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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ G ] / Get him some water

Get him some water Çeviri İspanyolca

105 parallel translation
Get him some water.
Dadle agua.
Get him some water!
¡ Tráiganle agua!
Get him some water.
Trae un poco de agua.
I'll get him some water.
Le traeré agua.
Get him some water.
Tráele agua.
Get him some water.
Tráele un poco de agua.
Better get him cleaned up, get him some water, Jake.
Será mejor que lo ayuden a lavarse. Dale agua, Jake.
Get him some water.
- Dadle un vaso de agua.
Get him some water now that you woke him up
Tráele algo de agua ahora que ya le despertaste.
Get him some water, darling.
Cariño, dale un poco de agua.
Somebody get him some water!
¡ Alguien tráigale un poco de agua!
Get him some water, Gerardo.
Dale un poco de agua, Gerardo.
Here, Twinny, get him some water.
Lleva un poco de agua para él, Twinny.
Get him some water.
Trae agua.
- Get him some water.
- Tráele agua. - ¿ A quién?
- Sweet! Oni, get him some water till it's running out his gills.
Dale agua hasta que se le salga por las agallas.
- Brett, could you get him some water?
- ¿ Puedes traerIe agua?
- Get him some water.
- Tráele un poco de agua.
Go get him some water, okay?
Ve a traerle algo de agua, ok?
Get him some water!
¡ Tráele agua!
Nicole, honey, get him some water.
Nicole, cariño, tráele un poco de agua.
- Somebody get him some water.
Llévenle un vaso de agua.
I'm going to get him some water.
Le voy a llevar agua. Paris, Lo siento.
- Goose, go get him some water.
- Ganso, trâele un poco de agua.
Well, get him some water.
Bueno, denle un poco de agua.
He's got tablets. Get him some water. And bring a cold flannel.
Las patillas, trae un poco de agua y un trapo húmedo.
Tommy, get him some water.
Tommy, dale algo de agua.
Somebody get him some water, please.
Alguien tráigale agua, por favor.
I just put it on the bed tray to get him some water.
Sólo lo puse sobre la cama para traerle agua.
can i get him some water?
¿ Puedo darle un poco de agua?
Here, Twinny, get him some water.
Ve por un poco de agua.
Get him some water.
Denle algo de agua.
Get him some water, now!
Traigan agua.
Get him some water if he prefers it.
Si quiere agua, tráiganle agua.
Mrs. Monteith get him some cotton wool and some hot water as quickly as you can.
Sra. Monteith tráigame un poco de algodón y agua caliente.
You guys get some water to throw on him.
Chicos, traed un poco de agua.
You put a pillow under his head, I'll get some water and bring him around.
Coloca una almohada bajo su cabeza, yo traeré agua y le reanimaré.
I'll get some water for him to drink.
Le traeré algo de agua para que beba.
I remember because I asked him to open the windows, fluff up the pillows, get me some clean towels and a pitcher of ice water.
Lo recuerdo porque le pedí que abriera las ventanas, que sacudiera las almohadas que trajera toallas limpias y una jarra de agua fría.
I'll get some clean water and wash him down.
Traeré agua limpia para lavarlo.
Here, some of you pork-knockers, help me get him down near the water.
Aquí, algunos de ustedes, ayúdenme a moverlo cerca del agua.
- I'll get him some water. PAUL :
También Alka-Seltzer.
I'll get some water for him.
Voy a buscar un poco de agua para darle.
I have also asked him to get some hot water.
Le he pedido también que traiga agua caliente.
Think it's water damage. I'II get you some stuff to clean him off, okay?
Creo que está estropeado por la humedad, te traeré algo para limpiarlo, ¿ vale?
Sit down. We're going to get him some ice water. We're going to keep him off his feet.
Vamos a traerle un poco de agua helada... y recostarlo.
Tell him to get some more water.
Dile que busque más agua.
Let him get some fresh air... Get some water!
- Déjale respirar aire fresco. ¡ Trae agua!
Get some water for him.
Saque agua de ahí para el joven.
Maybe we can get some water in him.
Quizá podamos darle agua.
Get him some oxygen, get some water.
Traigan oxígeno y agua.

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