Sad to say Çeviri İspanyolca
289 parallel translation
He rides all day but sad to say He winds up where he started
Él da vueltas todo el día pero lamento decir que siempre está en el mismo lugar.
And finally, sad to say, we need a hooligan.
Y finalmente necesitaremos un atracador.
# Sad to say one day he fell # # Right into a great big well #
Un dia cayo a una fuente de repente
It's sad to say, but you must
Es triste decirlo pero es cierto.
Sad to say, that's the last we'll see of our feathered players.
Por desgracia, no veremos más a esos paseantes y sus plumas.
By the way, it's sad to say "Goodnight"
Además es triste tener que decir "buenas noches"
A species you won't find in France, sad to say.
Una especie que por desgracia no encontrarás en Francia.
In fact, we're sad to say that during the last couple months, we do not even know who he is anymore.
De hecho, nos entristece decir que durante los últimos dos meses o así, ni siquiera sabemos ya quién es él.
Sir, we've had, sad to say, plenty of experience of this kind of thing.
Señor, nosotros tenemos, es triste decirlo vasta experiencia en este tipo de cosas.
It was, sad to say, to be Gorrie's only moment of triumph.
Fue, es triste decirlo, el único momento de triunfo de Gorrie.
Doctor, I'm very sad to say that I think the drugs were smuggled on board my ship.
Doctor, estoy muy triste decir que me parece las drogas de contrabando a bordo de mi barco.
I was just thinking that with all the renovation he's doing... you still look like the same old Renko to me, I'm sad to say.
Sólo pensaba que, a pesar de todo lo que está haciendo... lamento comunican'te que estás igual que siempre.
Now, I have a digital watch, sad to say, making it precisely at this very moment, 11 p.m.
Tengo un reloj digital, que precisamente en este momento marca las once.
- Same here, sad to say.
Desgraciadamente, yo tampoco.
But sad to say, I think there's a lot of people in this world... that still think if you kill a gay... you're doin a service to society.
Pero es triste decirlo, creo que hay un montón de gente en este mundo... que todavía piensan que si se matas a un gay... le estás haciendo un servicio a la sociedad.
I really do. Sad to say, Joyce's influence... seems to hang over things like a shroud.
Es triste que la influencia de Joyce cubra las cosas... como si se tratara de una mortaja.
It's sad to say, but they'll catch them all. That's for sure.
Es triste decirlo, pero cogerán a todos.
- Sad to say, but I would.
- Lamentablemente, sí.
Oh, yes, this is Kris. And this is my ex-husband... ex-poet and writer, ex-literary critic. And now the top censor in this city, I'm sad to say.
Ah — este es Kris y este es mi ex-esposo... ex-poeta y periodista, ex-crítico literario y actual censor estrella en esta ciudad... lamento decirlo.
That's a rare attribute these days, sad to say.
Ésa es una rara cualidad en esta época.
This circle, which I am sad to say we are in... will experience a slower, considerably more painful death.
Este círculo, donde me entristece decir que estamos nosotros, sufrirá...
You can't be serious when you say you want to go to prison. Isn't it sad, Charles?
No puede hablar en serio. ¿ No es triste, Charles?
What am I going to say? " It was all very sad.
¿ Qué voy a decir? " Todo fue muy triste.
If you say anything to her, she looks sad at you... with those big eyes and you're cooked.
Y si dices algo, te mira con tristeza con sus ojotes y estás acabado.
It's sad when an old hunter has to say that about himself.
¡ Mala cosa, que un viejo cazador tenga que decir esto!
I mean to say it pains me that you're sad.
Quiero decir que me apena que esté triste.
* I'll take me dad's advice and go to sea, sir * * all his pals were sad when he went away * * but last week, a letter arrived to say *
Como me aconsejó mi padre, me iré a reunir con el mar... Sus amigos se quedan tristes al verla partir... Pero el otro día llegó una carta que decía :
Yet how sad, dear, to say goodbye
Y qué triste, querida, es decir adiós
I want to say goodbye, but I must also share some sad news with those who will remain.
Quiero deciros adiós, pero tengo también que comunicar una triste noticia a los que se quedan.
I'm happy to see you don't hold a grudge for that sad and tragic... - How do you say in French...? - Oh, I didn't introduce you.
Me alegra ver que no me guarda ningún rencor por ese triste y trágico ¿ cómo se dice en francés?
I don't know what to say, but I am terribly sad.
No sé que decir, pero estoy terriblemente triste.
And I say to myself, how sad it is to have missed those four years... four years when we could've been friends.
Qué triste es haber perdido esos cuatro años. Cuatro años de amistad.
I can't say that it won't be sad parting, but he's got to go.
No puedo decir que no será triste separarnos, pero tiene que irse.
Did I understand you to say never you heard from your mother since that sad night?
¿ No tenéis noticias de tu madre desde aquel día?
I do not care what others say, but it would be much better for the world if women were ruling, because we would not see women killing and slaughtering each other. Well, is a sad case to those they have a beautiful son, like that and are not happy.
el mundo sería mucho mejor si fuera gobernado por mujeres a las mujeres no se las vería yendo y viniendo matándose entre ellas es triste que las que tienen un buen hijo no estén contentas
I will not die overnight, I'll say farewell to this sad life in broad daylight.
No me moriré de noche, me despediré de esta triste vida en pleno día.
I felt a malenky bit sad having to say goodbye to the old Staja as you will, when you leave a place you've gotten used to.
Y me sentí un poco triste al dejar la celda... Alto al prisionero.
What sad times are these when passing ruffians can say "Ni" at will to old ladies.
Terribles tiempos son estos en que viles rufianes dicen "Ni" a una pobre anciana.
On the other hand, I'd like to say the the state of the Rue Gay-Lussac, the state of the entire Boulevard Saint-Michel, is sad.
Por otro lado, me gustaría decirles que el estado de la Rue Gay-Lussac, el estado de todo el Boulevard Saint-Michel, es triste.
If we could see in each other if someone was happy or sad, indifferent or aroused, healthy or suffering from a tumor, it would be meaningless to say, "How are you?"
tuvieramos vista de rayos x. sabriamos si esta alegre o triste... indiferente o exaltado.
And I was so sad that we were going to say goodbye.
Y yo estaba sintiéndome triste por tener que decirnos adiós.
Also, because I have only sad things to say.
Soy yo la que debo contarte cosas tristes.
That's what makes me sad, I am so to say in best years.
Eso es lo que me entristece. Yo estoy en mis mejores años.
The sad day has come when we have to say good-bye to Dragisha.
Ha llegado el triste día en que tenemos que despedirnos de Dragisa.
Oh dear, sad to hear you say that.
Oh, dios. Cuánto lamento oírle decir eso.
I'm sorry to say, I'm sad to report I haven't seen anyone of that sort.
- David.
What I meant to say was, when I was sad, watching you made me feel better.
Cuando yo era infeliz, lo que conseguía ver me subía la moral.
What I wanted to say is that if something sad has happened, we sometimes resent sharing.
Lo que quiero decirte es que... Cuando ocurre algo triste... A veces uno no quiere hablar de ello.
And then you can go on to say that twilight always makes you feel sad.
Luego dile que el crepúsculo te hace sentir triste. - ¿ Por qué?
I was about to drive away when I heard this sad little voice say, " Stop.
Estaba a punto de arrancar cuando me esta voz triste, y pequeña dijo, "Stop. Te olvidas de mí."
I'm unable to say anything right now except this is a very sad and tragic day.
No puedo decir nada en este momento, excepto que este es un día muy trágico y triste.
to say the least 206
to say good 30
to say goodbye 37
to say 74
to say what 25
sayonara 114
say hello to my little friend 37
saying 381
says 221
say my name 79
to say good 30
to say goodbye 37
to say 74
to say what 25
sayonara 114
say hello to my little friend 37
saying 381
says 221
say my name 79
sayid 267
sayuri 58
say it louder 17
say cheese 102
say hi 185
say what now 22
say it like you mean it 26
say it again 435
say your prayers 56
say something 1124
sayuri 58
say it louder 17
say cheese 102
say hi 185
say what now 22
say it like you mean it 26
say it again 435
say your prayers 56
say something 1124