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Difficult to say Çeviri İspanyolca

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It is difficult to say how the weakened young Hutter was able to overcome all the obstacles of the trip home. Meanwhile, the deadly breath of Nosferatu filled the sails ofthe ship so that it flew toward its goal with supernatural speed.
Es difícil saber cómo el joven Hutter, con sus pocas fuerzas, logró superar las dificultades de su vuelta a casa, mientras que, henchidas las velas del barco por el aliento mortal de Nosferatu, volaba con rapidez fantasmal hacia su destino.
It is very difficult to say good-bye to you, Lilli. "
Es muy difícil decirle adiós a Usted, Lilli. "
I don't know, Regnier, it's difficult to say.
No lo sé, es difícil de decir.
It's difficult to say.
Es difícil de explicar.
Well, it's difficult to say just now.
Bueno, es difícil decirlo ahora.
- That's difficult to say.
- Eso es difícil de decir.
It's difficult to say.
Es difícil decirlo.
A month, perhaps. It's difficult to say.
- Oh un mes quizás, no puedo decirle más.
Is it so difficult to say?
¿ Qué es tan difícil de contar?
Well, that's difficult to say.
No es fácil saberlo.
Once you say 2500, it's not difficult to say 5000.
Quien dice 2.500, puede decir fácilmente 5.000.
Anyway, it's difficult to say.
- Tampoco, eso es imposible saberlo.
That's difficult to say.
Eso es muy difícil de decir.
Difficult to say.
Pero es muy listo.
Well, that's difficult to say.
Es muy difícil de decir.
This is difficult to say, the public opinion seems to be that she's to get off, guilty or not because the District Attorney is such a close friend to the family
Es difícil decirlo ; la opinión pública parece creer que se va a librar, sea culpable o no porque el fiscal del distrito es amigo de la familia.
Thanks. I'm afraid I have something rather difficult to say to you.
Me temo que debo decirle algo bastante desalentador.
Well, that's difficult to say.
Bueno, es difícil de decir.
Well, that's difficult to say, you see they're pretty big and... why are you looking at me like that?
Es difícil de decir, son bastante grandes y... ¿ Por qué me miras así?
It's difficult to say goodbye.
Es difícil decirles adiós.
Sometimes Mr. Esmond finds it very difficult to say no to me.
Al Sr. Esmond suele resultarle muy difícil decirme que no.
Difficult to say.
Es difícil de decir.
It is difficult to say.
Es difícil de decir.
- It's so difficult to say.
Es difícil decirlo
Your name's difficult to say so we'll call you "Oharu" instead, yes?
Su nombre es difícil de pronunciar. La llamaremos "Oharu", ¿ de acuerdo?
I never would have thought that it would be so difficult to say good-bye.
Yo nunca hubiera pensado que sería tan difícil decir adiós.
It's difficult to say.
Es difícil decidirlo.
This is quite difficult to say.
Me resulta difícil de explicar.
I'm going to find it pretty difficult to say what I want to say in a few words.
Me será muy difícil decir lo que tengo que decir, en pocas palabras.
But important things are difficult to say
Pero es difícil decir cosas importantes.
Difficult to say...
Es dificil de decir...
Before we start, I do want to say... of course, I've been through a very difficult phase, and... my moods have been very hard to predict, I know, and often they've become quite extreme.
Antes de empezar, quiero decir... por supuesto, he pasado por una fase muy difícil, y... mis estados de ánimo han sido muy difíciles de predecir, lo sé, y a menudo se han vuelto muy extremos.
Funny you'd say that because I always find it so difficult to talk to people. - Do you?
Suelo decir eso porque siempre me resulta muy difícil hablar con la gente.
It is said it is rich and others Say even more that it is very difficult nearby to find such a family
No hago este trabajo para ganar dinero.
Eh Because I will not say good-bye to him this thing is difficult to pass
No lloro por separarme de mi bebé.
Something difficult and honest had to be said You just like you to say
Si algo difícil y honesto había que decir... tú lo acabas de hacer.
Well, it's a little difficult to believe, but, of course, if you say so...
Es difícil de creer, pero si usted lo dice...
It shouldn't be difficult to move a glass around and say it's Mary Meredith.
No será tan difícil mover una copa de vino y decir "soy Mary Maredith".
It's difficult to think of what to say after seven years... but I suppose that "good evening" is as good as anything else.
Es difícil pensar qué decir al cabo de siete años... pero supongo que buenas noches es tan válido como cualquier otra cosa.
That's a pretty difficult thing to say these days.
Es muy difícil encontrar en días como estos.
Mary, this is a very difficult thing to say.
Mary. Esto es muy difícil de decir.
The Chinese say, " lt is difficult for love to last long.
Los chinos dicen : "Es muy difícil que el amor dure".
And I say "difficult" because you must imagine how difficult it is to serve people on a another level, other procedures, another mentality.
Y digo "pesado" porque usted puede imaginar cuánto me costará servir a personas de otro nivel, otros procesos, otra mentalidad.
Well... it's difficult... to say exactly.
Bueno... resulta difícil decirlo exactamente.
In dealing with the, ah, borderline patients, that is to say the people who find it difficult to cope with the normal strains of living, and in whom the, ah, the danger of a psychotic break is always present...
En cuanto a los pacientes más graves,.. ... aquellos que encuentran difícil adaptarse a una vida normal, y en los que siempre hay riesgo de un brote psicótico...
It's very difficult to know what to say to a man who's saved your life.
Es difícil saber qué decirle a quien te ha salvado la vida.
What I'm trying to say is, isn't it going to be awfully difficult for you to get used to taking orders from me?
Lo que le pregunto es si no le será difícil acostumbrarse a recibir órdenes mías.
Difficult to say.
- Es dificil decir.
Some people find it difficult to know what to say.
A cierta gente se le hace difícil saber qué decir.
Now, what I have to say now... is very difficult for me.
Lo que debo decirles ahora...
What I have to say is difficult to express.
Lo que tengo que decirte es difícil de expresar.

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