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If he doesn't Çeviri İspanyolca

6,231 parallel translation
I'll tell you what, if it is Kuru, he doesn't have long.
Te diré una cosa, si es kuru, no le queda mucho.
Yeah. That I'm going to kill you if he doesn't?
Sí. ¿ Que voy a matarte si él no lo hace?
If he doesn't try doing things he's bad at, he'll never be great at anything.
Si no trata de hacer cosas en las que es malo, nunca será grandioso en nada.
Mr. Bash, will you tell your partner if he doesn't stop talking, I will hold him after class.
Sr. Bash, diga a su compañero que si no deja de hablar, se va quedar después de clase.
If his little brother doesn't recover, he may never get over the guilt of this.
Si su hermano pequeño no se recupera, jamás superará la culpa por esto.
If I call him on his phone at night, he doesn't answer.
Si le llamo al móvil por la noche, no contesta.
Well, if she doesn't show, and you need a hand with the shrimp plates, my cousin Flippa, he got a lunch break coming up.
Bueno, si no aparece y necesitas que alguien te eche una mano con esos platos de camarones, mi primo Flippa tiene un descanso para comer pronto.
Planning committee meets quarterly, so if he doesn't hit the deadline then he'll have to hold fire for three months.
si no llega en la fecha límite otros tres meses.
George is going to miss this if he doesn't hurry up.
George se va a perder esto si no se apura.
That doesn't make sense, if he's not at Ultra...
No tiene sentido, si él no está en Ultra...
He's been putting the squeeze on your dad, threatening to tell you all about me if your dad doesn't keep paying him off.
Metía presión sobre tu padre, amenazándole con contártelo todo sobre mí si tu padre no seguía pagándole.
And if he doesn't succeed in medical..
Y si él no llega a un médico..
But she-she doesn't have a choice, if he forces her.
Pero no tiene otra opción, si la obliga.
A man like me is dead if he doesn't come with a sterling reputation.
Un hombre como yo está muerto si él no viene con una excelente reputación.
And if Josh doesn't get on the list, he'll be devastated!
Y si Josh no entra en la lista, ¡ quedará devastado!
Wait... what if just left because he doesn't like me?
Espera... ¿ y si acaba de irse porque no le gusto?
But if Ethan took the photo, and he didn't go on to the pub, maybe he doesn't know what happened next.
Pero si Ethan tomó la foto y no volvió al pub, puede que no supiera lo que pasó después.
He doesn't plead guilty, if that's what you're thinking.
No se declara culpable, si eso es lo que está pensando.
And if he doesn't do that, I will make sure that his ass is in jail by the end of today, and he will die there.
Y si él no lo hace... me aseguraré de que esté en prisión antes de que termine el día... y que muera allí.
I can't convince him if he doesn't want to run.
No puedo convencer a si que no quiere ejecutar.
What I know is that even if Jared Bankowski's DNA wasn't under Frances Butler's fingernails, it doesn't mean he didn't hold the knife that killed her.
Lo que sí sé es que aunque el ADN de Jared Bankowski... no esté bajo las uñas de Frances Butler... eso no significa que él no sostuviera el cuchillo que la mató.
She doesn't say if he's still alive.
Ella no dijo si está vivo todavía.
But if he paid him in advance, it doesn't make any sense. Mm-hmm. - You said "a couple things"?
Pero si él le pagó por adelantado, no tiene sentido. - ¿ Dijiste "un par de cosas"?
Did you threaten to revoke his bond if he doesn't?
¿ Lo amenazaste con revocarle la fianza si no lo hace?
If he doesn't get a secret from me, he won't believe me.
Si no me saca algún secreto, no me creerá.
If he doesn't want Cranfield's money, screw him.
Si no quiere el dinero de Cranfield, que lo jodan.
Hey, the dude at table two says he's gonna kick your ass if he doesn't
Oye, el tipo de la mesa dos dice que te pateará el trasero si no recibe
If Alvey shows or he doesn't show up, it doesn't matter.
Si Alvey muestra o él no aparece, no importa.
You know, this has a very happy ending if he doesn't blow it.
Sabes, este es un final feliz... si él no lo arruina.
What if the big bad Time Lord doesn't want to admit he's just afraid of the dark.
¿ Qué pasa si el gran y temido Señor del Tiempo no quiere admitir que tiene miedo de la oscurida?
I was stationed in all kinds of hellholes across this rock, and there is one thing that has never changed : If you lock someone in a box who doesn't belong there, he's got a lot to say when you finally let him out.
Estuve en toda clase de agujeros infernales en este planeta, y hay una cosa si encierras a alguien en una caja en la que no debiera estar, tendrá mucho que decir cuando finalmente le dejes salir.
- What if he doesn't?
- ¿ Y si no sabe?
If he doesn't find anything, you're free to go.
Si no llega a encontrar nada, podrá irse.
If he doesn't like it, he's interfering with the law and he will answer for that. Agreed?
Si no le gusta, estará interfiriendo con la ley y tendrá que responder por ello.
What if he doesn't?
¿ Y si no?
If he doesn't stop lying to me, I'm gonna cut him looser than Jared's pants after a Subway diet.
Si no deja de mentirme, voy a torturarle como los pantalones de Jared tras una dieta de Subway.
If he doesn't expand, then his company's gonna die too.
Si no se expande, su empresa también morirá.
And if he doesn't come back?
¿ Y si no vuelve?
And to be honest, I don't know how convinced I am by this "trauma sense" thing, but if the Doctor says he can help me anyway... I mean, that has to be a good thing, doesn't it, Clara?
Y para ser honestas, no sé cuán convencida estoy de esta percepción del trauma pero si el Doctor dice que igualmente me puede ayudar eso tiene que ser algo bueno, ¿ no es cierto, Clara?
And if this guy doesn't even want to get to know him, he's a fool.
Y si este tipo no quiere conocerle, es un idiota.
Even if we get the baby from Sparks, he doesn't want anything to do with Yasumoto.
Incluso si le quitamos el bebé a Sparks, no podemos querer nada con Yasumoto.
He thought I could be a teacher, if that doesn't make you laugh.
Creía que yo podría ser un buen profesor, si eso no te hace reír.
If that's how you feel, he doesn't have to know.
- Bueno. - Sí eso quieres, él no lo sabrá.
If his butt is so delicate, why doesn't he just use an angora rabbit?
¿ Si su trasero es tan delicado, por qué no usa un conejo de angora?
But if he doesn't remember the fire, then he doesn't remember that it was Kate that set it.
Pero si no recuerda el incendio, entonces no recuerda que Kate lo inició.
He'll die if he doesn't.
Morirá sino lo hace.
James insists that he doesn't know Grant but what if we bring Grant Meath back in?
James insiste en que no conoce a Grant, pero, ¿ y si volvemos a traer a Grant Meath?
Is it enough if he is the only one who doesn't like this?
¿ Es suficiente si él es el único que no le gusta esto?
I don't care about Jesus anymore if he doesn't want me to be with Tyler.
No me importa Jesús nunca más si él no quiere que esté con Tyler.
Logan is under pressure from his board, and if he doesn't close this deal soon, he might lose control of his company.
Logan está bajo presión de su junta, y si no cierra este acuerdo pronto, podría perder el control de su compañía.
But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us?
Pero, ¿ cómo lo sacamos de la casa del lago si no confía en nosotros?

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