It was a man Çeviri İspanyolca
3,934 parallel translation
And so it was A man named Oz
# Y así fue Que un hombre llamado Oz #
It was a man band, so get it--get it straight.
Era un grupo de hombres, por lo que... -... era raro.
Nobody ever knew if it was a man or a woman a completely incredible character.
Nadie nunca supo si era un hombre o una mujer, un personaje completamente increíble
No, it was a man's voice.
No, era la voz de un hombre.
I don't even know if it was a man or a woman.
No sé si era un hombre o una mujer.
It was pretty weird, man,'cause on the drive, it didn't really look like a desert.
Es bastante raro, amigo, porque en el camino, no parecía un desierto.
It was a demo, man.
Era una demostración, tío.
It's just, Trent was a good man.
Es solo, que Trent era un buen hombre.
It was no miraculous tree of God and there is no hope on Evergreen Terrace. Just a run-of-the-mill, syrup-spraying mystery man.
No hay nada milagroso en este arbol y no hay ninguna esperanza en Evergreen Terrace, solo un misterioso siropeador...
I was a happy woman who is married to a man she loved, children waiting for until he pushed her down the stairs. Or do not you remember? It was an accident.
Era una mujer feliz casada con un hombre al que amaba y esperando un hijo, hasta que tú me empujaste por la escalera,
However ; it was by no means the worst catastrophe in Ferrari's history because if that was Lennon and McCartney's Egg Man, this is Chuck Berry's Ding A Ling.
La mayor catástrofe de la historia de Ferrari Porque si ese era "Egg Man" de Lennon y McCartney... Este era "My Ding-a-Ling" de Chuck Berry
I've became a eunuch because it was only way a man without manhood can succeed.
Me he convertido en un eunuco porque era la única manera... de que un hombre sin virilidad pueda tener éxito.
Uh, I think when I was a kid, It was Stilt-Man.
Creo que cuando era un crío fue El Zancudo.
But what I liked best about it Was the very end, when Captain Stacy was dying, And Spider-Man was there with him
Pero lo que más me gustó de ello fue el último momento, cuando el Capitán Stacy estaba muriendo, y Spider-Man estaba ahí con él tratando salvarle, pero no podía salvarle, y el Capitán Stacy miró a Spider-Man,
It was really sweet of him, but I didn't want to take money from a man I'm sleeping with.
Era realmente dulce de él pero no quería tomar dinero del hombre con el que me acuesto.
It's one of them three bedrooms types man, with a Central park view. I was holy shit!
Es una casa con 3 habitaciones, con vista al Central Park.
But wouldn't you know it? The old man was doin'me a favor all along.
Pero te lo creas o no, el viejo me estaba haciendo un favor.
It was written many years ago by a brilliant unknown author who learned secrets too powerful for one man.
Fue escrito hace muchos años por un brillante desconocido, que descubrió secretos demasiado poderosos para un solo hombre.
When I killed that man, it was the best feeling I've ever felt.
Cuando maté a ese hombre, fue la mejor sensación de mi vida.
It's like people doing cocaine in the kitchen and people doing cocaine at the front of the house, and, man, there was a lot of cocaine.
Es como la gente que hace cocaína en la cocina y la gente que hace la cocaína en la parte delantera de la casa, y, hombre, no había una gran cantidad de cocaína.
When the president sent those troops down to Little Rock... it was the first time I ever seen a white man... stick his neck out for us.
Cuando el presidente envió esas tropas a Little Rock, que era la primera vez que he visto a un hombre blanco asomar la cara por nosotros.
I was gonna say it, but I forgot it, man.
Iba a decirlo, pero se me olvidó, amigo.
- I took it home, I was selling it to my brothers and sisters, man.
- Lo llevé a casa y se lo vendí a todos y todas, a la banda.
Was it right to bring my cousin Daisy, a married woman... together with a man I hardly knew?
¿ Era correcto reunir a mi prima Daisy, una mujer casada con un hombre que yo apenas conocía?
I knew it was a great mistake for a man like me to fall in love.
Sabía que para un hombre como yo, enamorarse era un grave error.
One hour ago, I received a message from a Starfleet officer, who confessed to carrying out this attack, that he was being forced to do it by this man,
Hace una hora, recibí un mensaje de un oficial... que confesó y dijo que este hombre lo obligó a hacerlo.
It was built in 1863 by a man named Jedson Sherman.. .. who was married to a woman named Bathsheba.
Fue construida en 1863 por un hombre llamado Jedson Sherman casado con una mujer llamada Bathsheba.
- It wasn't a man, it was death.
No era un hombre, era la muerte.
And I was just instructed to draw a picture of a man dying- - was the way I recall it.
pidieron que haga un dibujo de un moribundo - fue la manera en que yo lo recuerdo.
And the same man if he was good, and we'll put him on the back cover, and this is what it would look like if it was a good man dying. "
Y el mismo hombre cuando fue bueno, y lo pusimos en la contraportada, y esto como se veria como si fuera un buen hombre muriendo. "
Comes up as a foster kid from Georgia with this country, hillbilly-type swag, but it was something about him, man, that he just unified the crew.
Viene como un niño de crianza de Georgia con este país, de tipo hillbilly botín, pero había algo en él, el hombre, que él sólo unificó la tripulación.
Yeah, man, it was a landslide or earthquake some shit and traffic is bad, cops trying to kill us, and all kinds of shit.
Si, hombre, era un deslizamiento de tierra o un terremoto algo de mierda y el trafico es malo, los policias que tratan de matarnos, y todo tipo de mierda.
It was the year after the war ended, and the only person I knew who had a job was a man named Don Congdon, who was the fiction editor of'Collier's magazine.
Dios mío. Era el año posterior al fin de la guerra, y la única persona que yo conocía que tenía un trabajo era un hombre llamado Don Congdon, quien era el editor de ficción de la revista "Collier".
Before they could get it into the magazine, World War II broke out, and suddenly this wonderful story about a young man named Holden Caulfield and this personal rebellion he was going through seemed trivial and beside the point and, you know, it just didn't seem appropriate
Antes de que pudieran publicarlo en la revista, estalló la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y de repente este maravilloso cuento acerca de un joven llamado Holden Caulfield y esta rebelión personal por la que él estaba pasando parecía trivial e irrelevante
And it was a terrific acceleration, but that's what this man is famous for, is the acceleration on the mountains.
Fue una aceleración fantástica. A eso se debe su fama : A la aceleración en las montañas.
He was a model to our town and of what it means to be a man who walks through the world with openness, honesty and integrity.
Era un modelo para nuestro pueblo de lo que es ser un hombre que camina por este mundo con franqueza honestidad e integridad.
Look, I don't know about a Blake case, but... if it was me, and it's not me, but if it was, I'd put Ruan in an open hospital, public, man it'round the clock, dangle the hooks, see if Sternwood bites.
Mira, no sé sobre el caso Blake, pero... si fuera por mí, y no lo es, pero si lo fuera, pondría a Ruan en un hospital abierto, público, con custodia todo el día, poner la carnada,
It's interesting, because Virgil knew I was gonna grow up to be a black man.
Saben, es interesante, porque Virgil sabía que iba a crecer siendo un hombre de color.
It stayed that hard when he was with a man.
Se quedó tan difícil cuando estaba con un hombre.
In such a case, it's natural that he could have believed that a man or a shadowy figure of some kind was stalking him.
En un caso así, es natural que él pueda haber creído que un hombre o figura de sombras de algún tipo lo acosaba.
Son, the important thing about a man's death is how it reflects his life... if it was on his own terms and... if there was some meaning in it.
Hijo, lo importante de la muerte de un hombre es como refleje su vida... si fue en sus propios términos y... si hubo algún significado en ella.
And when Darl seen that it looked like one of us was gonna have to do something... well, I can almost believe that he done right, in a way. But that don't excuse burning down a man's barn... or endangering his stock, or destroying his property.
Y cuando Darl vio que uno de nosotros debía hacer algo casi opino que hizo lo correcto de alguna manera pero eso no es excusa para quemar el granero de un hombre poniendo en peligro a sus animales o destruir su propiedad.
I'm telling you what, Iron Man, my dick was so hard a cat couldn't scratch it.
Te diré, Iron Man, tenía el pene tan duro que ni un gato lo arañaba.
Or was this the act of a man who had peeked behind the curtain of a superpower and decided that what it was doing was wrong?
¿ O era el acto de un hombre que habia echado un vistazo detras de la cortina de una superpotencia y decidio que lo que estaba haciendo estaba mal?
Man, she was fumbling with words... I suffixed inter with course and told her it was intercourse.
El hombre, que estaba buscando a tientas con las palabras... sufijo inter con el curso y le dijo que era el coito.
I'm just saying I would be picked up a mysterious man, and that was it.
Sólo dije que tomaría un misterioso hombre, y eso fue todo.
The very first time I bashed a man's skull in was here and it was a mess!
La primera vez que deshice un cráneo fue aquí y qué revoltijo.
I think you could probably, to a man, go through the early people that were there and they were drawn to it, almost like a tractor being... because it was this emotionally true thing.
Creo que probablemente podría, a un hombre, ir a través de las primeras personas que estaban allí y se sienten atraídos por ella, casi como un tractor de ser... porque era esta emocionalmente verdadera cosa.
Was just a joke. - Stevenson, how's it going, man?
- Solo bromeaba.
[vito] a man walked in, in a suit and glasses, And he said that he was part of the secret service, And he told me it was because of a post that I made,
Un hombre entro, con traje y anteojos, y dijo que era del servicio secreto, y me dijo que estaba ahí por causa de un post mío, y que él fue indicado como una amenaza al presidente.
It was just a man that our money was guilty.
Solo era un hombre que nos estafó con nuestro dinero.
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you 35
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you 35
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was good 635
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233
it was good 635
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233