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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ J ] / Just you and i

Just you and i Çeviri İspanyolca

45,852 parallel translation
I just told you to stop what you're doing and call them, so that's what you should be...
Solo te dije que dejaras lo que estás haciendo y que los llamaras, así que deberías estar...
I mean, the image just stays with you... And you see it again.
Es decir, la imagen simplemente se te queda... y la vuelves a ver otra vez.
Besides... what angle could I possibly have in coming here and telling you that it looks like your brother might just be alive?
Además... ¿ qué gano yo viniendo aquí a explicarte que tu hermano, por lo que parece, podría estar vivo?
I'll walk them through the numbers and then you just dazzle them with your designs.
Yo les expondré los números y luego tú les maravillas con tus diseños.
Ezra, I've never run a business before and... I really wanna help you, I just, I don't... I don't know what, exactly what to do.
Ezra, nunca he llevado un negocio antes y... quiero ayudarte, es solo que yo no... no sé exactamente qué hacer.
Things are just kind of unraveling without you here and I just, I really wish that...
Las cosas se están derrumbando un poco sin ti aquí y de verdad que me gustaría...
But tonight... I'm just gonna be happy that you have found a man who loves you and wants to protect you.
Pero esta noche solo voy a alegrarme de que hayas encontrado a un hombre que te quiere y busca protegerte.
In that moment, I wanted him to go away, the whole agreement, and just have you.
En ese momento, quería que él se fuera, todo el acuerdo, y tenerte.
Maybe I should just move to LA and make you forget all about her.
Quizá debería mudarme aquí y hacer que te olvides de ella.
And... you know, when I first saw him, I just knew instantly that we had this connection.
Cuando lo vi por primera vez, supe instantáneamente que teníamos una conexión.
- And if I... can't feel love... well, you see, I'd rather just... die.
- Nunca dije... - Y si... no puedo sentir amor... Entonces, bueno, preferiría... morir.
So maybe... you and I can just hang out, us girls.
Quizá tú y yo podamos pasar tiempo de chicas.
I know how much you love me, and I know you just can't see it because of that bitch!
Sé cuánto me amas y sé que no puedes verlo por esa mala-puta.
You give me one good reason why I shouldn't just take that and cut your head off.
Dame una buena razón por la que no debería cogerlo simplemente y decapitarte.
I just gave you one, and you know I wouldn't be offering this unless what I was saying were true.
Acabo de darte una, y sabes que no te lo ofrecería si no fuera verdad lo que te digo.
I mean, I see you, and I just... I get...
Te veo y siento...
Suddenly, you decide this is a physical thing, and I'm caught by surprise, and now you're just gonna go pout and make this my fault?
De repente decides que esto es algo físico, me tomas por sorpresa, ¿ y ahora te ofendes y es mi culpa?
I just think it's so weird that you know everything about me... and I don't know anything about you.
Me parece raro que sepa todo de mí, y que yo no sepa nada de usted.
I just... I really wish you'd told me about these plans of yours before you went out and did it.
Me hubiera gustado que me contaras estos planes antes de que fueras y lo hicieras.
And I'm gonna show you, just like the butterfly's wings, this piece of gum is gonna start a sequence of events that will finish on the other side of the world.
Y voy a mostrarte que, como las alas de la mariposa, esta goma de mascar iniciará una serie de eventos que terminaran al otro lado del mundo.
I'll just pick you up with Mike and we'll go.
Te recogeré con Mike y nos iremos.
I know you, Annalise, and, yes, I just called you Annalise, which I think is appropriate, considering where we are in our relationship.
Te conozco, Annalise, y sí, te acabo de llamar Annalise porque creo que es apropiado considerando el estado de nuestra relación.
I was just like you... just trying to do the right thing, stood up to them and they destroyed my life.
Era como tú... Solo intentaba hacer lo correcto, plantarles cara... y destrozaron mi vida.
I know how close you both were, and... this all... this all just really... sucks.
Sé lo unidos que estabais y todo... todo es una mierda.
Bonnie, I've been thinking about things, and... I just want you to know that...
Bonnie, he estado pensando sobre algunas cosas y... solo quería que sepas que... estoy haciendo todo lo que puedo por nuestro caso.
I just... I miss him, and I know that you do, too, which is why I shouldn't have shut you out.
Es que le echo de menos y sé que tú también, por eso no debería haberme alejado de ti.
Just say yes, and then I'll tell you.
Decid que sí y luego os lo diré.
And I just thought you should know that.
Y simplemente pensé que deberías saberlo.
I just find it hard, you know, to think that all that goodwill and decency just... evaporated...
Lo encuentro difícil, ya sabes, pensar que toda esa buena voluntad y decencia se... ha evaporado...
I think you're getting played, just like I'm getting played, and my partner and who knows how many other people by these diabolic corporate cocksuckers.
Creo que han jugado contigo, igual que juegan conmigo, con mi compañero. y con quién sabe cuántos más esos chupapollas corporativos diabólicos.
Hello, it's Dr. Mathis and I was just calling to see how you're doing on the new medicine.
Hola, soy la doctora Mathis y estaba llamando para saber cómo ibas con la nueva medicina.
Finally, you know, I just got up, I walked into her office, and I told her... you know, I told her that she was wrong.
Finalmente, ya sabe, me levanté entré en su oficina y se lo dije.
Now, if you weren't you... and you were just some other patient, I would say that you lack insight, but I know there's more you're keeping from me.
Ahora, si no fueras tú y fueras cualquier paciente, diría que careces de introspección. Pero sé que me estás ocultando cosas.
And since I have svamlat on about this, and you probably have not listened, I just want to say that I really need you in my life.
Y ya que estoy hablando mucho y probablemente ni siquiera lo escuches, sólo quiero decir cuánto te necesito ahora en mi vida.
I came home last time after coming to see you, and I said that we should cool it. And he got angry, he's just a different person when he uses.
Él llegó a casa cuando venía de verte y le dije que debíamos moderarnos y se molestó.
All right. I just wanna know about you and your new friends.
Quiero que me cuentes de tus nuevos amigos.
And you gave me the clue I needed to do just that.
Y tú me diste la pista que necesitaba para hacer esto.
And unlike you, I don't push someone away just'cause they're a hard choice.
Y a diferencia de ti, yo no aparto a alguien solo porque sea una decisión difícil.
Look, I don't care if it's just you and me, we'll figure out a way.
No me importa si solo somos tú y yo, encontraremos una manera.
Well, Gideon was going over autopsy reports, and, well, I'll just let her tell you. Gideon?
Buen, Gideon ha estado repasando informes de autopsias y... bueno, dejaré que ella te lo cuente. ¿ Gideon?
I know you didn't bring me to 2017 just so we could get lattes and frappuccinos, man.
Sé que no me trajiste a 2017 para comprar lattes y frappuccinos.
That's where this happened, and from them, it was just one bad and I guess once you let the darkness inside and now I am trapped in a parallel dimension, telling my sob story to the doppelganger
Allí es donde esto ocurrió, y desde ahí, ha sido una mala decisión tras de otra, y supongo que una vez dejas entrar las tinieblas, no salen jamás, y ahora estoy atrapada en una dimensión paralela, contándole mi tragedia al...
She didn't want you to find someone to replace her, just someone to take on the mantle, and from where I'm sitting, that's two very different things.
Ella no quería que encontraras a alguien para reemplazarla, sólo alguien que continuara su legado, y desde donde yo estoy sentado, esas son dos cosas muy diferentes.
I read about your hack of the department of education, and I was like, "I know what I want to be," but then you just totally stopped and became this, like, information technology support player, and...
Leí de tu hackeo al Departamento de Educación y dije : "ya sé qué quiero ser", pero entonces tú lo dejaste y te convertiste en encargada del soporte informático y...
I think you'd probably pretend for a while that everything was fine, and then you'd have one conversation with me and then just leave.
Creo que tal vez fingirías por un tiempo que todo está bien, luego tendrías una conversación conmigo y te irías.
I just don't want you to turn around and have nothing left.
No quiero que mires atrás y no tengas nada.
You know, this new hiatus you have opens up some really, really cool opportunities, and your mom and I just disagree on which one's the best.
Este hiato abre muchas oportunidades, y tu madre y yo no nos ponemos de acuerdo en cuál es la mejor.
- I want you to read both of those and just let Arya know what you think.
Quiero que leas ambos, y que le digas a Arya qué opinas.
She just wants to take a break from acting, and, um, you know, I think she just wants to be a kid again.
Solo quiere descansar de la actuación, y creo que quiere volver a ser una niña.
You know, I'm a waiter, and people feel like they can just, like, open up to me.
Soy camarero, y la gente siente que puede abrirse conmigo.
Sorry that I dragged you to this party and then just left you by yourself.
Lamento haberte arrastrado a esta fiesta para dejarte solo.

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