Before you came Çeviri İspanyolca
1,919 parallel translation
Before you came out screaming. What were you doing?
Antes de empezar a gritar ¿ qué estabais haciendo?
I was all right for years before you came along, wasn't I?
Me las arreglé durante muchos años Antes de que tú nacieras, ¿ no?
She wasn't this emotional before you came in the picture.
Ella no era tan emocional hasta que apareciste.
- Did you study before you came here?
- ¿ Nos investigaste antes de venir?
- She knew you before you came to Hearst.
- ¿ Te conocía antes de venir a Hearst?
Before you came here, did anyone hurt you?
Antes de que vinieras aquí, ¿ alguien te hizo daño?
I'm helping you because I want to tell you that you and your husband got pregnant before you came here.
Te estoy ayudando porque quiero decirte que tu marido y tú concebisteis antes de llegar aquí.
I was talking before you came in for the kiss.
Yo estaba hablando antes de que me besaras.
So where did you live before you came here? Denver.
¿ Entonces en dónde viviste antes de venir aquí?
You're still crippled by the memories of the man you used to be before you came to this island, and you'll never be free until you release the hold that your father has over you.
Aún estás lisiado por los recuerdos del hombre... que solías ser antes de venir a esta isla. Y nunca serás libre, hasta que te libres de la carga que tu padre ejerce sobre ti.
If they told you anything about me before you came here you'd know that to be true.
Si te dijeron algo de mí antes de venir sabes que es verdad.
Before you came that's what I was doing, thinking...
Antes de venir es lo que estaba haciendo, pensando...
Then you scrubbed your hands before you came in.
Entonces se refregó las manos antes de entrar.
Mr. Delancey, you worked at Fallbrook Rubber before you came to DC.
Señor Delancey, usted trabaja en Fallbrook Rubber antes de venir a Washington D.C.
You went to the bodega before you came home first?
¿ Fuiste a la bodega antes de venir a casa?
No, I'm suggesting that you already were angry before you came in the door.
No, sugiero que ya estabas enojada antes de entrar por la puerta.
You know, I was thinking before you came in that... neither one of you is ever absent.
Saben, estaba pensando, antes de que vinieran ninguno de los dos falta nunca.
Well, you should've thought of that before you came in late.
Bueno, deberías haberlo pensado antes de que llegar tarde.
It existed long before you came.
Existía desde mucho antes que llegaras.
Daniel shared some of his findings with me last night, before I went to sleep, and after a rather, well, nasty dream in which I appeared on a television program where it seemed you had to dance with supposedly well known personalities in front of a panel of judges... a shape came to my mind.
Daniel antes de ir a dormir y después de un... bueno un mal sueño en el cual aparecía en un programa de televisión donde parecía que tenías que bailar con personalidades bien conocidas delante de unos jueces una imagen vino a mi mente.
I can't for the life of me figure how you managed before I came along, Texas.
No me puedo imaginar cómo te las arreglabas antes de que llegara, Texas.
You know, it's probably good that you came back when you did, before Ryan and I got any more serious.
Tu sabes, probalbemente es bueno que... hayas vuelto cuando volviste, antes de que Ryan y yo nos volvieramos más serios.
It came into this family before you did.
Estaba en esta familia antes que tú.
What were you and your papa doing before the bad guy came?
¿ Qué estaban haciendo, tú y tu padre, antes de que llegara el tipo malo?
She came to see me a couple of days before you did.
Ella vino a verme unos días antes que lo hicieras tú.
74 other bigkittys came before you?
¿ 74 gatitosgrandes vinieron antes que tú?
Don't you see? We've arrived five years before the first time we came here.
No lo ves, llegamos 5 años antes de la primera vez que venimos.
She said she came clean with you about it just hours before he was killed.
Dijo que se lo había confesado a usted sólo unas horas antes de que fuese asesinado.
Mr. Kravitz... I came to you six weeks before launch,
Sr. Kravitz, vine a verle..... seis semanas antes del lanzamiento.
You know, before I was arrested, a man came to my flat and took my addresses.
Sabes, antes de que yo fuera arrestado un hombre entró a mi apartamento y se llevó mi libreta de direcciones.
Yes, my people came to me with a story, and I wanted to give you the courtesy of a call before running it.
Si, mi gente vino con la historia y quería tener la cortesía de llamarlo antes de publicarla.
Oh, you know, before we opened, I could only think about the displays and the catering, and then the crowd came in, and I got to share what I do with the people I love, and it was... amazing.
Oh, ya sabes, antes de abrir, solo podia pensar sobre las pantallas y el catering, y luego la gente entró, y tengo que compartir lo que hago con la gente a la que quiero, y fue.... asombroso
T1maybe you couldn't, But that was before the new evidence came to light.
Quizá no podían pero eso fue antes de que salieran a la luz nuevas pruebas.
She got pregnant before she even met you, right after she came to america, I thought.
Ella se embarazó antes de conocerte, justo después de venir a EEUU.
But he came in after Dimitri and before you.
Pero vino tras Dimitri antes que tú.
Before the police came, you told me to yank the cord and to lie, so I did.
Antes de que viniera la policía dijiste que arrancara el cordón y mintiera.
But I'd like you to tell me about your life before you came here. Why?
Pero, me gustaría que me hable de su vida, antes de venir aquí.
I will come to you before dawn, just as the flowers came... just as my plait of hair came.
Iré a tu casa antes del amanecer. Igual que como llegaron las flores. Igual que llegó mi cabello.
I mean, I already knew before I came here what you were gonna say about me and Laura and Kate. But I thought to myself, you know, if I can withstand your... corrosive attacks, your particular brand of... - analytical castration - -
Quiero decir, antes de venir, sabía ya qué dirías sobre mí, Laura y Kate, pero pensé que sabes, si puedo soportar tus ataques corrosivos, tu manera particular de castración analítica -
Before you and I were to leave Paris a friend came and told me that Victor was alive.
Justo antes de que tú y yo dejáramos París juntos un amigo vino y me dijo que Victor estaba vivo.
I was thinking about it before you even came back.
Lo pensé antes de que regresaras.
I saw them inputting a lockout protocol just before you guys came in.
Los ví meter un protocolo de bloqueo antes de que ustedes llegaran.
I came here with you before.
Ya te acompañé una vez antes.
Two months before my father passed away, he said to me, "You know, the stroke came at the right time in my life."
Dos meses antes de que mi padre falleció, él me dijo : "Usted sabe, llegó la carrera en el momento adecuado en mi vida".
I came here before you, so I'll tell her first.
He venido aquí antes, así que se lo diré primero.
When we came in before, down there, your sister, with that stick, she protected you.
Cuando entramos antes, allí abajo, Tu hermana, con ese palo, te protegía.
You came here that night before we exhumed your wife's body, and switched headstones.
Usted vino aquí la noche anterior a que Exhumamos el cuerpo de su esposa. Y usted cambió lápidas.
Before he came along, you and me were as close as close can be.
Antes de que apareciese, éramos tan buenos amigos como los mejores.
Other Dave, the way you came, does it look the same as before?
-... entonces cuando nosotros- - - Otro Dave... ¿ El camino por donde vinieron se ve igual que antes?
You came and dishonoured my brother's body before he was cold!
Vinieron a deshonrar el cadáver de mi hermano que todavía estaba caliente.
I'm glad to see you're learning from those who came before you.
Me alegra que estés aprendiendo de los que vinieron antes que tú.
before you came here 17
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before your time 20
before you start 24
before you were born 34
before you 99
before you do 63
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before your time 20
before you start 24
before you were born 34
before you 99
before you do 63