Answer the question Çeviri İspanyolca
4,485 parallel translation
- Answer the question.
- responde la pregunta.
- Just answer the question!
- Solo dime! Solo dime..
Answer the question, or I will break your arm.
¡ Contesta la pregunta o te rompo el brazo!
No. Then answer the question.
Entonces contesta.
Didn't answer the question.
You can't just forget about her, you have to answer the question.
Tienes que encontrar la moraleja de la historia.
Uh, let me answer the question.
Uh, permítame responder a la pregunta.
Answer the question, sir.
Responda a la pregunta, señor.
- Why don't you answer the question?
- ¿ Por qué no respondes a la pregunta?
- Answer the question!
- ¡ Responde!
Just answer the question. How long?
Solo contesta. ¿ Cuánto tiempo?
Answer the question.
Responde a esa pregunta.
- Could you just answer the question, Tobi, if you would please.
¿ Podrías responder a la pregunta, Tobi, si me haces el favor?
- You stop repeating what I'm saying and just answer the question please.
Deja de repetir lo que digo y sólo responde a la pregunta por favor.
Answer the question!
¡ Responda la pregunta!
Just answer the question, please.
Sólo respondan a la pregunta, por favor.
Answer the question, pal, all right?
Conteste la pregunta, amigo, ¿ quiere?
Answer the question.
Please answer the question, Mr. Anderson.
Por favor, responda, Sr. Anderson.
Just answer the question.
Sólo contesta a la pregunta.
I'm trying to answer the question.
Intento responder la pregunta.
Well, that's not really the answer to the question. I am kind of curious.
Bueno, no ha contestado a la pregunta.
That's the answer to that question?
Esa es la respuesta a esa pregunta?
Well, to answer your question, I come up here every morning to watch the sun rise.
Bueno, para responder a su pregunta, se me ocurren aquí cada mañana para ver el amanecer.
I get no answer So the question still remains
I get no answer So the question still remains
In answer to your earlier question, by the way, of course.
En respuesta a tu pregunta, por cierto : Por supuesto.
Answer the girl's question.
Respóndele a la pregunta de la chica.
Well, I'm just worried, you know, like, what if a customer asks me a question about the car I can't answer?
Pues me preocupa si el cliente pregunta algo sobre el auto - y yo no sé la respuesta.
- The king must answer Gaargi's question.
- El rey debe responder a la pregunta de Gargi.
The most impossible question for me to answer is,
La pregunta más imposible para yo responder es,
- Answer the fucking question!
- Responder a la pregunta de mierda!
I must confess, Mr Turner, that I find myself quite unable to answer your question with the precision that I would wish.
Confieso, Sr. Turner que me siento incapaz de responder a su pregunta con la precisión que desearía.
Oh, wait a minute, it's just a jogger. Whew... Well, that's good, but that still doesn't answer my question whether or not the zombies are fast ones.
oh, espera un minuto, es solo alguien trotando. todo bien, pero eso no responde a mi pregunta si son o no de los rápidos.
- Answer the fucking question.
Responde la maldita pregunta.
Answer the question.
¡ Responda la pregunta!
I'm the answer to a fucking Trivial Pursuit question!
¡ Soy la respuesta a una pregunta de Trivia!
It's the moment of reckoning, Valerie. The answer to your question.
Es el momento de ajustar cuentas, Valerie.
Answer the fucking question!
¡ Jodido cabrón!
There is a question I have to ask and it may seem obvious, the answer... but it's still a very important question.
Hay una pregunta que debo hacer y puede parecer obvia, la respuesta pero es de todas formas una pregunta muy importante.
What is the answer to question five?
¿ Cuál es la respuesta a la pregunta cinco?
Right now they're trying to save the sight in his left eye, does that answer your fucking question?
En este momento están tratando de salvar la vista en su ojo izquierdo, ¿ Responde eso a tu puta pregunta?
Local paranormal filmmaker Lucas Simons is here to answer the big question we've all asked ourselves.
El cineasta paranormal local Lucas Simons está aquí para contestar la gran pregunta que todos nos hemos preguntado.
You'll encounter the world famous magic brain which will answer any question you put to it.
Y no se vaya sin que el famoso Cerebro Mágico responda la pregunta que usted desee hacerle.
But there were many challenges to face before he would find the answer to that question.
Debería enfrentar muchos desafíos para poder responder esa pregunta.
The site advised you to answer the following question before you decide where to focus your abilities.
El sitio recomendaba responder la siguiente pregunta antes de decidir en qué focalizar tus habilidades.
He wasn't alive to hear the answer to that question, but I thought you'd want to know.
No estaba vivo para escuchar la respuesta a esa pregunta, pero pensé que querrían saber.
- The first question we have to answer, of course, is whether or not she can actually carry out these threats.
- La primera pregunta que tenemos que responder, por supuesto, es si puede o no cumplir realmente sus amenazas.
So yeah, - my final answer is the question is unanswerable.
Así que, sí. Mi respuesta final es que no puede responderse.
But the real answer to your question... is that when it feels scary to jump, Ian... that is exactly when you jump.
Pero la verdadera respuesta a tu pregunta... es que cuando parece arriesgado dar el salto, Ian... es precisamente cuando debes darlo.
My Lord, how can the witness possibly answer that question? Well, of course he can.
Su Señoría, ¿ cómo puede el testigo responder a esa pregunta?
Ask the question, sit down before it can be answered and then the question becomes the answer.
Hace la pregunta, se sienta antes de la respuesta y la pregunta se convierte en la respuesta.
answer the phone 120
answer the door 38
the questions 23
the question is 975
the question remains 37
the question is why 45
the question was 26
the question 55
question 535
questions 370
answer the door 38
the questions 23
the question is 975
the question remains 37
the question is why 45
the question was 26
the question 55
question 535
questions 370
questioning 24
question mark 65
question number one 20
question is 362
question for you 31
question one 39
question two 29
answer 536
answers 108
answer me 1429
question mark 65
question number one 20
question is 362
question for you 31
question one 39
question two 29
answer 536
answers 108
answer me 1429