Even as we speak Çeviri İspanyolca
186 parallel translation
He's stealing Austin Powers mojo even as we speak.
Le está robando el mojo en este instante.
I do understand you mistrust us... but even as we speak, many people are losing their lives to godzilla.
Entendemos vuestra desconfianza. Pero Godzilla destruirá nuestro país si no le detenemos.
And they say that now in Paris, France, even as we speak Louis Pasteur has devised a new vaccine that will obliterate anthrax once and for all.
Dicen que ahora mismo en París, Francia, Louis Pasteur ha inventado una nueva vacuna... que acabará con el ántrax definitivamente.
Even as we speak, Watson. Even as we speak.
- Pescadero Truchas y Anzuelos " En este preciso momento, Watson.
Extraordinary measures are being taken even as we speak, Sire Geller.
Se están tomando medidas extraordinarias en este mismo momento, Sir Geller.
Even as we speak, innocent, beautiful cars, are being stolen and customized against their will.
Mientras estamos aquí hablando, autos hermosos e inocentes... son robados y modificados en contra de su voluntad.
Transportation is being arranged even as we speak.
Organiza el transporte en este momento.
I mean, he could be off gallivanting around the Mediterranean, even as we speak.
Quiero decir, él podría estar fuera correteando alrededor del Mediterráneo, incluso mientras hablamos.
... which, even as we speak, darkens our domain under a mouldy tarp.
... que, mientras hablamos, ensombrece la entrada bajo una lona enmohecida.
Your sheriff's probably out rounding up witnesses even as we speak.
El Sheriff ya debe estar buscando testigos.
Who knows what dastardly scheme that villain may be plotting, even as we speak?
Quién sabe qué ruin plan puede estar urdiendo mientras nosotros hablamos.
Even as we speak, your parents are racing here to join you in your moment of Titan triumph. My parents?
Mientras hablamos, tus padres se dirigen para acá, para unirse en tu Titanesco triunfo.
Even as we speak it's in the works, gentlemen.
Incluso mientras hablamos, ella está trabajando caballeros.
This is John Jenkins, broadcasting from London... and the bombs are falling even as we speak.
Habla John Jenkins transmitiendo desde Londres- - Ylas bombas estallan mientras estamos hablando.
Those rebels are probably down there cleaning blackboards even as we speak.
Esos rebeldes son probablemente allí pizarras limpieza mientras hablamos!
Cmdr La Forge is attempting repairs even as we speak.
El Cdte La Forge está intentando reparar la avería.
My ex-girlfriend, Jessica, is in New York... moving out of my apartment even as we speak.
Mi ex-novia, Jessica, está en New York... Mudándose de mi apartamento en este mismo instante.
Oh, yeah, yeah, even as we speak.
Sí, sí, sí. Ahora mismo.
And even as we speak, he's using it as his end sketch in Monaco TV's Omar Sharif Comedy Hour.
Y mientras hablamos, él lo está usando como sketch final en La hora cómica de Omar Sharif en la Televisión de Mónaco
I'm getting rid of Rachel with the horseback riding, even as we speak.
Me estoy deshaciendo de Rachel con lo del caballo en este instante.
Somebody's pointing a gun at my head even as we speak.
Alguien me apunta con un arma en la cabeza mientras hablamos.
Anyway, it's happening even as we speak.
En fin, está sucediendo mientras hablamos.
Even as we speak, the Devil's whisper is... diabolical whenever he's in your ears.
En este mismo momento, el Diablo es... diabólico, cuando está en sus oidos.
Even as we speak... millions of children are staring at the TV... instead of getting some much-needed exercise.
Incluso mientras hablamos millones de niños están viendo la TV en lugar de hacer el tan necesario ejercicio.
He's probably asleep even as we speak.
Probablemente esté durmiendo mientras nosotros hablamos.
- Even as we speak, two ickies.
- Mientras hablamos, dos repelentes.
Where the grieving widow is entertaining 200 of his closest mourners... even as we speak.
Donde la viuda acongojada invitó a 200 de sus deudos más queridos a pasar el día de hoy.
I'm suffering from a benign parasitic infection, and even as we speak, it is being eviscerated by antibiotics, okay?
Tengo una infección parasitaria benigna que está siendo atacada por antibióticos.
Even as we speak.
Aun mientras hablamos.
Let me assure you, Mr. President that my best men are on the job even as we speak.
Le aseguro Sr. Presidente, que mis mejores hombres están sobre el asunto mientras hablamos.
The so-called Imperialist American Underground is being crushed even as we speak.
Los llamado Imperialista Resistencia Americana está siendo aplastada mientras hablamos.
My battalion..., 500 warriors'strong..., -... is marching here even as we speak!
Mi batallón de quinientos guerreros marcha hacia acá en este instante.
A wayward child, wilful and headstrong, Who, even as we speak, is wondering the streets of London unlove and uncare for.
Una niña díscola, terca y obstinada, que, mientras hablamos, recorre las calles de Londres sola y desprotegida.
Even as we speak, action is taking place to recover your object.
Incluso mientras hablamos... se están tomando medidas para recuperar el objeto.
Even as we speak, warp plasma is leaking from it.
Hay un escape de plasma.
There are people coming for you even as we speak.
Ellos van a buscarlo ahora mismo.
And he has set sail home to claim it. He is due to land in England even as we speak. So old Harmon wasn't such an unnatural monster after all.
- En El Cabo, donde descubrí el otro día que estaba viviendo, y que ha estado fuera durante catorce años.
My men have you in their sights even as we speak.
Mis soldados te tienen en sus miras mientras hablamos.
- Even as we speak.
- Mientras hablamos.
Even as we speak, three cargo planes are being loaded with food and medical supplies.
Incluso mientras hablamos. Tres aviones están siendo cargados con comida y medicamentos.
He's stealing Austin Powers'mojo even as we speak.
Le está robando el mojo en este instante.
We've got his fingerprints on a wine glass and a pack of "ribbed ultra-thins," as I recall. So, would somebody please tell me why he is not in interrogation, even as we speak, being sweated by two of my best detectives?
Encontramos sus huellas en una copa de vino y en un paquete de condones si mal no recuerdo. ¿ Quieren decirme por qué no está siendo interrogado en este momento por mis mejores agentes?
Even as we speak, he's preparing to destroy Chaotica's death ray, but he needs your help.
Ahora mismo se está preparando para destruir el rayo mortal de Chaotica y necesita de su ayuda.
My men have you in their sights even as we speak.
Mis hombres te tienen apuntado mientras hablamos.
My men haveyou in their sights even as we speak.
Mis soldados te tienen en sus miras mientras hablamos.
Warlords and opportunists are about their business even as we speak, and in just a few months, the Magog will begin their invasion.
Señores de la guerra y los oportunistas están en sus negocios, incluso mientras hablamos y en tan sólo unos meses, los Magog comenzarán su invasión.
Even as we speak, they have assumed your sisters identities in order to kill them.
Incluso mientras hablamos ellos han asumido las identidades de tus hermanas para matarlas.
Because the Governor's orders are on that ship even as we speak.
Debido a las órdenes del gobernador están en ese barco incluso mientras hablamos.
Even now as we speak, my swarthy sommelier... is en route here with five bottles of that very vintage.
En este momento, mi atezado sommelier... viene en camino con cinco botellas de esa misma cosecha.
We've been told that tactical assault teams are taking up positions... outside, even as I speak.
Nos informan que equipos de asalto... toman posiciones afuera en este momento.
There are forces at work, even now as we speak with one objective in mind - the destruction of this country.
Conforme hablamos las fuerzas enemigas urden planes con un solo objetivo : La destrucción de este país.
even as a kid 21
even as a boy 16
as we speak 165
even if you don't 27
even better 478
even if it hurts 20
even more 72
even though 141
even if i wanted to 108
even if it is 23
even as a boy 16
as we speak 165
even if you don't 27
even better 478
even if it hurts 20
even more 72
even though 141
even if i wanted to 108
even if it is 23
even if 79
even so 574
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even me 139
even in death 43
even for me 84
even today 54
even for us 24
even so 574
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even me 139
even in death 43
even for me 84
even today 54
even for us 24