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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ F ] / Friend of yours

Friend of yours Çeviri İspanyolca

2,364 parallel translation
She a friend of yours?
¿ Es amiga tuya?
- Friend of yours?
- ¿ Es amigo tuyo?
I know tony giles was a friend of yours.
Sé que Tony Giles era amigo tuyo.
- Yeah, right, a friend Of yours.
Sí, vale, un amigo tuyo,...
Is he a friend of yours?
¿ Es amigo tuyo?
That good friend of yours...
Ese buen amigo tuyo...
Did you also know that Rachel's a conniving bitch? I thought she was a friend of yours.
¿ Sabías también que Rachel es una perra maquinadora?
Friend of yours?
¿ Una amiga suya?
I ran into an old friend of yours.
- Me encontré con un viejo amigo tuyo.
I've had a visit from a friend of yours.
He recibido una visita de un amigo vuestro.
He a friend of yours?
¿ Es amigo tuyo?
, but doug rich was no real friend of yours.
Pero Doug Rich no era tu amigo de verdad.
He said he's a friend of yours.
Dijo ser amigo tuyo.
A friend of yours?
¿ Amigo tuyo?
Yeah, I received a phone call from a woman that says she's a friend of yours.
Sí, recibí una llamada de una mujer que decía ser amiga tuya.
Is he a friend of yours?
- ¿ Es amigo tuyo?
Someone who was a friend of yours, who you cared about.
Alguien que era amigo tuyo, alguien a quien querías.
And make sure you tell that nice friend of yours I said " hello.
Y asegúrate de darle a ese amigo tan majo tuyo mis recuerdos.
This farrier, a friend of yours?
Este herrador, ¿ era amigo tuyo?
Well, she's an old friend of yours, and i finally got you to introduce me.
Bueno, era una vieja amiga tuya y finalmente me la presentaste.
- Is he a friend of yours?
- ¿ Es amigo suyo? - No.
That night we were together with that friend of yours...
Esa noche estuvimos juntos con esa amiga tuya...
Mm, if a friend of yours puts a wig on you when he's lonely, pretends you're a woman, is that gay?
Si un amigo te pone una peluca cuando se siente solo y finge que eres mujer, ¿ es gay?
- Friend of yours?
- ¿ Amigo tuyo?
He was a friend of yours.
Era amigo tuyo.
well, shooter on the lam, personal friend of yours- - that's "lucky" gift wrapped, girl.
Bueno, tirador a la fuga, amigo personal tuyo... Lo tienes en bandeja.
- Some friend of yours?
Eso lo explica. ¿ Qué?
What about that P.I. Friend of yours?
¿ Y qué tal con ese detective amigo tuyo?
What is he, some friend of yours?
¿ Qué es él, algún amigo tuyo?
And that police friend of yours?
amigo suyo? ¿ Kalyan?
I just need you to mention him as a friend of yours when you know the americans are listening.
Sólo necesito que lo menciones como amigo tuyo cuando sepas que los americanos están escuchando.
Somebody asked me, they say, Well, on your first special that you got to do, you kept talking about this guy, this friend of yours named Felipe.
En Delhi, eso fue lo más impactante que se dijo en ese escenario.
- Well, oddly enough, though we have done our very best to find this friend of yours, the reclusive Topper Barnes, he seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth.
Bueno, uh, es muy raro, aunque nos hemos esforzado mucho en encontrar a su amigo, el solitario Topper Barnes, parece haber desaparecido de la faz de la tierra.
So, uh, this Miguel... he is a good friend of yours, right?
Entonces, este Miguel... es un buen amigo tuyo, ¿ verdad?
Well,'cause this friend of yours, Miguel, he... he just tried to shake me down.
Bueno, porque este amigo tuyo, Miguel, el trato de sacudirme.
I had a visit from a friend of yours last night.
Tuve una visita de un amigo tuyo anoche.
Friend of yours?
¿ Es amigo tuyo?
The friend of yours who shot this video?
El que filmó este video.
- Said she was a friend of yours.
- Dijo que era amiga tuya.
She said she was a friend of yours.
Dijo que era amiga tuya.
It was the place where I was trained to master airbending and also where I met an old friend of yours, monk gyatso.
Aqui fue donde fuí entrenado como maestro aire y también fué donde conocí a un viejo amigo tuyo, el monje Gyatso
This friend of yours is smart.
Tu amigo es listo.
We brought a friend of yours in for questioning last night and now he seems to have disappeared.
Interrogamos a un amigo suyo anoche pero parece que ha desaparecido.
- I got a friend of yours who wants to talk to you.
- Hay un amigo tuyo que quiere hablar contigo.
- I'm a friend of yours.
- Soy un amigo.
It was a friend of yours?
¿ Era amigo tuyo?
I've been Katherine, a friend of yours, so...
Estuve con tu amiga Katherine, así que.
This god of yours performed a miracle... on your friend, right?
Este Dios tuyo hizo un milagro con tu amigo, ¿ verdad? - Sí.
a very special friend yes like you three are to each other yours belong to Gracie this is mine and the last one is Julia's we'll get it back, Mrs. Chathem, i'll make sure of it
un amigo muy especial sí como si tres son el uno al otro tuya pertenecen a Gracie esto es mío y el último es de Julia nos pondremos de nuevo, la señora Chathem, me aseguraré de que
Got an old friend of yours out here. Mind if i bring him in?
Tengo a un viejo amigo suyo aquí fuera.
Everywhere He Goes In That Small Town Of Yours, People Are Gonna Be Pointing At Him, Talking About Him, Saying, " That's The Guy Whose Best Friend Had An Affair
A donde vaya en ese pueblito tuyo, la gente lo va a estar señalando, hablando de él, diciendo " Ese es el tipo cuyo mejor amigo tuvo una aventura con su esposa y cuyo otro mejor amigo sabía

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