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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / He was right here

He was right here Çeviri İspanyolca

601 parallel translation
He was right here laughing at us.
Estaba aquí y se reía de nosotros.
- He was right here.
- Estaba aquí.
He was right here, in my house pretending he loved me like a son.
Estaba aquí, en mi propia casa... fingiendo que me quería como un hijo.
I'm telling you, he was right here!
¡ Te digo que él estaba aquí!
"He was here, right here."
"Estaba justo aquí."
- I was just telling her, miss... right here, in front of me very eyes, his friend... his best pal, as you might rightly call him, takes out a pair of handcuffs, and snap, snap, and he's a prisoner.
Justo le estaba contando, señorita... Aquí mismo, ante mis ojos, su amigo, su colega, como se le conocía, saca unas esposas, zas, zas, y se convierte en un preso.
At least he was right in one thing. I don't know how I ever expected to bring a baby in here. With an old fool for his grandfather that's half-drunk all the time.
¿ Cómo podría tener un bebé conmigo, con un padre medio bobo que pasa la vida borracho?
but I was drunk at the time serves him right, why did he get drunk you'll get used to us here just as you all got used to it, didn't you, children?
¡ Estaba borracho! Os está bien empleado... ¿ por qué os emborracháis?
Because I don't know that I'd have accepted him. Are you trying to tell me that because he comes here and they see her with him, driving and all that, they think that they were right in saying that she was... she was in love with him before... before my father died?
¿ Dices que porque él la visita, y porque les ven pasear, creen tener derecho a decir que ella ya le amaba antes de que muriera mi padre?
You see, George? I come right back here, just like you told me. You wasn't gonna go away and leave me, was you, George?
He vuelto aquí tal y como me dijiste, porque tú no te ibas a ir y a dejarme.
The man who was in here with me. Is he all right?
El hombre que estaba aquí conmigo.
He was in here right afterJase left, and I got rid of him.
Estuvo aquí en cuanto salió Jase y me libré de él.
He's the young lady. What? Sir Henry Marchmont was sitting right here and Mrs. Jellison was right here.
Sir Henry Marchmont estaba sentado aquí y la Sra. Gelyson estaba aquí.
Now, Frankenstein would have severed the spinal cord here, but I'm not certain that he was right.
Frankenstein habría cortado la médula espinal por aquí, pero no estoy seguro de que tuviera razón.
He was here all right.
¿ Sabes la fecha?
- I know. I came right here. I was hoping you'd be home.
He venido deseando que estuvieras en casa.
He was a radio technician right here in our dispatch office.
Era un técnico de radio aquí, en nuestra oficina de envíos.
Oh, he is? Well, the last time I was here, He chased me right into the lake.
La última vez me persiguió hasta el lago.
The curious part about the story as it was told me is that this young man, this guide, he's supposed to be right here in diamond stud this very moment.
Lo curioso de la historia es que este joven, este guía está en Diamantstad en este mismo momento.
His name is Antonio Luis Ferrer and he was born right here in Havana.
Se llama Antonio Luis Ferrer y nació aquí mismo, en La Habana.
The scalpels were lying right here on the instrument table, and all he had to do was...
Los bisturís estaban aquí. ÉI no tenía más que...
He was tied up right off the end of the dock here this morning.
Estaba atracado allí donde termina el muelle esta mañana.
I was coming up the walk... there was a dog barking... and he was standing right here.
Venía por el camino... había un perro ladrando... y él estaba ahí de pie.
He says that our man, Nomaka, was here, all right.
Dice que nuestro hombre, Nomaka, estuvo aquí, sin duda.
He was standing right here looking at me.
Está vivo. Estaba aquí de pie, mirándome.
I've been right here since he was buried.
Estoy aquí desde que lo enterraron.
He was thinking on using the whole 26 letters right down to Zachariah... but he got a look at Gideon here and chopped a tree down on himself.
Pensaba usar las letras hasta llegar a Zacarías. Mirando a Gedeón, le aplastó un árbol que talaba.
He was talking to me, and then he went... He's right over here.
El doctor Zoomer estaba hablando y de repente se fue......
But, you know, I think he's some kind of a law man because he had a big star right here, and he was all dressed in gray.
Creo que es un hombre de la ley. Tenía una gran estrella justo aquí y estaba vestido de gris.
I was gonna bring her right in here. I had all my old pillows out.
Iba a traerla aquí, por eso he sacado mis viejos almohadones.
He walked right out of this room just as though I wasn't here. And I was here.
Se fue del camarote como si yo no estuviera... y yo estaba aquí.
I was right here, alone in my room all day.
He estado aquí, en mi habitación, todo el día.
If he was all right, he wouldn't leave it laying here.
Si estuviera bien, no lo habría dejado aquí.
He was right under you. - In the office right under here.
En la oficina de abajo.
Serve him right to wait. He was due here over an hour ago.
Que espere, debería haber venido hace casi una hora.
Estaba conmigo en la cama que...
He told me that I was a traitor to the country, and suddenly, he jabbed me right here.
Me llamó traidor a la patria. Y de pronto, me apuñaló aquí.
He was in Rome, whereas you were right here.
Él no, porque estaba en Roma, mientras que usted estaba aquí.
He was born right here.
Si nació aquí.
I was standing right over here when you said it, and I was standing right out there on those front steps when he walked up the horse, grabbed a hunk of mane,
Estaba parado aquí cuando lo dijo... y estaba en las escalinatas de afuera... cuando fue hacia el caballo, se tomó de la crin...
- He was standing right here.
- Estaba aquí.
He was drown right here.
Se ahogó aquí.
Yes, he was in here all right, Vicki.
Sí, estaba aquí, de acuerdo, Vicki.
Everything would be all right here. He was a great patriot, you know.
Era un gran patriota.
After he's no more here... Mistress Evans will see that I was right about this place... and then she may get a wee glimmer... that I can be right about some other things.
Cuando ya no esté en este mundo, la Sra. Evans verá que yo tenía razón sobre este lugar... y quizá entonces intuya... que puedo tener razón sobre otras cosas.
Holliday was gonna be first, but'ccording to you he's in New Mexico, but you're right here.
Holliday iba a ser el primero, pero según tú está en Nuevo México, pero tú sigues aqui ´.
He was all right when he left here, wasn't he?
Qué raro.
Julian wrote me before his illness and told me about the aliens and he was right- - they are here at Slaton.
Julian me escribió antes de enfermar y me contó lo de los extraterrestres. Tenía razón. Están aquí, en Slaton.
Here I had just met the only man I'd ever love, and he was about to make a left turn right out of my life.
Aquí conocí al al único hombre que amé, Y estuvo a punto de hacer un giro a la izquierda en mi vida.
The boy was here, standing right there. Where is he?
El chico estaba aquí, ¿ dónde está?
I almost forgot! Mr. Beccaccia was here. He's expecting you right away!
Ah, casi me olvido, el señor Beccacia quiere verlo.

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