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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ E ] / Even me

Even me Çeviri İspanyolca

50,140 parallel translation
Well, I have to admit, some of the niceties elude even me, General.
Tengo que admitirlo, alguno detalles me eluden incluso a mí, General.
To lose, even me, your mother.
Perder todo. Incluso a mi, a tu madre.
I mean, you asked me to put on the Melissa mask and then you don't even want me to use it.
Me pediste que me pusiera la máscara de Melissa y luego no quieres que la use.
I don't even remember which word I put down.
No me acuerdo de la que puse.
Until a few weeks ago when she came to visit me I didn't know where she was or if she was even alive.
Hasta que vino a visitarme hace unas semanas, no sabía dónde estaba, ni siquiera que estaba viva.
Because he's with me even talking!
¡ Porque está conmigo, me escucha!
Why do not you even try to understand me?
¿ Por qué no intentas entenderme?
It could take me weeks, months even.
Podría tomarme semanas, meses incluso.
She didn't even see me.
Ni siquiera me vio.
We don't even like coffee!
- ¡ Además el café me da agruras!
Oh, my God, you broke up with me, don't even start with that.
Tú rompiste conmigo. Ni empieces.
Well, then why do you insist on calling me Kiwi even though I told you it was culturally insensitive?
¿ Entonces por qué insistes en llamarme Kiwi? ¿ A pesar de que te dije que es ofensivo?
I just try to make the most of it,'cause you don't even make an effort to see me anymore.
Intento aprovechar el tiempo porque ya no te esfuerzas por verme.
Even Celeste, something wounded about her if you ask me.
Hasta Celeste. Hay algo turbio en ella, si me preguntas.
Even her own mother warned me against her.
Incluso su propia madre me advirtió sobre ella.
Didn't even get cast as Tituba.
Ni siquiera me dieron el papel de Tituba.
It's gonna take me all summer to even put a dent in this.
Me llevará todo el verano poder pagar esto.
Someone as brainless as him, not just me... even the dogs in my kingdom will not marry such a wimp!
Alguien tan sin cerebro como él, no sólo a mí... ¡ Incluso los perros de mi reino no se casarán con semejante cobarde!
But disrobing me of my dignity not even one step as your captive... will I accompany you.
Despojándome de mi dignidad, pero no doy un paso como tu prisionera... Te acompañaré.
For a slave who has no right to even stand near you... you have elevated me to a father's position.
Para un esclavo que no tiene derecho a pararse cerca de ti... Me has elevado a la posición de padre.
To elevate one of us over the other, even as a fiction, seems to me to be tempting fate in a most dangerous way.
Elevar a uno de nosotros por encima del otro, incluso en la ficción, me parece la manera más peligrosa de tentar al destino.
And I don't like having him conscripting me into his cause without me even having a say.
Y no me gusta que él me haya reclutado para su causa sin que yo pueda decir nada al respecto.
I figured you still owe me, even after the vacation and everything.
Aun con las vacaciones me sigues debiendo.
I saved your life, you won't even carry me!
¡ Te salvé la vida, y no quieres salvarme!
- You won't even look at me!
- ¡ Ni me miras!
Yeah, I really do, maybe even more than riding.
Sí, me gusta, tal vez más que conducir motocicletas.
He went past me without even noticing... and took my arm with him.
Paso por encima de mí como si nada... y me arrancó el brazo.
I don't even know what that is, but it's really exciting.
No tengo ni idea de lo que es, pero me alegro mucho.
I didn't even hit my head.
Ni siquiera me he dado en la cabeza.
I find it interesting that you managed to find her grave even after the marker was removed.
Me parece interesante... que lograran encontrar su tumba después de que quitaran la placa.
Would you tell me even if you did?
¿ Me lo dirías si lo supieses?
He's never even spoken to me before.
Nunca me había hablado.
- ( clicks tongue ) You know, don't even ask me.
- Lo sabes, no tienes porque preguntarme
I couldn't even tell you if I got it before I left.
Ni siquiera podría decir si me lo contagie antes.
Learning how this virus works, that's probably at the time where I was probably infected and didn't even know.
Aprendí como funciona este virus. Ese sería el momento que ya me encontraba infecado, y ni siquiera sabía.
I've been gone from home, and these people protected me even then.
Inclusive esa gente me protegió.
They stood up for me even then.
Hasta oraban por mi.
They stood up by me even then.
Ellos lograron ponerme de pie.
She... without even giving me an opportunity to state my case, I lost her.
Ella... ni siquiera me dió la oportunidad de exponer mi testimonio... y la perdi.
I even decided to like basketball for you, Justin.
Decidí que me gustaba el baloncesto por ti, Justin.
They even invited me to hang at Bryce's. At Bryce's?
- Y me invitaron a ir a la casa de Bryce.
I shouldn't even be seen talking to you right now.
Ni debería dejar que me vean hablando contigo.
I fucking love these peanut butter and cheese crackers, even though they don't taste like peanut butter or cheese.
Me encanta esta mierda de mantequilla de maní y queso aunque no sepan a mantequilla de maní y queso.
Why are you even talking to me?
¿ Por qué me hablas?
Like the only thing they even have in common anymore is me.
Lo único que parecen tener en común soy yo.
I was thinking about how hurt I was, and I didn't even for a minute stop to think that... she was hurting too.
Pensaba en lo dolido que estaba, y ni siquiera por un minuto me detuve a pensar que ella estaba dolida también.
Look, even if she did come to visit me... this is not something I can talk about.
Mira, aunque ella haya venido a visitarme, no es algo de lo que pueda hablar.
If you can't give me a name... if you don't want to press charges against this boy... if you're not even sure you can press charges... then there really is only one option.
Si no puedes darme un nombre si no quieres presentar cargos contra él si ni estás segura de que puedas hacerlo entonces solo queda una opción.
Even if you could kill me, how are you going to explain it to her?
Incluso aunque pudieras matarme, ¿ cómo se lo vas a explicar?
Even a fool like me could see that.
Incluso un tonto como yo puede verlo.
Couldn't even tell me that he had three months to live?
No pudo haberme dicho que tenía tres meses de vida?

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