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As you call it Çeviri İspanyolca

639 parallel translation
I believe in this monster, as you call it.
Creo en este monstruo, como usted lo llama.
A fall guy, as you call it, would only lead them to the falcon.
Un chivo expiatorio, como dice... sólo los llevaría hacia el halcón.
That old can as you call it, is a darn sight more car than you'll ever drive. If you don't quit wasting your time around pool rooms.
Ese viejo cacharro siempre será mejor de lo que tengas si continúas entrenando en las salas de billar.
Better than anything! If you feel that way about it, all I gotta say is I'll be in the wheel of that crate, as you call it tomorrow.
Sólo quiero decirte que mañana voy a estar al volante de este coche.
Then you come in with your little "Wall Street syndicate" as you call it.
Para que llegue con su consorcio.
Suppose I did leave that old hole, as you call it.
Imagínate que abandone ese viejo cubil como lo llamas.
By giving this "theory," as you call it, a trial.
- ¿ Cómo? Poniendo en práctica esa teoría. Inténtelo.
- This abduction, as you call it.
- Este secuestro, como lo llamáis.
The tripe, as you call it, happens to be the true history of the trumpet and its real value.
Las tonterías, como las llama, es la historia real... de la trompeta y de su valor.
Oh, of course, that french horn, as you call it.
Ah, claro, del cuerno francés, como usted le dice.
A fair trial, as you call it, your highness, Would prove only a tedious quibble.
Un juicio justo, tal y como lo llamáis, Alteza, resultaría sólo una sutileza tediosa.
My protection, as you call it, and Van's, too, for that matter, is to love and trust each other more than anything.
Mi protección, como la llama, y la de Van también, para el caso... es nuestro amor y confianza por encima de todo.
This "vivisection," as you call it...
Esa vivisección, como la llaman...
Well, Eliza, you've had a bit of your own back now, as you call it.
Bueno, Elisa, ya es hora de dejarse de niñerías.
You know very well that I can't go back to the gutter, as you call it, and that I have no real friends in the world but you and the Colonel.
Usted sabe muy bien que no puedo volver al arroyo... y que no tengo más amigos en el mundo que usted y el coronel.
Do you realize what this slander, as you call it, implies?
¿ Sabe lo que significa esa calumnia, como usted la llama?
You actually think you had no intention to kill... that It was all a''sporting stalk, " as you call It.
Usted piensa de verdad que no tenía intención de matar, que era un "acecho deportivo", como lo llama usted.
And therefore, this tiny little bit, as you call it, Emma... Has to send out its ships again and again... To fight those who want to dictate their will to others.
Y entonces ese pedacito, como tú lo llamas, Emma tiene que enviar sus barcos lejos una y otra vez para combatir con los que quieren imponer su tiranía.
I'm not sure this wretched spook, as you call it, was responsible for what happened.
No sé si el espanto es responsable de lo ocurrido.
Accused bukharin, before you could successfully partition your country to its enemies, you and your bloc, as you call it, had to come into power.
Acusado Bujarín, antes de entregar su país al enemigo, Usted y su bloque, como lo llama, debían tomar el poder.
I haven't gone in for fun, as you call it.
No lo hice por diversión, como usted lo llama.
Any pursuing, as you call it, has been by me.
Soy yo quien la persigue.
But tomorrow, when Rome is occupied - or "liberated," as you call it - will these monarchist officers still be your allies?
Pero mañana, cuando Roma esté ocupada, o liberada, como dicen ustedes... ¿ Piensan que seguirán siendo sus aliados esos altos oficiales monárquicos?
Miss Emily gives me the impression of being happy in her "rut", as you call it.
Emily siempre me ha dado la impresión de ser muy feliz... en esta "rutina", como Ud. la llama...
I'll stay and witness your miracle, as you call it.
Está bien, me quedaré a ver su milagro, como usted lo llamó.
- He has a right to butt in, as you call it.
- Él tiene derecho a meterse, como tú dices.
I'm not. It's just my defensive mechanism, as you call it.
No, es sólo mi pequeño mecanismo de defensa.
Good luck.. as you call it.
- Acércate a la fortuna... como la llamas.
You might as well call it a Leg breaker.
Podría llamarlo también una pierna rota
yes yes, Geiger call it what you like, I feel as if I hadn't really lived till today everything that surrounds me, my children, my house, my books, my collections all that doesn't concern me any more
Sí. Sí, Geiger. Llámalo como quieras, me siento como si no hubiera vivido realmente hasta hoy.
Should trouble come, I shall call Russia to arms anew and if you stand idly by, I shall strike you mercilessly as long as I am alive, and after it will be the duty of my sons!
El que se quede al margen será castigado. Le castigaré mientras viva y Cuando yo muera, mis hijos continuaran.
You'll get paid half as much as you need to live on, if you call it living.
Te pagarán la mitad de lo que necesitas para vivir, si es que a eso lo llamas vivir.
"It's lucky for the city that next Tuesday is Election Day as the citizens will thus be saved the expense of impeaching the mayor and the sheriff". That's all. Call you back.
"Como el martes hay elecciones los ciudadanos se ahorrarán el gasto de procesar al Alcalde y al Shériff".
I hear you come from up north in the woods, or down north, as we call it here.
Creo que vienen de arriba del norte, del bosque. O de abajo del norte, como decimos aquí.
Everything happened exactly as it did but without the bundle, and I got the phone call, not you.
Todo ha pasado exactamente así, pero sin el bulto, y yo he cogido el teléfono, no tú.
It will only be minutes. I will call you as soon as she leaves.
Te llamaré en cuanto se haya ido.
Sergeant York, as Commander-in-Chief of the American Expeditionary Forces, it is my pleasure to confer upon you the United States Congressional Medal of Honor for heroism beyond the call of duty.
Sargento York,... tengo el placer de imponerle la Medalla de Honor del Congreso de los EE. UU. por haber demostrado un heroismo superior a la llamada del deber.
You can call me anything you like, as long as you give me something with a cherry in it.
Muy bien. Sírveme lo que sea pero que tenga una cereza.
When I feel my time coming, I'll call you and show you where the bundle is as Emperor showed it to me and as old Knapsack showed it to Emperor back in the day.
A la hora de morirme te enseñare el escondite, y como Alforjas lo enseñó al Emperador hace tiempo...
At the end of two days, if they have not been found you call your police, tell them as much of the truth it is safe for you to say.
Si despues de dos dias, no lo han encontrado llame a la policia, y digales todo lo que sea necesario para su seguridad.
No, but I'll do it now and call you as soon as I have them.
No, pero los voy a tener. Le llamo en cuanto los tenga.
It's you who must learn to keep your feelings, As you loosely call them, in control.
Es usted quien tiene que aprender a mantener sus sentimientos, como usted dice, bajo control.
That's while we're here to see that this bauble as you call it gets safely back to its vault at Edinburgh.
Para garantizar que esa chuchería, llega bien a Edimburgo.
Oh, please do. If you don't call, I just keep wondering why you don't. So it works out as an interruption either way.
Si no llamas, me preguntaré por qué... e interrumpirás igualmente.
I knew it was you as soon as I heard someone call "Liyan."
Sabía que eras tú tan pronto como te oí llamarme "Liyan".
I'll call you at the Big Moon as soon as it's finished.
Te telefonearé al Big Moon cuando hayamos terminado.
Okay, call me as you get it.
De acuerdo, llama en cuanto lo tengas.
That fish, as you call her, pinched Cathy's dress and she was trying it on.
Ese pez, como tu le llamas, agarró el vestido de Cathy y se lo probó...
It's impossible to explain now. I'll call you back as soon as I can.
No puedo explicártelo ahora, pero te llamaré tan pronto como pueda.
Cathay, as you call it.
Catay, como vos la llamáis.
Well call him back. If it's as important as he says it is, he'll talk to you..
Llámale, y si es tan importante, que hable contigo.

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