie iba a creerle y que todo era su culpa.
And all I ever wanted was... to be that person she could come to if she had a problem.
Y todo lo que quería era... ser esa persona a la que podía acudir cuando tuviera un problema.
My mom used to work a lot, and, when she was home we could never agree on a TV show.
Mi mamá solía trabajar mucho, y cuando estaba en casa nunca podíamos ponernos de acuerdo en un programa de TV.
I can only surmise she was thinking of happier times and trying to recapture them.
Lo único que se me ocurre es que pensase en épocas más felices e intentase recuperarlas.
- and I kept up that lie until she was...
- mantuve esa mentira hasta que tuvo...
You failed to protect her, and after she was killed, your name was leaked.
Fallaste al protegerla y después de que fuera asesinada, tu nombre fue filtrado.
She told me I was like you, and that one day I'd be famous like you.
Me dijo que era como tú y que un día sería tan famoso como tú.
And now I see you, everything she told me was true.
Y ahora que te veo, todo lo que me dijo era verdad.
I walked in the kitchen and she gave me a real tight hug, which was odd because she wasn't much of a hugger.
Entré en la cocina y me dio un abrazo muy fuerte, lo cual fue raro porque ella no era mucho de abrazar.
And all she gave me was that stupid tiara?
¿ Y lo único que me dio fue esa estúpida tiara?
Yeah, and he was always offering Honey free dance lessons that she innocently took him up on.
Sí, y él siempre estaba ofreciendo clases de baile gratuitas a Honey. que inocentemente aceptó.
She said she was going on vacation, but she didn't pack a bag and none of her wines are gone.
Dijo que se iba de vacaciones, pero no preparó la maleta y todos sus vinos siguen ahí.
And so she was used to having a place at the top table in Roman society. But she certainly seems to have been slightly jealous of the increasingly powerful role that her younger brother Commodus would have to inherit.
Y estaba acostumbrada a ocupar un lugar prominente en la sociedad romana, pero sin duda parece que tenía una ligera envidia del papel más poderoso que su hermano menor tendría que heredar.
She was trusted by Commodus, and what is interesting with Marcia, is that even though she comes from a very low background, the sources suggest that the amount of influence that she actually had over him may have been very, very significant.
Cómodo confiaba en ella y lo interesante sobre Marcia es que, aunque provenía de un estrato social muy bajo, las fuentes sugieren que su influencia sobre él pudo haber sido muy significativa.
There was once this woman named Stella, and she just had this tremendous amount of groove, right?
Había una vez una mujer llamada Stella, y tenía una cantidad enorme de pasión, ¿ vale?
Whoever the victim was, he, or she, was killed, dragged here, dropped into the basement, and then ground up?
Quien sea que fuera la víctima, ¿ él, o ella, fue asesinado, arrastrado hacia aquí, arrojado en el sótano y luego molido?
The menu was quite clear, and she knew that when she took this on.
El menú era bastante claro, y ella lo sabía que cuando asumió esto.
She was the only female soldier in my brother's set, and he never wanted to play with her, so I did.
Era la única mujer soldado que tenía mi hermano y nunca quiso jugar con ella así que, lo hacía yo.
I mean, she was my first hero, but I have other sources of inspiration these days. Like Hetty... and you. Mm.
Fue mi primera heroína pero ahora mismo tengo otras fuentes de inspiración.
She used her credit card two days ago at a store in Venice, and her car was still in a parking lot this morning.
Usó su tarjeta de crédito hace dos días en una tienda en Venice y su coche seguía esta mañana en el aparcamiento.
Penny was a struggling actress when we met, and now she's a successful pharmaceutical rep.
Penny era una actriz en lucha cuando nos conocimos, ahora es una exitosa representante farmacéutica.
Amy was carrying a boiling pot of water to the sink... she slipped backwards on some liquid and scalded her face.
Amy llevaba una olla de agua hirviendo al fregadero... resbaló hacia atrás en un líquido y se quemó el rostro.
She was too scared to tell her mom, and, naturally, she was racked with guilt and fear.
Ella estaba muy asustada para decirle a su mamá y, naturalmente, quedó atormentada por la culpa y el miedo.
Once the M.E.'s given us the time of death, we'll be able to confirm the receptionist's timeline and check the security footage at Jamaica Station. Make sure she was there when she said she was, yeah?
Cuando el forense nos dé la hora de la muerte, podremos confirmar la cronología de la recepcionista y revisar las grabaciones de seguridad de la estación Jamaica.
and she was like 38
and she was right 34
and she was gone 27
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she loved me 17
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she said no 16
and she was right 34
and she was gone 27
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she loved me 17
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she said no 16
and she's dead 32
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she says 116
and she 275
and she is 39
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she says 116
and she 275
and she is 39
and she didn't 24
and she said 267
and she just 19
and she's not 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27
and she said 267
and she just 19
and she's not 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27