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Don't mind Çeviri İspanyolca

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You don't mind if I ask you what this is all about, do you?
¿ No te importa si te pregunto de qué va todo esto, no?
And if you don't mind I'm late for an appointment.
Y si no te importa me hace tarde para una cita.
If you don't mind me saying so, there's lots of lawyers out there with much stronger litigation experience.
Si no te importa que lo diga, hay un montón de abogados por ahí con experiencia en litigios mucho más fuerte.
But I don't mind.
Pero no me importa.
If you don't mind me asking, what do you do?
Si no te importa que pregunte, ¿ qué haces?
So, Gerry, if you don't mind my asking, how did you end up in the movement?
Gerry, si no te importa que pregunte, ¿ cómo terminaste en el movimiento?
I mean, if you don't mind me asking.
Si no te molesta que pregunte.
I hope you don't mind losing.
Espero que no te importe perder.
Mr. Creel, I'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind.
Sr. Creel... me gustaría hacerle unas pocas preguntas, si no le importa.
Don't just use your mind.
No utilices tu mente.
I hope you don't mind my saying, but you've got great skin.
Espero que no te importe que lo diga, pero tienes una piel genial.
" Don't mind me.
" No se preocupe por mí.
Gentlemen, your invitations, if you don't mind.
Caballeros. Sus invitaciones, si no les molesta.
But don't mind me, I'm just the owner.
Pero no me presten atención, sólo soy el dueño.
I don't know what's going to happen, but, you know, at least I... I'm just hoping to have something to keep my mind off of all of the. "
No sé qué va a pasar, pero, tú sabes, al menos esperaba poder mantener la cabeza ocupada para no pensar en...
That's because I'm an unsupervised teen and while I'm at it, I don't mind taking care of Vicky and doing all the housework and the cooking.
Porque soy una adolescente no supervisada, y ya que estamos, no me importa cuidar a Vicky, hacer los quehaceres y cocinar.
Knocked me for six, I don't mind telling you.
Me dejó hecho polvo, no me importa decirlo.
So, you don't mind my taking a look?
Entonces, ¿ no le importa si echo un vistazo?
Don't mind the er...
- No le importa el...
You don't mind if I watch as you interview them?
¿ Te importa si miro mientras los interrogas?
Don't mind if I do.
No voy a hacerle ascos.
It's Captain Hunter, if you don't mind.
Es "Capitán Hunter", si no te importa.
- They don't mind.
- A ellos no les importa.
They don't mind, do you?
No les importa, ¿ verdad?
Why don't you mind your own affairs, sir? Come on.
¿ Por qué no te metes en tus asuntos?
And, um, if you don't mind, say a few prayers of thanks to whatever god opened up your heart.
Y, si no te importa, di algunas plegarias de gratitud a cualquier dios que haya abierto tu corazón.
You don't mind?
¿ No te importa?
I appreciate you sharing your thoughts, but if you don't mind, I have recommendations to write.
Aprecio que compartas tus pensamientos, pero si no te importa, tengo recomendaciones que escribir.
And I'm gonna lose my mind if I don't get out of this supernatural cage.
Y yo voy a perder mi mente Si no puedo salir de esta jaula sobrenatural.
Camille. I hope you don't mind. I helped myself to the Mikaelson family blood stash.
Estoy aliviado.
For what you've done, you need to be shunned. Oh... I hope you don't mind.
Por lo que has hecho, eres rechazada.
If you don't mind my asking,
Si no te importa mi pregunta,
Well, I hope you don't mind but I offered him the guest room.
Espero que no te importara pero le ofrecí quedarse en el cuarto de invitados.
I haven't even made up my mind yet about grad school, I don't...
Ni siquiera me he decidido aún sobre el posgrado, no...
I don't mind.
No importa.
You don't mind if Aria walks me home, do you?
No te importa si Aria me acompaña, ¿ verdad?
Just try to bear in mind that you're being bound in matrimony to a man you don't love while the man that you do love has gone inexplicably AWOL.
Simplemente trate de tener en mente que usted está siendo obligada a casarse con un hombre que no ama, mientras el hombre que ama... -... ha desaparecido inexplicablemente.
If you don't mind, ladies.
Si me disculpan, señoras.
Hope you don't mind.
Espero que no te importe.
- Ooh. Don't mind if I do.
- Si no te importa.
I brought my posse. Hope you don't mind.
He traído a mi banda, espero que no les importe.
Don't let it control your mind.
No dejes que te controle la mente.
If this is the end of the world, I don't mind going out like this.
Si este es el fin del mundo no me importa irme de esta manera.
You don't need another man clouding your mind.
No necesitas otro hombre para nublar tu mente.
You don't need another man clouding your mind.
No necesitas a otro hombre nublando tu mente.
I just don't think Chris is gonna change his mind.
Simplemente no creo que Chris vaya a cambiar de parecer.
But don't mind, you're a bit older as well.
Pero no te molestes, debes hacer algo más.
Don't mind him.
No le hagan caso.
Listen, I hope you don't mind me saying this... but you look way better in person.
Espero que no te importe que diga esto... pero te ves mucho mejor en persona.
No, I don't mind a bit if you tell me what's going on.
No, no me importa nada si me dices qué es.
That cabbage smelt absolutely delicious, if you don't mind my saying so.
Esa col olía absolutamente deliciosa, Si no le importa que lo diga.

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