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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ P ] / Put her down

Put her down Çeviri İspanyolca

1,001 parallel translation
Well, put her down there.
Siéntante ahí.
Put her down there.
Siéntate ahí.
Put her down.
Lo bajamos.
You put her down and you save me.
Déjala y sálvame a mí.
Put her down. Oh!
There. Put her down.
Deja que se tumbe.
No, no, no. Put her down here.
No, ahí arriba hace frío.
Put her down and keep her down.
Descienda y manténgalo abajo.
Now, put her down.
Ahora, descienda.
- Good. I'll put her down as an amnesia case.
Bien, la he ingresado en el hospital como un caso de amnesia
Put her down.
Ponla abajo.
Put her down!
¡ Bájenla!
If she gets cold, you can put her down in the cabin.
Si se resfría, puedes dejarla en la cabina.
Put her down, you great bully.
Suéltala ya, tonto.
Yeah, put her down as personnel.
Sí, ponla como personal de tierra.
Okay, we'll put her down.
Está bien la inscribiremos.
Hey, what... We put her down.
Que inscribir ni inscribir Está bien, la inscribimos...
Put her down.
You hold your position right here, and Jimmy... suppose you pick up Gaby like that, and put her down... right here next to Tony?
Mantienes tu posición aquí y Jimmy... ¿ Puedes coger a Gaby así y bajarla...? ¿ junto a Tony?
My wife will be here by then. Put her down.
Creo que mi esposa estará aquí.
Just put her down very gently, sir.
- Put her down someplace.
- Ponla en algún sitio.
- Now, cowboy, put her down.
- Un momento, déjala en el suelo.
- You're gonna put her down?
- ¿ Va a dejarla en el suelo?
She opened her eyes! Put her down.
Ha abierto los ojos, ha abierto los ojos.
It seems when we got her work permit, someone goofed and put her down as a man.
Parece ser que al conseguir su permiso de trabajo, alguien la apuntó como varón.
Oh, man, did you put her down.
¡ Oh! , ¡ hombre! , lo hizo Póngala.
Consuela tell me, "Put her down." I said I am responsible.
Consuelo me dice que la suelte. Y yo le digo que soy el responsable.
All right, flyboy, you can put her down now.
Muy bien, piloto, puedes bajar si quieres.
So her masters abandoned her. I have to put her down.
Así que sus dueños ya no querían saber nada de ella,... y se suponía que yo debía pegarle un tiro.
I won't put her down, but...
Pero yo no le voy a pegar ese tiro,... pero...
We put the old flag up there for you. And you can keep her up there or you can haul her down. Because you be scared of a lot of back - stabbing, yellow-bellied foreigners.
Sostuvimos la bandera por tí, y puedes bajarla o ensuciarla porque tienes miedo de una banda de criminales sin honor.
Wait till I get in there and you can put them all down. Oh, did the little baby hurt her little hand?
¿ Se ha lastimado la pequeña?
If he should put Ann down and they fly close to pick him without her...
Si baja a Ann e intentan derribarlo...
I'd like to scratch her eyes out and call her names, and tell you how much I've had to put up with, how you've let me down.
Me gustaría arrancarle los ojos e insultarla... y decirte cuánto aguanté... cuánto me desilusionaste.
Unless she runs into bad weather, she should put her plane down at Roosevelt Field under 40 hours.
Si el tiempo no es malo, debería aterrizar en Roosevelt en menos de 40 horas.
Take this lady down to the stage and tell Julian to put her on as an extra dancer.
Lleva esta joven al escenario, y que la pongan como bailarina.
Her nurses put her to bed. Won't you sit down?
Se fue a dormir. ¿ Quiere sentarse?
You wanna put her nose down, all you have to do is push forward.
Si quieres que baje la nariz, sólo empújala hacia el frente.
- Did you put it down for her?
- ¿ Se la pusiste en el suelo?
Coming into the house blasting the place down, and Mrs. Carter trying to put her child to bed.
¿ Qué es eso de entrar con tanto bullicio... mientras la Sra. Carter intenta dormir al crío?
I carried her down the fire escape and put her in the car, on account of mother and Richard.
Sí, bajé por la escalera de incendios, y la metí en el coche. Por mi madre y por Richard no podía permitir que la encontraran en aquel apartamento.
I put it down for her.
Se lo dejé anotado.
No Saxon princess seeks homage from the men who took her lands by conquest threw down her ancient laws and put her subjects to the sword.
Ninguna princesa sajona acepta homenaje de quienes le arrebataron su tierra, abolieron sus leyes y amenazan a sus súbditos.
Estelle was so gone on him that she went down to Bourbon Street and had one put on her too.
Estelle estaba tan loca por él que fue y se tatuó otra.
Let the record show that the witness stepped down and walked to a place alongside the defendant and put her hand on his shoulder.
Que quede constancia de que la testigo bajó del estrado, caminó hasta el acusado y le puso la mano en el hombro.
Put her down here.
Ponla ahí.
Put down full flap, bring your airspeed back to 110 adjust your trim, and start easing her down.
Baje completamente los flaps, baje la velocidad a 110 equilibre el avión, y empiece a bajarlo.
We ought to have her put down.
Deberíamos sacrificarla.
I saw her. She came down and put it on me.
La vi. ¡ Bajó y me lo puso encima!
They put a funnel down her throat and poured in water, 14 gallons of water.
Le pusieron un embudo en la garganta y le echaron litros de agua.

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