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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ C ] / Courtney

Courtney Çeviri İspanyolca

2,563 parallel translation
You and Courtney entertain yourselves.
Tú y Courtney diviértanse.
Oh, gods, Courtney.
Por Dios, Courtney.
Courtney, she is a woman, and we are a man.
Courtney, es una mujer, y nosotros somos hombres.
Courtney, fucking do something.
Courtney, haz algo.
Courtney, my good man.
Courtney, mi fiel servidor.
But, how, Courtney?
Pero, ¿ cómo, Courtney?
Courtney did.
Fue Courtney.
I don't know, Courtney.
No lo sé, Courtney.
¡ Courtney!
The winch, Courtney.
El cabestrante, Courtney.
Courtney, you're still alive!
Courtney, ¡ sigues vivo!
Courtney had him restored.
Courtney hizo que lo repararan.
Oh, hey. What's up, Courtney?
¿ Qué tal, Courtney?
It's Courtney's birthday.
Es el cumpleaños de Courtney.
It's Courtney.
Es Courtney.
Oh, Courtney...
Courtney, wait.
Courtney, espera.
Sticking Courtney, huh, dude?
¿ Poniéndosela a Courtney, amigo?
Fuck you, Courtney!
¡ Jódete, Courtney!
It sounds like Lloyd is feeling angry because Courtney took advantage of his credit card.
Parece que Lloyd está molesto porque Courtney se aprovechó de su tarjeta de crédito.
- Okay. Courtney raped your credit card.
Está bien, Courtney violó tu tarjeta de crédito.
And Courtney is still angry because you slept with another woman.
Y Courtney todavía está molesta porque te acostaste con otra mujer.
- Obviously Courtney still has some unresolved issues about the affair.
Es obvio que Courtney aún tiene problemas con esa aventura.
I dug really deep, and I realized the main reason I was attracted to Courtney was because her family was rich.
Lo pensé mucho y me di cuenta que lo que realmente me atrajo de Courtney era que su familia era rica.
- Perhaps you were looking to Courtney to provide emotional security.
Quizás esperabas que Courtney te brindara seguridad emocional.
- Courtney Frank?
- ¿ Courtney Frank?
Or Courteney Cox?
¿ Courtney Cox?
My name is Lee James Miller son of Courtney and Michael Miller.
Mi nombre es Lee James Miller. Hijo de Courtney y Michael Miller.
- Courtney.
- ¡ Courtney!
Thanks, Courtney.
Gracias, Courtney.
the'80s classic, Supreme Courtney. ... according to the principle sublato fundamento, cadit opus, we need to look at Hargrove v. the State of New York, in which the court firmly adhered to the...
Los clasicos de los 80 Supremo Courtney... de acuerdo con el principio sublato fundamento, cadit opus, necesitamos mirar Hargrove vs el estado de Nueva York en el tribunal firmemente adherido a..
Take that, Courtney Thorne-Smith.
Toma esa, Courtney Thorne-Smith.
Here. Why don't you go with Courtney?
Aquí. ¿ Porque no vas con Courtney?
Well, before I can react, this girl takes me by the hand, and she stands me behind this patio where Courtney Cox and the actors are doing their scene.
Antes de que pudiera reaccionar, una chica me tomó de la mano, y me colocó al fondo de ese patio donde Courtney Cox y los actores están rodando su escena.
Courtney had nailed it.
Courtney lo había hecho bien.
Well, being a widow ain't as glamorous as Courtney Love makes it look. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Bueno, ser una viuda no es tan glamouroso como Courtney Love aparenta.
And do you have any other children?
- ¿ Tienen más hijos? - Sí, Courtney.
There's Courtney.
Ella tiene 9 años.
He tried to convince Courtney that the hamster ran away which of course, she was not buying.
Entonces trató de convencer a Courtney de que el hámster había escapado. Pero, claro, ella no se lo creyó.
Joe squirted toothpaste on Courtney's head!
¡ Joe tiró pasta dental en la cabeza de Courtney!
¿ Courtney?
Um, Courtney here will be your big sib till you get your sponsor.
Um, aquí Courtney será tu gran hermana Hasta que consigas tu patrocinador.
It's nice meeting you, Courtney.
Un placer conocerte, Courtney.
- Courtney.
Courtney, don't do that.
Courtney, no hagas esto.
- Courtney, don't do that.
Courtney no hagas esto.
Courtney, there's no need for this.
Courtney, no hay necesidad de esto.
- Courtney, listen to me.
Courtney, escúchame.
- Where's Courtney?
¿ Dónde está Courtney?
Courtney, take my dick.
- Courtney, toma mi pene.

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