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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / He was just here

He was just here Çeviri İspanyolca

883 parallel translation
He was just here.
Estaba allí hace un momento.
He was just here.
Acaba de irse.
Come in, he was just here.
Pase, estaba aquí hace un momento.
It isn't possible, he was just here!
No es posible. Si hace poco que estaba aquí.
Why he was here just a few minutes ago.
Jackie y yo lo hemos visto.
- I was just telling her, miss... right here, in front of me very eyes, his friend... his best pal, as you might rightly call him, takes out a pair of handcuffs, and snap, snap, and he's a prisoner.
Justo le estaba contando, señorita... Aquí mismo, ante mis ojos, su amigo, su colega, como se le conocía, saca unas esposas, zas, zas, y se convierte en un preso.
I was just here to leave your book.
Sólo he venido a traerle el libro.
but I was drunk at the time serves him right, why did he get drunk you'll get used to us here just as you all got used to it, didn't you, children?
¡ Estaba borracho! Os está bien empleado... ¿ por qué os emborracháis?
- Yes, possibly the ghost was just passing near here. But he'll be back later.
- Sí, seguramente el fantasma esté por aquí cerca y vuelva más tarde.
The telephone company tells us that about 7 : 30 last night, just before he was shot... someone here called up information and asked for Nick Charles'number.
La compañía dice que a las 19 : 30 de ayer, justo antes de que le dispararan, alguien llamó a información para pedir el número de Nick Charles.
- Look here, sir... - He was just taking me along to the police station.
Sólo lléveme a la seccional.
That man who was just in here, he's robbing my car!
El hombre que estaba acá se roba mi auto.
I have loved, and I have kissed, because that is what love was invented for, just as all here do it for thousands of years,
He amado, he besado porque es la ley del amor desde que el mundo es mundo
This gentleman here was just saying you're the prettiest girl he'd ever seen.
Este caballero me estaba diciendo que es la chica más guapa que ha visto.
You see, George? I come right back here, just like you told me. You wasn't gonna go away and leave me, was you, George?
He vuelto aquí tal y como me dijiste, porque tú no te ibas a ir y a dejarme.
That fellow that was just here, you remember? He was on the island with her. - They're at the club, and I have to go.
Ese tipo del taxi... estuvo en la isla con ella.
He was here just a little while ago, sir.
Supongo que fue a dormir a cubierta.
I was just seeing Miss Miller here about the encyclopaedias.
He venido a ver la Srta. Miller por lo de las enciclopedias.
Nos dijeron que lo trajéramos como estaba.
I was just told he was here.
Sólo dije que está aquí.
As a matter of fact, I was just lying down here.
La verdad es que he venido a tumbarme.
I've just got here myself, I was detained at the hospital.
Yo también acabo de llegar, me he retrasado en el hospital.
But you know, it's just like he was sayin when I was tellin'him what's goin on around here.
Pero me pregunto que sucede por aquí.
The one at the Cavendish Court, he was here just a while ago.
Uno del Cavendish Court, estuvo aquí hace un rato.
You see, her husband's been away for 2 years, and he's home, and he came here looking for her just after she left, and he was so anxious to see her that...
Su marido llevaba fuera dos años y ha vuelto. Vino a buscarla cuando ella se había marchado.
Perhaps Fidgety Phil might know, he was here just now.
Puede que Fidgity Phil sepa algo, estaba dentro.
Just after midnight it was, they come up behind me and the next thing I knew was well here I am.
He sido atacado por detrás. Y ya vé...
Do not spoil it just because I hired him. He was such a bum, so I brought him here.
por eso lo traigo aquí.
If he had nabbed me the first three times while I was just practicing, I wouldn't be here now for murder.
Si me hubiera encarcelado... las tres primeras veces, cuando sólo practicaba... no estaría aquí por homicidio.
I just thought you'd want to know he was here.
Pensé que querrías saber que estaba aquí.
Here he is celebrating his 20th wedding anniversary, and to look at him you'd think he was a man just fallen in love!
Tendrías que haberlo visto esta mañana. Estaba celebrando su 20o. aniversario de boda, y al mirarlo se podría pensar que era un hombre que acaba de enamorarse!
He was here just now, he was looking for you.
Ahora mismo estaba aquí. Te buscaba.
And that priest who was just now here holding that book where I was reading he's gone?
Y que el hermano que hace poco estaba allí... y que tenía abierto aquel libro donde yo leía no está ya allí?
Not at all Mrs Edmonds. I was just telling Clemmons here how lucky he is.
En absoluto, Sra.Esmond. Le decía a Frank la suerte que tenía.
He was just spotted at a meat-packing house, way out here.
Le vieron en un matadero, por aquí.
Never mind lady, we'll just assume that they knew he was coming up here, so that if somebody else checks on him, you can tell him that the sheriff and his friend were here, but they had to go someplace else.
No importa, supondremos que saben que han venido aquí, así que si alguien viene buscándoles les puede decir que el sheriff y su amigo estuvieron aquí, pero tuvieron que irse a otro lugar.
Just plain snow is all he's got on his mind... and here I was hoping it was the cat.
Todo lo que tiene en la cabeza es nieve... y aquí estoy yo deseando que fuese el gato.
It seems this Polish officer was in Leipzig hospital, ill, just before he came here.
Parece ser que ese oficial polaco estuvo en el hospital, enfermo, justo antes de venir aquí.
It was just a dream, and now the dream's ended and he's here.
Fue sólo una pesadilla, y ahora ha terminado y él está aquí.
Whoever he was, and for whatever reasons he came here, hearing the real love of these people, they put their faith in him just as I did and he didn't fail them.
Quienquiera que fuera y los motivos que tuvo para venir se ganó el amor de esta gente. Pusieron su fe en él, tal y como yo hice, y no les falló.
He walked right out of this room just as though I wasn't here. And I was here.
Se fue del camarote como si yo no estuviera... y yo estaba aquí.
If only Harry Loder was here. I just know he'd ―.
Si Harry Loder estuviese aquí, seguro que...
Thing is, Charlie, I was just telling Axel... here he can work in my gang if he wants.
Mira, charlie, Ie decía que puede trabajar en mi cuadrilla si quiere.
"He was in such a hurry, he just couldn't wait to get here."
"Tenía tanta prisa que se moría de ganas de llegar aquí".
I was just appointed manager here less than a month ago, and now I get this.
Fui nombrado director aquí hace menos de un mes, y ahora he conseguido esto.
Tell the Judge here about the fight you picked with Roy just before he was shot.
Cuéntele al Juez el altercado entre Roy y usted antes de que muriera.
He just said that he was new here.
- Solo me dijo que era nuevo aquí.
Come on here. How many more times have I to say? I was just looking at the house, what's left of it.
¿ Cuántas veces he de decírtelo?
We've got here just as he was leaving.
Justo a tiempo, ahí está.
He was here just a minute ago.
Estaba aquí hace sólo un minuto.
Dr. Rivera was just here, and he gave him a sedative.
El Dr. Rivera estuvo aquí y le dio un sedante.

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