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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ O ] / Obviously not

Obviously not Çeviri İspanyolca

3,491 parallel translation
Deepak, you've not got a criminal record and you're obviously not the brains behind this, so if you cooperate with us, we'll tell the prosecution that you helped us and that's going to make a difference.
Deepak, no tienes antecedentes criminales y obviamente no eres el cerebro detrás de esto si cooperas con nosotros, diremos a la fiscalía que nos ayudaste y eso va a marcar una diferencia.
Obviously not!
¡ Obviamente no!
They're obviously not worthy of your leadership.
Obviamente no se merecen tu liderazgo.
He's obviously not the same man he used to be.
Obviamente no es el mismo hombre que era.
Obviously not.
Obviamente no.
And obviously not an egg roll,'cause... same issue.
Y obviamente no un rollo de huevo, porque... lo mismo.
She's obviously not doing anything about it.
Evidentemente no está haciendo nada al respecto.
This is obviously not a good time.
Obviamente este no es un buen momento.
Well, obviously not you, Marty, I mean... Boo.
Bueno, obviamente no a ti, Marty, quiero decir...
Look, Glenn, you're obviously not gay.
Mira, Glenn, obviamente no eres gay.
Well, we're obviously not.
Bueno, no estamos obviamente.
I'm obviously not the people you're talking about.
Obviamente no soy esa clase de persona.
We're obviously not expecting a full presentation.
Obviamente, no estamos esperando una presentación completa.
Okay, Alex is obviously not cheating on me.
De acuerdo, Alex obviamente no me está engañando con otra.
This is obviously not gonna work.
Evidentemente esto no va a funcionar.
Obviously not getting the spot.
Obviamente, no vas a tener el lugar.
I mean, you're obviously not motivated by danger.
Es decir, obviamente no te motiva el peligro
Obviously not you.
Obviamente, no usted.
Está claro que no es quien pensabas.
We're not gonna cart them off to a formal video suit, obviously, so we'll do it in situ.
No los vamos a forzar a hacer un video formal,... -... lo haremos in situ.
Look, Detective, this is obviously a misunderstanding,'cause I am clearly not dead.
Mire, detective, obviamente se trata de un malentendido, porque está claro que no estoy muerto.
Vanessa, Ashley is obviously dangerous, not to mention you're wanted by the cops.
Vanessa, Ashley es obviamente peligrosa, sin mencionar que tu estás buscada por la policía.
I'm not gonna drink a whole bottle, obviously.
No tomaré una botella entera, obviamente.
Well, obviously, I'm not going to do that.
Bueno, obviamente no voy a hacerlo.
Not that you'd be interested, obviously.
Aunque a ti no te interesan, evidentemente.
Well, obviously he's not going to like it.
Bueno, obviamente no va a gustarle.
Not me, obviously.
No a mí, obviamente.
We should have an appropriate adult - not you, obviously.
Habrá un adulto responsable, obviamente, tú no.
Sorry, I just, uh... obviously, I'm not qualified to be here, man, I'm...
Lo siento... está claro que no estoy calificado para estar aquí...
Not out loud, obviously.
Obviamente no en voz alta.
Well, not for him, obviously.
Bueno, no para él, obviamente.
Obviously it's not pleasant
Obviamente no es agradable.
Obviously, I'm not... as a frustrated Andy Richter was having trouble already up there because I'm here.
Así como un frustrado Andy Richter que tenía problemas entrando en el club del que era miembro.
Obviously what's important to you is not the same as what's important to her, so stop judging her for it, and try to figure out where she's coming from.
Obviamente, lo que es importante para ti no es lo mismo que lo que es importante para ella, así que deja de juzgarla por eso, y trata de averiguar cómo se siente.
( laughing ) : Obviously it's not... no.
Obviamente no lo es... no.
I thought we were friends, but obviously, we're not, and I didn't have any friends growing up because I spent my whole childhood taking care of my little brothers.
Pensé que éramos amigas, pero está visto que no. Y yo no tuve amigos de pequeña... porque me pasé toda mi infancia... cuidando de mis hermanos.
Everyone on call has obviously been paged, but roads are starting to close, so we're not gonna have much relief.
Se ha llamado a todas las personas diponibles, pero están empezando a cerrar carreteras, así que no vamos a tener mucho descanso.
Because, obviously, you're not the person I thought you were.
Porque obviamente no eres la persona que yo creía.
I... obviously, there's the fact that I scored the highest on the Inservice test, and I'm not sure if you know this, but in med school I was chosen to co-author a paper on COX2 inhibitor testing,
Yo... obviamente está el hecho de que tuve la más alta calificación en la prueba de servicio, y no estoy segura si usted sabe esto, pero en la facultad de medicina fui escogida como co-autora en un trabajo
I hope this really is about your highlights... which need work... and not the fact that you obviously lost the mother of the bride on the day of the wedding.
Espero que de verdad sea sobre tus mechas... que necesitan trabajo... y no sobre el hecho de que obviamente has perdido a la madre de la novia el día de la boda.
The point is, obviously, you do not throw rocks at a hornet's nest.
El punto es, que obviamente, no debes arrojarles rocas a un nido de avispas.
Not everybody, obviously.
No todos, obviamente.
Obviously, I am not doing ecstasy.
Obviamente, no estoy tomando éxtasis.
Well, not from you, obviously.
Bueno, no por ti, obviamente.
Well no, obviously it's not heaven - - JAMES MASON :
Pues no, obviamente no es el cielo - JAMES MASON :
Obviously, I would prefer he did not sell vibrating hoo-has.
Obviamente, preferiría que no vendiera vibradores.
Yeah. Except not really, obviously.
Sí, salvo que en realidad obviamente no.
All right, this obviously is not working.
Muy bien, esto, obviamente, no esta funcionando.
Obviously, I'm not doing so well.
Obviamente, no me está yendo tan bien.
It's not, obviously.
Obviamenta no lo está.
- This obviously is not just gonna go away.
- Es obvio que no va a ser olvidado.

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