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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ G ] / Gently now

Gently now Çeviri İspanyolca

226 parallel translation
Gently now.
Gently now.
Despacio, despacio.
- Nice and gently now.
- Despacito.
Come on, boys. Right in here, gently now, fellas.
Atención, muchachos.
Very gently now place the web wrench around the fuse.
Ahora suavemente coloca la llave alrededor del fusible.
- Gently now. - All right.
One should treat people gently now, and have a broader view of things.
Ahora hay que tratar a la gente con más delicadeza y analizar los problemas desde un punto de vista más amplio.
Gently now... That's it.
Despacio... eso es
Gently now.
Ahora con cuidado.
Gently now. That's it.
Con cuidado ahora.
Very gently now.
Ahora muy despacio.
Gently now, Preston.
Suavemente ahora, Preston.
Gently now, Killer 3.
Ahora con cuidado, Killer 3.
Gently, now eat.
Despacio, que hay para todos.
Supposing you were going to take a girl in your arms. Uh-huh. Now you hold her tenderly... gently.
Si vas a tomar a una chica en tus brazos... la abrazas con ternura, suavemente.
Now, Mr. O'Neill's salon ensemble play everything gently but with a lilt.
El salon ensemble del Sr. O'Neill... lo toca todo con suavidad y un puntito de rítmo.
Ahora, señorita Fiona, vamos a ponerla en su cuna tan suavemente como a un bebé.
Con cuidado, ahora.
And when your feet start going down, now just gently wiggle your toes.
Y cuando sus pies comiencen a bajar, mueva suavemente los dedos de los pies.
¿ Qué hay de Susan?
Now look out Very gently
Ahora fuera. Con cuidado.
Now, gently does it.
- Don't worry about that. - Gently, now.
No se inquiete.
Now, put your sights on them bombs and squeeze gently.
Ahora, miren las bombas Y presionenlas suavemente.
I can hear how you said it. Gently, as you say it now.
Puedo oír cómo lo dijiste, con delicadeza, igual que ahora.
Now, gently around the first turn, and let them run! Go on!
¡ Con cuidado por esta primera curva y deja que corran!
Gently, now.
Con cuidado.
Now, back again, gently.
Ahora, de nuevo suavemente...
You may go now, Miss Simms, and please go gently.
Puede retirarse, Srta. Simms, y hábleme con calma.
Gently, now. Gently.
Con cuidado.
Now remember, gently.
Recuerde, con suavidad.
Now, now, now, my dear. Gently, gently.
Lo siento.
Now, gently, now, so none of us break.
Con cuidado, sin que ninguno se rompa.
Now, very gently.
Ahora, muy suavemente.
Now I just want you to breathe in and out gently... one... two... one...
Ahora quiero que inspires y suspires generosamente... 1... 2... 1...
Now just turn, gently.
Ahora vuélvase, delicadamente.
Gently with him now.
( Se llevan a Rudkin )
Now, gently.
Con cuidado.
Now, lower me gently, Muttley.
Bájame suavemente, Patán.
And now get the mallet and the rag, and strike here, very gently here on the pincers, a few blows.
Y ahora, con el mazo y el trapo, golpea un poco aquí, muy despacio, sobre las pinzas, con golpecitos...
and it cost my husband and I quite a lot of patience and effort... to slowly explain to the child that itwas now in an environment... where itwouldn't have any more pain, where she would be cared for gently,
A mi marido y a mí, mucha paciencia y esfuerzo, hacerle entender, poco a poco, que estaba en un entorno, donde no hay ni pesar, ni aflicción, donde se la trata con cuidado.
Now hold them gently... "... slowly... " "... imagine it's me. "
Ahora... sostenlos dulcemente... despacio... imagina que soy yo.
Now, give me your hand very, very gently.
Ahora, dame tu mano muy, muy suavemente!
Now place it gently on the nut just above the locking ring, and loosen.
Afloje con suavidad la tuerca que está encima del anillo de sujeción.
Now let me break it to her gently, personally.
Déjame hablar con ella personalmente.
Now... just lift your foot very, very gently.
Ahora, levanta tu pie muy, muy suavemente.
Now as you gently rotate the baby's head... the shoulder will appear.
Cuando rotan con cuidado la cabeza del bebé... aparece el hombro.
Now, boys, gently does it.
Ahora, muchachos, háganlo con cuidado.
Now he may kiss her gently on the face and neck, seeking out the erogenous Zones.
Puede besarlo despacio sobre la cara y el cuello En busca de las zonas erógenas.
Now, slide it gently toward me, till it's in the clear.
Ahora, deslízala con cuidado hacia mi hasta que quede libre.
Now, I want you to pull back gently on the wheel to help level off your descent.
Quiero que accione la palanca de mando hacia atrás con cuidado para ayudar a nivelar el descenso.

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