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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ P ] / Put her there

Put her there Çeviri İspanyolca

664 parallel translation
Doc Squires, Colonel Ruggles. - Put her there, Colonel.
Coronel, encantado de conocerle.
Put her there by her husband.
Ponla ahí, junto a su marido.
Put her there, killer.
Hola, asesino.
- Put her there, Rocky!
- ¡ Chóquela, Rocky!
Put her there. Remy. Welcome home.
Remy, bienvenido a casa.
Put her there.
If Drusilla's under that sea... I'll send the men who put her there straight to hell.
Si Drusilla está en el mar, enviaré al infierno a los responsables.
Put her there, part.
Chócala, socio.
The girl's in a spot, and I put her there.
La chica está en peligro y ha sido culpa mía.
- - You shouldn't have put her there.
- No debiste haberla puesto ahí.
You could've put her there.
Usted pudo encargarse de ello.
I put her there.
Yo la puse ahí.
Put her there, Miss Emma.
Déme la mano, Srta. Emma.
I put her there myself.
Porque yo Io encallé ahí.
And who put her out there?
Y quien la puso ahí fuera?
We put the old flag up there for you. And you can keep her up there or you can haul her down. Because you be scared of a lot of back - stabbing, yellow-bellied foreigners.
Sostuvimos la bandera por tí, y puedes bajarla o ensuciarla porque tienes miedo de una banda de criminales sin honor.
There is something about her I can't put out of my mind.
Hay algo en ella que no consigo sacarme de la cabeza.
Wait till I get in there and you can put them all down. Oh, did the little baby hurt her little hand?
¿ Se ha lastimado la pequeña?
Well, put her down there.
Siéntante ahí.
Put her down there.
Siéntate ahí.
And Jessie's a-lying there, white as milk... biting her lips against the pain, trying to put on a smile... and comfort me. Comfort me, mind you.
Y Jessie tirada ahí, blanca como la leche... mordiéndose los labios del dolor, tratando de sonreír... para consolarme. ¡ Consolarme!
Ahora, si quieren exhibirlo, hay algo que ver.
Just put it on her finger there.
Pónselo en el dedo.
Elizabeth, fearing there might be a real plot to take her life and put me on her throne has invented a false plot so that I may be condemned to death.
Isabel, temiendo una conspiración real que me colocara en su trono inventó una conspiración falsa para que me condenéis a muerte.
I gave Katherine my picture to put in hers, and she gave me her picture to put in mine, and there it is.
Katherine puso mi foto en el suyo... y yo puse la suya en el mío, y ahí está.
Go in there and take back those silly ideas you just put in her head.
Entra ahí y quítale de la cabeza esas tontas ideas que le metiste.
There isn't an idea that I haven't put into her head.
No hay ni una idea que yo no haya puesto en su cabeza.
She doesn't want either Of us in her world, Because she didn't Put us there.
No quiere a ninguna de nosotras en su mundo, porque no nos puso allí.
There. Put her down.
Deja que se tumbe.
I'll take Ellen, I can put her in school there.
- Ellen iría allí al colegio...
I'd put up with the inconvenience but there's a far more serious reason for opposing her.
Soportaré todos esos inconvenientes pero debo seguir negándome por otro motivo.
There you would see, written in blood the record of a struggle a woman put up for her life.
Allí vería, escrita en sangre la evidencia de la lucha de una mujer por su vida.
Just before I put her into that dive, I kept thinking to myself : " There's two kinds of blackout this belt may whip.
Antes del picado no dejaba de decirme : " Esto evitará dos tipos de desmayos.
Maybe Miss Fiske put her jewels in there before she went away.
Tal vez puso todas sus joyas ahí.
Put her to bed, put a hot-water bottle on her stomach... and hold it there, no matter how she hollers.
Acuéstala, ponle agua caliente sobre el estómago y mantenla allí, no importa que grite.
Anyway, David, put her over there in that far corner.
De todas maneras, David, colóquela allí en aquella esquina.
─ Yes, I saw her put it there.
- Sí, la vi ponerla ahí.
As for Shirlene, you have my permission to put her on tonight... because I won't be there.
Respecto a Shirlene, puedes ocuparla esta noche... porque no estaré ahí.
If it would help her I would get out from behind that desk, and put YOU there. Even if it broke me.
Si sirviera para ayudarla lo pondría detrás de esa mesa, por mucho que me doliera.
Put her in charge of Anaxander, master of slaves there.
Ponla a cargo de Anaxandro, amo de los esclavos de ahí.
Put her in there.
Métela allí.
Then, your mother over there needs to put her finger print on them.
Después tu madre allá que le ponga sus huellas digitales. ¿ Ves? Aquí.
The people with the money in their hot little hands put her up there and she could do no wrong
La gente con dinero es sus pequeñas manos, lo invertían en ella y ella no les defraudaba
Put her over there.
Ponla allí.
Now, you get my stuff out of the supply shack and you... You know, and we'll put her up over there.
Saca todas mis cosas de la choza de utensilios y la instalas allí.
Put her over there.
Ponga ella allí.
Mrs. Howard will find something of her own to put up there.
La Sra. Howard colgará otra cosa, algo más moral.
Even though we know that he's pulled her out of the bay, taken her back, taken her clothes off and put her into bed, the audience isn't supposed to really get that because there's no clothes hanging on the line.
Aunque sabemos que la sacó de la bahía, la llevó a su apartamento, le quitó la ropa y la puso en la cama, el público no debe captar ese detalle porque no hay ropa colgada en el cordel.
And now I'm put on notice that they won't keep her there after this week.
Y ahora me avisan que ésta es su última semana allí.
He put her on the altar and there, with a knife he cut her white throat.
La condujo al altar y allí, con un cuchillo le abrió la blanca garganta.
If we go there, we might put her in danger.
Si vamos allí, la podríamos poner en peligro.

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