Minded people Çeviri İspanyolca
198 parallel translation
They are fair-minded people. "
Están siempre bien-dispuestas.
And even if you're honest about that, you're not safe from a lot of evil-minded people.
E incluso si eres honesta, no estás a salvo de la gente malvada.
It does seem terrible to sacrifice Buddy's future just because of foul-minded people.
Parece terrible sacrificar el futuro de Buddy sólo por la gente malévola.
They're terribly broad-minded people, Tibor.
Tienen una mentalidad terriblemente abierta, Tibor.
I like absent-minded people.
Me gusta la gente despistada.
Oh, you've been listening to some narrow-minded people.
Ya veo que haces caso a los puritanos.
- you small minded people do you believe me now?
- ustedes cortos de mentes
During my years of study, amongst like-minded people, I took an oath to not partake in any armed war.
Durante mis años de estudio, con otras personas de ideas afines, hice el juramento de no participar en ninguna guerra armada.
I don't deny that there's certain types of hysterical feeble-minded people.
No niego que hay ciertos tipos de histeria, en las mentes débiles.
Who allowed you to roam the world, confusing with your fantasies simple - minded people and making the judicious ones laugh?
¿ Quién os ha permitido vagar por el mundo confundiendo perniciosamente a incautos y dando que reír a los discretos?
- For simple-minded people.
- Para gente de mente sencilla.
I look at this fiery swastika and cannot but wonder how could it happen that in Germany, a country with great cultural traditions, a mass of semi-literate, self-complacent and narrow-minded people that made every effort to turn human beings into raging barbarians had come to power.
Mirando esta svástica de fuego,... no puedo desprenderme de la idea de que en Alemania,... país de gran cultura,... llagara al poder gente semi - analfabeta, presuntuosa y obtusa,... que haría todo para convertir al hombre en un bruto embelesado.
You shouldn't trust your car to absent-minded people.
No debería confiar su coche a personas distraídas, señora.
"Don't trust your suitcase to absent-minded people."
"No confié su maleta a distraídos."
Lisa, absent-minded people are daydreamers.
Lisa, los distraídos son soñadores.
These comrades want a larger movement that will embrace all politically-minded people who can subscribe to a wider dogma.
Estos camaradas quieren un movimiento más grande que abarque a todos los hombres políticos que acepten una doctrina más amplia.
Naturally, four less money-minded people would be hard to find.
Sería difícil encontrar cuatro personas que no estén interesadas en el dinero.
That's what narrow-minded people have said for years.
Gente de mente cerrada lleva diciendo eso durante años.
People like the luxury of discussing this thing with fellow-minded people and make judgments like that and criticise it constructively.
A la gente le gusta los lujos de discutir estas cosas con gente de ese estilo... y dar opiniones de ese estilo... y criticar la serie constructivamente.
It was donated by some very civic-minded people.
Pues lo mandan unas personas muy caritativas.
I come to democratic America... some small-minded people called me a German fascist and a Zionist conspirator.
Vine a la América democrática, y algunas personas de mente corta, me llamaron fascista alemán, conspirador sionista.
If elected, I plan to represent all of Baltimore... and today I'd like to introduce a brand-new dance... and dedicate it to some of my special friends... who, because of small-minded people... can't be here with me today.
Si soy elegida, planeo ser la representante de todo Baltimore... y hoy me gustaria presentar un nuevo baile... y dedicarselo a algunos de mis amigos especiales... los cuales, debido a gente de mente estrecha no pueden estar aqui conmigo hoy
I have to say, I think you're one of the most repellent and flatulent-minded people I've ever met.
Tengo que decir, que creo que eres una de las personas más repelentes y de mente flatulenta que he conocido.
It was a public execution, and it was covered up by like-minded people in the Dallas Police the Secret Service, the fbi, and the White House up to and including J. Edgar Hoover, and Lyndon Johnson who were accomplices after the fact.
Fue un fusilamiento público y fue encubierto por gente de la policía de Dallas,... el Servicio Secreto, el F.B.I. y la Casa Blanca. Incluyendo a J. Edgar Hoover y Lyndon Johnson quienes fueron cómplices del encubrimiento.
Here's to open-minded people... in L.A... my kind of town.
Por la gente de mente abierta... en Los Angeles... mi tipo de ciudad.
I think, probably, that... you get a few narrow-minded people, it wouldn't matter who slept together, they'd have to think the worst of'em.
Creo que probablemente... existe gente de mente muy estrecha... que no importa quiénes durmieran juntos, tendrían que pensar lo peor de ellos.
ASTROPHYSlClST : We want tough-minded people.
Queremos gente decidida.
And there's a lot more people just as good as the Middleton's who are a little bit more broad-minded.
Y hay gente mucho mejor que los Middletons por ahí.
Then our glorious and laudable Army... the old, proud, standard bearers of our people... who are equally tradition minded... will champion the Political Leadership and the Party.
Entonces nuestro glorioso y admirable ejército veterano, orgulloso, portador del estandarte de nuestro pueblo que esta igualmente dispuesto a la tradición defenderá el Liderazgo Político y al Partido.
Country people are so decent-minded.
La gente de la ciudad tiene un espíritu muy decente.
I came suddenly upon a people-minded villager, and he held up his finger so.
Me encontré con un aldeano simplón, y me señaló.
They're apt to be slightly narrow-minded, these righteous people.
Suelen ser muy rígidas estas personas honradas.
People aren't as evil-minded as they used to be when you were a soldier, Papa.
La gente no es tan mal pensada como cuando tú eras soldado, papá.
Nice little old ladies, the simple-minded, little babies, all of the reliable people, in fact, will tell you so.
Las ancianas, los ingenuos, los niños, todas las personas serias, de hecho, se lo dirán.
Well, then. Now, please don't think I intend anything personal by this. The people here are set in their ways and rather narrow-minded.
Espero que comprenda que no quiero causarle una impresión errónea pero aquí la gente es muy conservadora y poco sofisticada.
Some people just ain't air-minded.
Alguna personas no tienen la mente despejada.
As an immigrant and an alien... I can't claim to know Mr. Lincoln as well as you people... but I don't believe that he minded a bit... that those two spent their poor little two-hour honeymoon in his parlor.
Como inmigrante y extranjero... no conozco al Sr. Lincoln tanto como Uds... pero no creo que le importe... que ésos dos pasen su pobre luna de miel de 2 horas en su salón.
You city people are much more open-minded.
Ustedes los de ciudad tienen menos prejuicios.
He was so fair-minded, people say he supplied the enemy also,
Era tan neutral que la gente dice que también abastecía al enemigo.
I am a very strong-minded woman. I don't like people getting in my way. I want to be obeyed.
soy muy autoritaria... que me obedezcan.
My wife is broad-minded, but other people might not understand.
Mi esposa es comprensiva, pero puede que otros no lo entiendan.
Now, being rather absent-minded, I saw there were some people following these German troops, and assumed it was the English.
Ahora, siendo algo distraído, vi a algunas personas siguiendo a esas tropas alemanas, y asumí que eran los ingleses.
We're a much more technically minded and modern army, and we need the right people to operate the equipment.
Pero, técnicamente, estamos mejor dotados... y necesitamos la gente adecuada para manejarlo todo.
People are right-hand minded.
La gente tiende a ir hacia la derecha.
But, you people really are the most narrow-minded, self-centered, quarrelsome group I have ever encountered.
Pero Uds. son la gente más intolerante, egocéntrica y el grupo pendenciero más grande que haya visto.
And though the forester's wife took up the space of three people She was so jolly and so happy to share her basket of cakes and pies with everyone, except for lightning who was still fast asleep, that nobody minded.
Aunque la esposa del Guardabosques ocupaba el espacio de tres personas, compartió la cesta de pasteles con todos con tanta alegría y felicidad, excepto por Relámpago, que aún dormía profundamente, que a nadie le importó.
I really think that most people thought that they minded their own business.
Realmente creo que la mayoría de la gente pensaba... que ellos se ocupaban de sus propias cosas.
Well, by now you'd think people would be a little more open-minded.
A estas alturas, la gente debería ser más abierta.
Can any one imagine such innocent looking people, could be so low-minded and treacherous?
Pueda que cualquiera imagina una inocente que mira a las personas, ¿ podría ser tan vulgar y traicionero?
A few people can be narrow-minded and not always accept
Algunas personas pueden ser un poco cortas de mente y no siempre aceptan
There are people out there who will buy your beers based upon two guys who are not only two... to read a map. but simple-minded enough to drive through an exploding billboard?
Hay gente que consumirá su cerveza por dos muchachos que no sólo no saben leer un mapa sino que son tan tontos que chocan contra un cartel que explota.
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
people change 205
people like you 105
people can change 59
people are talking 31
people are scared 36
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
people change 205
people like you 105
people can change 59
people are talking 31
people are scared 36
people talk 81
people make mistakes 71
people are watching 31
people get hurt 32
people are dying 81
people were killed 27
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people lie 29
people make mistakes 71
people are watching 31
people get hurt 32
people are dying 81
people were killed 27
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people lie 29