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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ O ] / One of those things

One of those things Çeviri İspanyolca

2,127 parallel translation
It's just one of those things boyfriends do for their girlfriends because they love them.
- Esta es una de esas cosas que los novios hacen por sus novias porque las aman.
Do you know how hard it is to break one of those things?
¿ Sabes lo difícil que es romper una de esas cosas?
I'm thinking confidence may be one of those things people can't tell if you really have or are just pretending to have, like the female orgasm.
Estoy pensando que la confianza es una de esas cosas que la gente no puede decir si realmente tienes o solo estás fingiendo tener...
Apparently, it only takes four people to pick one of those things up and just lob it in the drink.
Aparentemente solo necesitan 4 personas para robarse una de esas cosas y tirarlas al agua
That's one of those things dealing with ancient material that says these folks talked to each other, and they knew each other's stories.
Esta es una de esas cosas que se toman del material antiguo en donde esta gente hablaba, y conocían las historias de cada uno.
You know, I think this is one of those things where talking about it is not going to make it better.
Sabes, creo que esto es una de esas cosas que hablando no se solucionan.
This is one of those things, isn't it?
- Esta es una de "esas cosas" no?
This definitely appears to be one of those things.
Casi seguro que es una de esas cosas.
You know, one of those things is like eating three double cheeseburgers.
Esas cosas son como comer tres hamburguesas con queso.
I know, but it's... It's just one of those things you can't do.
Lo sé, pero... es algo que no puedes hacer.
And since you don't have either one of those things, you're gonna be the funny guy.
Y si no tienes ninguna de estas dos cosas, serás el chico divertido.
One of those things I admire about you.
Una de esas cosas que admiro de ti.
Malcolm's sort of one of those things that I'm aware of without ever having really coming to contact... with.
Malcolm es una de esas cosas con las que nunca he sido consciente de haber tenido nunca contacto.
Neither one of those things is true.
Ninguna de esas cosas es verdadera.
Okay, it's neither one of those things.
De acuerdo, no es ninguna de las dos cosas.
Neither one of those things are laws, Taco.
Ninguna de esas cosas es una ley, Taco.
Are you one of those things?
¿ Eres una de ellas?
So, I was thinking, you know, just in case she stopped by to have one of those things she loved, one of those...
Estaba pensando... Por si entra a tomar una de esas cosas que tanto le gustaban. Una de esas...
I've never seen one of those things.
Yo jamás he visto algo así.
It's just one of those things.
Fue una de esas cosas.
She's individuated each one of those things, her imaginary world, its inhabitants.
Ha individualizado cada una de esas cosas, su mundo imaginario, sus habitantes.
- only had one of those things?
- Solo se tomo una de estas?
Like I said it's one of those things - not meant for us to understand.
Como dije, esta es una de esas cosas... que no podemos comprender.
This is one of those things that I'm already regretting.
Esta es una de esas cosas de las cuales me arrepentiré.
- One of those things.
- Cosas que pasan.
You can't let me become one of those things.
no puedes dejarme convertir en una de esas cosas.
Everyone who took RAK has turned into one of those things.
todos los q tomaron RAK se han convertido en esas cosas.
I'm beginning to think I should get you one of those harness things.
Comienzo a pensar que debería conseguirte uno de esos arneses.
One of the things that those early Chinese potters would have been eating was wild rice.
Una de las cosas que esos primeros alfareros chinos habrían estado comiendo era arroz salvaje.
I'm even going to throw in one of those little pine tree air freshener things that goes in your rearview mirror.
Incluso te pondré uno de esos ambientadores de pino... que van en el retrovisor.
That's one of those hard-core wilderness things, right?
Es una de esas cosas extremas que se hace en la naturaleza ¿ Verdad?
One of the things i've learned recently is that sometimes being generous Is the most selfish thing a person can do, And that we might just have to ask those we help to forgive us
Una de las cosas que he aprendido recientemente es que a veces ser generoso es la cosa más egoísta que una persona puede hacer, y por eso debemos pedirle a los que ayudamos que nos perdonen nuestra generosidad.
It was one of those angel of death things, you know?
Fue por un caso de ángeles de la muerte, ¿ sabe?
Well, you know, it's probably one of those inner ear things.
Probablemente, es un problema del oído interno.
- It's not necessary. Maybe it's one of those ghost-limb things that amputees get.
Tal vez sea uno de esos miembros fantasma que sienten los amputados.
One of those digital camcorder things.
Una de esas cámaras de vídeo digital.
Um, yeah, it was, you know, it was just one of those, uh, 24-hour things.
Um, sí, fue, ya sabes, una de esas, Uh, cosas de 24 horas.
I once golfed with this dude who got out of the hospital with a fractured skull, and he had one of those giant metal halo-looking things screwed to his head.
Una vez jugue golf con ese tipo que salio del hospital con el cráneo fracturado, y tenía una de esas- - cosas gigantes de metal, como salidas de Halo atornilladas a su cabeza.
Definitely one of those two things.
Una de esas dos cosas.
No, this isn't one of those "sorry" things.
No, esto no es uno de esos "lo siento" sin más.
I keep thinking about one of those shopping trolleys that go down the pavement, the electric things that...
me vienen a la cabeza los carritos de supermercado que van por la acera, esas cosas eléctricas que...
We got another one of those cluster things.
Tenemos otro de esos amontonamientos.
Not one of those half-person, half-machine, you know, whatever you call those things.
No es una de esas cosas mitad hombre, mitad máquina cómo se llamen.
Wait a second. Is this one of those vampire things?
Esperen esto es una de esas cosas de vampiros
I think that we could wipe that off, it's probably just one of those self-tanner things. I could, you know, fix that.
Estaba un poco bronceado, pero... se lo podemos limpiar porque seguramente... es una de esas cremas bronceadoras.
It's one of those things.
Lo es.
It can't work. It's one of those things.
Tienes que elegir entre el rock y tu pareja.
Wednesdays, she's got one of those volunteer things.
Los miércoles tiene uno de sus voluntariados.
This is one more of those things that we look back on.
Sabes, este es uno de esos momentos. Que será para recordar.
Kept insisting that one of those dinosaur things was hiding in the closet.
Insistía en que uno de esos cosas de dinosaurios se escondía en el armario.
One of the cool things about STIS is it can analyze the atmospheres of those planets.
Una de las cosas geniales del STIS, el espectrógrafo de imágenes es que puede analizar las atmósferas de esos planetas.

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