Because Çeviri İspanyolca
482,243 parallel translation
[Monica ] Maybe I'm concerned because I never tried to play the piano while doing other things so it's... [ chuckling] This is my worry.
Creo que me preocupa porque nunca intenté tocar el piano mientras hacía otras cosas. Eso me preocupa.
Let me think this sentence because I'm a bit blocked here.
- Déjame pensar esta oración. - Sí. - Estoy bloqueada.
[Lust in English] It is definitely a challenge when someone works quite a lot in the mainstream porn industry, because they tend to reproduce what they learned in the industry.
Definitivamente, es un desafío cuando alguien trabaja mucho en la industria porno dominante, porque intentan reproducir lo que aprendieron en esa industria.
Because in the end, even if it is real sex, this is a film, and it's an illusion, and I create the image that I want you to see as an audience.
Porque, al final, aunque sea sexo real, es una película, es una ilusión, y yo creo la imagen que quiero que vean como público.
I am struggling so much because, like, I have so much... less money to work with, so now I can only use one assistant.
Me esfuerzo mucho, porque tengo menos dinero para trabajar y solo puedo tener un asistente.
Honestly, I mean, this year, I've been in a place where I, like, wonder if there is a place for me in this industry anymore, because I just don't know that- - I don't know if it can support, like, the high-end... you know, stuff that I'm used to shooting.
Sinceramente, este año, estoy en una situación en que me pregunto si aún hay lugar para mí en esta industria porque no sé si puedo pagar la calidad con la que acostumbro filmar.
Because he only has eyes for you.
Porque solo tiene ojos para ti.
Because there's only one of me, I'm more valuable.
Como solo hay uno de mí, soy más valioso.
Because... well... you know.
Porque, bueno, ya sabes.
" I drank... because of you.
Bebí... por tu culpa.
" I almost lost my child because of you.
Casi perdí a mi hija por tu culpa.
" I went to jail because of you.
Fui a la cárcel por tu culpa.
Because of you, because of you, because of you. "
Por tu culpa, por tu culpa, por tu culpa.
Because then I wouldn't have my stuff at home.
Porque entonces no tendría mis cosas en casa.
Brad told me that, in certain parts of the world, people are dying because they don't have clean drinking water.
Brad me dijo que en algunas partes del mundo la gente se está muriendo porque no tienen agua potable.
Because somebody was in there for 58 minutes.
Porque alguien ha estado ahí dentro 58 minutos.
That's because you're dead inside.
Es por eso que estás muerta por dentro.
Natasha, you're in a rehab, your kid's in foster care and you had to get a tetanus shot because a meth head bit you on your punching hand.
Natasha, estás en rehabilitación, tu hija está en un programa de acogida y te han tenido que poner una antitetánica porque una drogadicta te mordió en la mano con la que la abofeteaste.
I'll tell you why : because they stink.
Te diré por qué : porque huelen mal.
I write this journal in hopes someone learns of our fate, because I believe the tale will never be told by any of us.
Escribo este diario con la esperanza de que alguien conozca nuestro destino, porque creo que el relato nunca será contado por uno de nosotros.
Because you both insisted on working separately, you've developed plans that are guaranteed to fail.
Porque ambos insisten en trabajar separados, han desarrollado planes que están garantizados a fallar.
I know you're upset because you feel you aren't there for your child, but you were there for mine today.
Sé que estás molesto porque sientes que no estás ahí para tu hijo, pero tú estuviste hoy para el mío.
Then I'm gonna say "thanks" because I'm not most people.
Entonces voy a decir "gracias" porque no soy como la mayoría.
Okay, it doesn't matter because super heroes don't date regular people.
De acuerdo, no importa porque superhéroes no salen con gente regular.
Remember that room you had sealed off because you found a spider?
¿ Recuerdas ese cuarto que sellaste porque encontraste una araña?
Because I'm looking at a criminal.
Porque lo que veo es una criminal.
This is a man who won't let anybody see him sneeze because he thinks it's a sign of weakness.
Éste es un hombre que no dejará que nadie lo vea estornudar porque cree que es un símbolo de debilidad.
He won't even kiss me because he says it's against company policy.
Ni siquiera me besa porque dice que está contra las normas de la compañía.
If you win, you can turn it into a unicorn stable for all I care because that's a fairytale! Ha!
Si tu ganas, ¡ puedes convertirlo en un establo de unicornios porque eso será como un cuento de hadas!
Oh, Teddy, is it possible that you've built up this encounter because a beautiful woman literally came out of the clouds and saved your life?
Teddy, ¿ es posible que hayas creado este encuentro porque una hermosa mujer literalmente vino del cielo y salvó tu vida?
We make sure Van wins every month because there was one time he didn't.
Nos aseguramos que Van gane cada mes porque la vez que no lo fue.
I hope you said good-bye to your loved ones because I'm gonna skin you alive and wear you to your own funeral.
Espero que te hayas despedido de tus seres queridos porque te voy a despellejar viva y me pondré el pellejo en tu funeral.
Because that's the kind of guy I am.
Porque ese es el tipo de persona que soy.
Oh, but I guess I'm not telling you anything you didn't already know, because you were "Most Perceptive Baby of 1971."
Pero supongo que no te diría nada que ya sabes, porque eres el "Bebé Más Perceptivo de 1971".
You're the one who eviscerated a grown man because you couldn't handle losing a kids game.
tu eres quien destripó a un hombre adulto por no poder soportar perder en un juego para niños.
Are you angry because I signed us up?
¿ Estás enojado porque nos registré?
Because the group is a sham.
Porque el grupo es una farsa.
I mean, it's possible Fred Kirby did what he did because he believed the U.S. government once caused a nuclear reactor to melt down.
Es posible que Fred Kirby lo hiciera porque creía que el Gobierno de EE. UU. causó que un reactor nuclear se fusionara.
Mr. Drexel, we didn't bring the police with us because we don't care about your minor league embezzlement.
Sr. Drexel, no trajimos a la policía con nosotros porque no nos importa su fraude de poca monta. No lo hicimos.
Because I hope to find evidence of embezzlement or fraud.
Porque espero encontrar evidencia de malversación o fraude.
Because I want people to be able to find detectives who've earned the right to be called detectives.
Porque quiero que la gente pueda encontrar detectives que se ganaron el derecho a ser llamados así.
Because then I won't be able to pull it apart, piece by piece, from the inside.
Porque entonces no podré destruirlos, parte a parte, desde adentro.
Now, I could not find a link between that name and the Bennett Courthouse shooting, but that's because Gibson's name is made-up. See?
No podía encontrar una relación entre ese nombre y el tiroteo del juzgado Bennett, pero eso es porque el nombre de Gibson es inventado. ¿ Lo ves?
We thought it was him because he was tall.
Pensamos que era él porque era alto.
And you think it's because the killer took it with him after he used it to bash two skulls in?
¿ Y crees que es porque el asesino se lo llevó con él después que lo usó para destrozar dos cráneos?
Because it is one of the most distant blood spatters I've ever encountered.
Porque es una de las salpicaduras de sangre más distante que haya encontrado.
That's because you were at Carter's apartment.
Eso es porque estaba en el departamento de Carter.
Maybe because we can't quite figure out why you would do such a thing.
Quizá porque no podemos descifrar por qué haría una cosa así.
Because this is the show I love, Bob.
Porque esta es la serie que me gusta, Bob.
Yes, it does because I've always wanted to do that.
Sí, porque siempre quise hacer eso.
You're voting "no," because I don't think your husband wants to hear about your affair with Senator Davis.
Vas a votar "no", porque no creo que tu marido quiera saber lo de tu aventura con el senador Davis.
because i'm happy 21
because of you 630
because i love you 339
because you're stupid 16
because it's you 31
because i said so 88
because i can't 94
because if you don't 161
because i don't 101
because i like you 101
because of you 630
because i love you 339
because you're stupid 16
because it's you 31
because i said so 88
because i can't 94
because if you don't 161
because i don't 101
because i like you 101