Like i did Çeviri İspanyolca
8,810 parallel translation
I shouldn't have gone off solo like I did.
No debí ir solo como lo hice.
Wouldn't want to accidentally blow up someone like I did my boyfriend.
No querría que accidentalmente hiciera añicos a alguien como se lo hice a mi novio.
But having you in my corner like I did today, if I could have that for life...
Pero teniéndote de mi parte como hoy, si pudiera tener eso de por vida...
Sympathy that wants to let him start over again like I did.
Simpatía que me hace querer dejarle volver a empezar como hice yo.
If you'd lost someone like I did, you'd understand.
Si hubiera perdido a alguien como me pasó a mí, entendería.
If I did, you think I'd be in a dump like this?
Si lo hiciera, ¿ crees que estaría en este sitio de mierda?
Have you any actual proof - - other than Pinion's fantasies - - that I did anything like this, to Jimmy Sullivan?
¿ Tiene alguna prueba real, aparte de las fantasías de Pinion, de que yo le hiciera esto a Jimmy Sullivan?
How did you know that I didn't like her?
¿ Cómo sabe que no me agradaba?
I didn't like him any more than you did, but we could've pulled him out of the water.
Mire, no me caía bien, pero podríamos haberlo sacado del agua.
[gasps] I never did like pirates.
Nunca me gustaron los piratas.
He erm... he did like I told him right to the end, but he was sloppy.
Él... hizo lo que dije que hiciera hasta el final... pero era desprolijo.
Did you really think that if you just acted like I changed my mind that I'd change my mind?
¿ De verdad creíste que si solo actuabas como si hubiera cambiado de parecer, cambiaría de parecer?
Pfft. I like to think I did some things he will never forget.
Quiero pensar que hice cosas que nunca olvidará.
I'm not doing grand allegro, so I did part of it, but my meeting was, like, halfway through, so I had to leave early.
No estoy haciendo grand allegro, así que hice una parte, pero mi participación fue a la mitad, así que tuve que irme temprano.
Well, this has been cool, and despite all those foul things I said, you seem like a sharp businessman, and, uh... this is real cool that you did this and let all these strangers shit on you
Bueno, esto ha sido divertido y a pesarde todas esas cosas que dije, pareces un buen hombre de negocios y, uh... es realmente genial que hayas hecho esto y dejes que todos estos extraños te tiren toda esta mierda
Did it ever occur to you, like, " Hey, look, I've got a problem.
¿ Alguna vez pensaste : " Tengo un problema.
When she did take it, She might have been able to focus more in school, but it took the joy from her, so I kind of felt like...
Cuando se las tomaba, quizás podía concentrarse en la escuela, pero estas pastillas le arrebataban su alegría.
When we were young, did you ever think that any of your kids would grow up and have a drug problem or become a drug addict like Mike and I did?
Cuando éramos jóvenes, ¿ pensaste que alguno de tus hijos tendría un problema con las drogas o que se convertiría en un drogadicto, como Mike y yo?
what you did, and I was addicted to pills'cause I had a hip problem, but it's no different from somebody who gets addicted to it'cause they like to be high.
Era adicto a las pastillas porque tenía un problema de caderas. No es diferente de alguien que desarrolla una adicción drogándose.
I needed to go to rehab, so, like, whatever I did whether it was subconsciously...
Necesitaba entrar en rehabilitación. Todo lo que hacía... En definitiva, no fue conscientemente.
Whatever I did subconsciously was like some sort of weird cry for help because I didn't know how to say it.
Todo lo que hice... fue como... un grito de ayuda porque no sabía cómo decirlo.
Why did I ever like you?
¿ Por qué te gusté siquiera?
'Cause I did a little research on what it's actually like to be stoned to death.
Porque hice una pequeña investigación en lo que actualmente es ser apedreado hasta morir.
When I was, like, 13, I genuinely preferred calling myself a faggot than I did... than saying, "I'm gay."
Cuando tenía unos 13 años prefería llamarme a mí mismo marica antes que decir, "Soy gay."
I said Lyon Dynasty came out the gates blazin'last night, bum-rushing the stage like KRS did PM Dawn.
Dije dinastía Lyon salió de las puertas Anoche Blazin', Bum-corriendo el escenario como KRS hizo PM Dawn.
♪ I splatter your brains like them cats did "Stank" Gathers. ♪
♪ Yo SALPICADURA sus cerebros como ellos gatos hicieron "apestaba" Reúne. ♪
I wouldn't be the man I am today if you hadn't looked after me like you did for all those years.
No sería el hombre que soy hoy si no me hubieras cuidado como hiciste todos esos años.
You know, I never did like your fake ass, Candace.
Sabes, nunca me gustó tu falso culo, Candace.
That was, like, some stupid demo I did, so why do you know that?
Eso fue, al igual que algunos de demostración estúpida que hice, ¿ Por qué sabes que?
Speaking of working, did you promote Carmen like I told you to?
Hablando de trabajar, ¿ ascendiste a Carmen como te dije?
And you kept tabs on him as he stalked these men and women just like you did, I took an oath. I took an oath.
- Hice un juramento.
- What? - The reason why I gave you up back then, and the reason that I shook you up again, and the reason why I'm rejecting you like this after I did that.
- La razón por la que renuncié a ti... y la razón por la que volví a hacerte dudar... y la razón por la que te estoy rechazando después de eso.
Like, I did a short film a few years ago, where I played this guy in a park who meets this really gorgeous girl with a dog.
Por ejemplo, hice un corto hace unos años, en que interpretaba a un tipo en un parque que conoce a una chica realmente guapa con un perro.
I like what he did with the place.
Me gusta lo que han hecho con el lugar.
I have loved you with all my head and didn't use my brains, like you did.
Te he amado con toda mi imaginación y no utilicé la cabeza como hiciste tú.
I used to think I didn't fall apart like you because I was stronger, but now I realize it's because, if I did, there'd be nobody there to pick up the pieces.
Yo solía pensar que yo no caigo en pedazos como si porque yo era más fuerte, pero ahora me doy cuenta de que es porque, si lo hiciera, no habría nadie allí para recoger los pedazos.
He's not answering his mobile, but he did leave the office, like, an hour ago, so I'm sure he's close.
Él no contesta su móvil, pero lo hizo salir de la oficina, como, hace una hora, así que estoy seguro de que él está cerca.
No, I thought Clarence did it, like the police said.
No, creo que lo hizo Clarence, como dijo el policia.
You guys track him down, and I'll take him out, just like we did with Vartox.
Ustedes seguirle la pista, y yo lo llevare a cabo, al Igual Que HICIMOS con Vartox.
I didn't just run away like you and Michael did.
No salí simplemente huyendo, como hicieron usted y Michael.
Did you like the leftover venison I put in your omelet?
¿ Te gustaron las sobras de venado que puse en tu tortilla?
I just like that you did.
Me gusta lo que hiciste.
I parked in the garage, like I always do, right next to his car, took the elevator downstairs, waited around for him to show, but he never did come.
Aparqué en el garaje, como siempre hago, al lado de su coche, cogí el ascensor, esperé que apareciera, pero nunca llegó.
- What did I like about it?
- ¿ Qué fue lo que me gustó?
I do not know what he did, however, he has not had a drink in like six months.
No sé qué hizo, pero no ha tomado una copa como en seis meses.
The second I met you, I knew I did not like you.
Al segundo en que te conocí, sabía que no eras como yo.
Then right when I was feeling like a dirty little slut, I turn on the TV in addition, I see your face and his face and his daughter's face, in addition, I did not like that very much.
Y luego justo cuando me sentía como una sucia putita, enciendo el televisor y veo tu rostro... y su rostro y el rostro de tu hija... y no me gustó mucho eso.
Hearing about what she did to those bitches was, like, the only thing I looked forward to.
Escucharla hablar sobre lo que les hizo a esas zorras era lo único que me mantenía.
I wish I'd gotten to know him like you did.
Desearía haberlo llegado a conocer como lo hiciste tú.
Sometimes I just look around and wonder, like, how did this happen?
A veces miro a mi alrededor y me pregunto, ¿ Cómo ha pasado todo esto?
Yeah, but I... I did not like him.
Ya, pero... él no me gustaba.
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like i care 29
like it or not 353
like it never happened 30
like it was yesterday 28
like it was nothing 23
like it 260
like it's 21
like in the movies 43
like i told you 172
like i care 29
like it or not 353
like it never happened 30
like it was yesterday 28
like it was nothing 23
like it 260
like it's 21
like in the movies 43
like i said before 77
like i told you before 31
like i promised 17
like i was saying 79
like i always say 30
like i always do 34
like i do 62
like in 58
like i say 94
like i am 17
like i told you before 31
like i promised 17
like i was saying 79
like i always say 30
like i always do 34
like i do 62
like in 58
like i say 94
like i am 17
like i 37
like i was 29
like i said on the phone 16
i did 11059
i didn't 6296
i didn't mean to 734
i didn't ask 203
i didn't mean to upset you 69
i didn't want to bother you 42
i didn't mean to offend you 51
like i was 29
like i said on the phone 16
i did 11059
i didn't 6296
i didn't mean to 734
i didn't ask 203
i didn't mean to upset you 69
i didn't want to bother you 42
i didn't mean to offend you 51
i didn't hear you 152
i didn't realize 188
i didn't mean to hurt you 93
i didn't do it on purpose 65
i didn't see you 162
i didn't mean 401
i didn't want to wake you 60
i didn't know 1538
i didn't do it 744
i didn't do anything 1161
i didn't realize 188
i didn't mean to hurt you 93
i didn't do it on purpose 65
i didn't see you 162
i didn't mean 401
i didn't want to wake you 60
i didn't know 1538
i didn't do it 744
i didn't do anything 1161