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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Did you find anything

Did you find anything Çeviri İspanyolca

1,136 parallel translation
Did you find anything?
¿ Encontró algo? ¿ Dónde está mi paciente?
Did you find anything interesting?
¿ Ha encontrado algo interesante?
Is it interesting? What? Did you find anything interesting?
¿ Es interesante? ¿ Encontraste algo interesante?
- Hey, did you find anything out?
- ¿ Averiguaste algo?
Did you find anything, Ironrubber?
Encontraste algo, Ironrubber?
Did you find anything out? Yeah.
- ¿ Averiguaste algo?
Did you find anything useful?
¿ Encontraste algo útil?
Did you find anything?
¿ Encontraste algo?
Yes. Did you find anything inside?
- Sí. ¿ Han encontrado algo dentro?
Yeah, Okay, Charlie. Did you find anything out?
¿ Descubriste algo?
- Did you find anything?
¿ Encontraron algo?
Did you find anything?
¿ Encontraron algo?
20 years ago, the county was still using typewriters.Did you find anything?
Hace 20 años, el país aún estaba usando máquinas de escribir. ¿ Has encontrado algo?
So did you find anything?
Encontraste algo?
- ¿ Has encontrado algo?
Did you find anything?
- ¿ Has encontrado algo?
Did you find anything today, angel heart?
¿ Encontraste algo hoy, ángel de mi corazón?
Oi, did you find anything interesting when you were crawling up around Bexys anal passage?
Oi, ¿ has encontrado algo interesante cuando te arrastrabas por el pasaje anal de Bexy?
- Did you find anything at Dana's?
- ¿ Encontraste algo en casa de Dana?
Did you find anything?
¿ Encontró algo?
Did you find anything else out about him?
¿ Averiguaste algo más de él?
Inspector Japp, when, in the course of your investigations, you searched the bedroom of the accused at Styles Court, did you find anything?
Inspector Japp, en el transcurso de su investigación, usted registró el dormitorio del acusado en Styles Court. - ¿ Encontró algo?
- Did you find anything on him?
¿ No lleva nada encima? Todavía no he mirado.
Did you find anything that might suggest why you're apparently the only one among us unaffected by this... this phenomenon?
¿ Has podido encontrar la razón de que tú seas la única no afectada por... este fenómeno?
Did you find anything in the pockets? No, sir.
Llevaba algo en los bolsillos?
Well, kids, did you find anything?
¿ Bueno, niños, encontraron algo?
- Did you find anything?
¿ Encontraste algo?
Did you find anything else?
Descubrió algo más?
Oh, fine. Did you find anything at the flea market?
Bien. ¿ Encontraron algo en el mercado de pulgas?
So, what about our guardian of the dictionary, did you find anything better?
¿ Y qué dice nuestro guardián del diccionario? ¿ Has encontrado algo mejor?
- Did you find anything?
- ¿ Qué hay en el coche?
Hi Carrie, did you find anything out?
Hola Carrie, ¿ encontraste algo?
- Did you find anything troubling?
- ¿ Encontró algún problema?
- Did you find anything?
- ¿ Han hallado algo?
Did you find out anything about Sam Marshall?
¿ Qué supiste de Sam Marshall?
Did you find out anything in Washington?
¿ Has averiguado algo en Washington?
Did you manage to find out anything about the race?
¿ Has averiguado algo sobre la carrera?
Well, I guess you didn't find anything at town records aboutJoshua Peabody, did ya?
Supongo que no has encontrado nada en los archivos de la ciudad...
Did you find anything in her wallet?
- ¿ Hay algo en su billetera?
Did you find out anything from Lieutenant Varick?
¿ Se sabe algo del teniente Varick?
Did you find out anything?
- ¿ Encontró algo?
Well, look, did you find out anything about our girls, because if you didn't...
¿ Supo algo de las chicas? Porque sino...
Did you find out anything about that imposter?
Algo Descubierto sobre el impostor?
Did you find out anything?
Seguramente pueda darnos una razón.
Did you find out anything, mom?
¿ Tu averiguaste algo ma?
Did you happen to find anything unusual in it?
Parque Griffith- - Cariño, es un parque muy peligroso a estas horas.
Excuse me, Lieutenant? Did you find out anything?
Disculpe, teniente, ¿ han averiguado alguna cosa?
Did you find out anything?
¿ Averiguó algo?
So, did you find out anything else?
¿ Y averiguaste algo más?
- Did you find out anything about Miranda?
- ¿ Averiguaste algo sobre Miranda? - No.
Harglow sent me with you to make it look good... only we weren't supposed to find anything, but we did.
Harglow me envió contigo para que pareciera verdadero... salvo que no debíamos encontrar nada y lo hicimos.

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