The truth is that Çeviri İspanyolca
4,256 parallel translation
The truth is that you visit a massage parlor once or twice a month, that you pay for it with crisp $ 100 bills that you get out of the cash machine at the 7-Eleven across the street.
La verdad es que visita a una masajista una o dos veces al mes, pagando con crujientes billetes de 100 dólares que saca del cajero automático del 7-Eleven del otro lado de la calle.
The truth is that you fantasize on online forums about having sex with some of your patients, though not me... yet.
La verdad es que fantasea en foros sobre tener sexo con algunos de sus pacientes, aunque no conmigo... todavía.
The truth is that she's chosen me, and I don't know why yet, that for the first time in my life...
La verdad es que Ella me ha elegido, y todavía no sé por qué, así que por primera vez en mi vida...
And the truth is that it's Fae-mageddon out there.
Y la verdad es que se ha armado el fae-gedón.
And the truth is that it's human to have unexpected emotional responses.
Y la verdad es que tener respuestas emocionales inesperadas es de humanos.
The truth is that on that story I have some gaps.
- La verdad es que de esa historia tengo yo algunas lagunillas.
Well, the truth is that I don't think Ted wants to say.
Bueno la verdad es que no creo que Ted quiera decirlo.
The truth is that you'd be a burden to me.
La verdad es que serías una carga para mí.
So maybe the truth is that they set the fire, she killed Wilden, and this set-up is her covering her own tracks.
Entonces tal vez la verdad es que empezaron el incendio, mató a Wilden, y este montaje ese para encubrir sus huellas.
The truth is that Dalton warned you about this, and you chose Kamali's side.
- La verdad es... que Dalton te lo advirtió... - y elegiste la versión de Kamali.
Well, the truth is that- - I'm not totally clear about my feelings.
Bueno, la verdad es... que no he sido totalmente clara sobre mis sentimientos.
Well, the truth is that I am under investigation... Ah. ... for campaign finance improprieties... of which I'm completely innocent.
Bueno, la verdad es que estoy bajo investigación... por irregularidades del financiamiento de la campaña... de las cuales soy completamente inocente.
The truth is that these bastards deserve it for... for abusing Mariana the way they did.
La verdad es que estos malnacidos se lo merecen por haberse cebado con Mariana como se han cebado.
Our best guess is that your Cingulate Cortex desperately wants to tell the truth.
Por un lado, nuestra corteza cingulada quiere desesperadamente decir la verdad.
The, the, um, the real truth of it is that you're out in the middle of nowhere, you know, so you, you don't really want to, uh, just go out there unprepared, you know.
Lo real de todo es que estás en el medio de la nada, ¿ sabes? Entonces, si realmente quieres ir, tienes que prepararte.
The final declaration from the man known as the'Truth Terrorist'in which he announces that his campaign is at an end.
La declaración final del hombre conocido como Terrorista de la Verdad en la que anuncia que su campaña ha terminado.
"My final truth is about the betrayal and lies " that keeps us in a pit of corruption. "
'Mi última verdad es sobre traición y mentiras que nos mantienen en un pozo de corrupción'.
She's devastated, my daughter, wondering what she did wrong, how she failed you, tearing herself up as if this is her fault when the truth is, you're the one that can't find his own ass with both hands.
Está devastada, mi hija, preguntándose qué ha hecho mal, en qué ha podido fallarte, desgarrada por dentro pensando que es culpa suya cuando lo cierto es que eres tú el que no puede encontrarse el trasero ni con las dos manos.
They said that the only way to get a jury to believe that I'm telling the truth is if I lie.
Dicen que la única manera de conseguir que un jurado crea que digo la verdad es si miento.
- Okay, the truth is, the other day, we accidentally got some of your mail, and there was this bright orange envelope that said "Mortgage payment past due, final notice."
- Vale, la verdad es que el otro día, accidentalmente recibimos algunas de tus cartas, y había una con un sobre naranja chillón que decía "Pago de la hipoteca vencido, último aviso".
The truth is, I owe the bank $ 12,000 that I don't have.
La verdad es que debo al banco 12.000 dólares que no tengo.
The truth is, God is 11 years old, that she was born on New Year's Day, 2002, in Manhattan.
La verdad es, que Dios tiene once años, que nació el día de Año Nuevo de 2002, en Manhattan.
That is the truth. I'm pregnant.
Hay pruebas que sustentan su implicación en la muerte de tu madre.
Is that the truth is absolute.
Es que la verdad es absoluta.
The truth is, I'm still on some pain medication that I thought I'd be off by now.
Lo cierto es que sigo con medicamentos para el dolor de los que creía que me habría librado a estas alturas.
The world doesn't know that Amanda is alive, but I do, because Ryan believed in the truth.
El mundo no sabe que Amanda está viva, pero yo sí, porque Ryan creyó en la verdad.
Is that the truth, Aaron, or another one of your riddles?
¿ Es verdad eso, Aaron, u otro de tus acertijos?
Or maybe you do not want to baby Javier is? That is the truth?
- ¿ O es que no quieres que Javier y yo tengamos uno?
Well, you'd think that, but the truth is, when it comes to women, I've never really been much of a casual sex kind of guy.
Bueno, podrías pensar eso pero la verdad es que, tratándose de mujeres jamás he sido un fanático del sexo casual.
And I know that she is telling the truth.
Y sé que está diciendo la verdad.
And all that'll cost you is the truth, that you colluded with Cameron Dennis.
Todo lo que te costará es la verdad, que tú confabulaste con Cameron Dennis.
It has, but the truth is I may or may not get into Yale or Columbia, and you were the one that told me that it'd be stupid if I didn't just cover my bases, so I just need to go and see if I even get in or not.
Tiene, pero la verdad es que quizá entre o no en Yale o Columbia, y tú fuiste el que me dijiste que sería estúpida si no barajaba mis oportunidades, así que necesito ir y ver si puedo entrar o no.
That was a stall because the truth is Nigel's right.
Ha sido una distracción porque la verdad es que Nigel tiene razón.
That is not the truth!
¡ Esta no es la verdad!
That's just because the stars lined up in a certain way but the truth is
Y eso es porque las estrellas se alinearon de un cierto modo pero la verdad es
Well, and the good thing about him being just a donor is that he'll never know the truth.
Y lo bueno acerca de el siendo solo un donador es que el nunca sabrá la verdad.
That report is a work of fiction, the truth is in this box.
Ese informe es una obra de ficción, la verdad está en esta caja.
Everything that I've told you about Helen is the truth.
Todo lo que te he dicho sobre Helen es la verdad.
That deal is only good if he's telling the truth.
Ese trato solo es válido si está diciendo la verdad.
Cameron can't see the truth because all he sees is that he has a winnable case.
Cameron no puede ver la verdad porque todo lo que ve es que tiene un caso que puede ganar.
This is me trying to get to the truth, and I can't get that until I get Annie Walker back on American soil.
Este soy yo tratando de conseguir la verdad, y no puedo hacerlo hasta que Annie Walker esté de nuevo en suelo americano.
My whole life, I've been looking to be a part of something special to feel special, but the truth is, is that I am special, okay?
Toda la vida, he estado buscando ser parte de algo especial para sentirme especial, pero la verdad es que soy especial, ¿ vale?
Believed that Shep was crazy for taking Anne Murray, but the truth is I hated what Alice Cooper
Creían que Shep estaba loco, por haber tomado a Anne Murray, pero la verdad es que odiaba lo de Alice Cooper
Truth is, I'm all that stands between Deucalion and the lives of your friends.
La verdad es que soy lo único que se interpone entre Deucalion y las vidas de tus amigos.
If that's what the truth is, yes.
Si esa es la verdad, sí.
Get the hell on,'cause I can't stop you and that is the God's truth here.
Manos a la obra, porque no puedo detenerte y esa es la verdad de Dios aquí.
We contend that this software is an objective way to provide the truth.
Nosotros decimos que este programa es un modo objetivo de proveer la verdad.
Behind door number one is me getting up in front of the press corps and telling them that you orchestrated a cover-up and ruined a girl's life, because all I've ever wanted to do is tell the truth - that I had an affair with Olivia Pope.
Detrás de la puerta número uno es me levantaba delante de la prensa cuerpo y diciéndoles que orquestaron un encubrimiento y arruinado la vida de una niña, porque todos que he querido a hacer es decirle la verdad - que tenía un romance con Olivia Pope.
No, this is not the woman that Joey married, the truth is...
No, esta no es la mujer con la que Joey se casó, la verdad es que...
And the truth is, I don't even know who that is.
Y la verdad es que ni siquiera sé quién es esa.
The truth is, Edward Darby doesn't make that deal unless you have leverage.
La verdad es que Edward Darby no haría ese trato a menos que tú tuvieras ventaja.
the truth is out there 16
the truth will set you free 17
the truth 1031
the truth is 1715
the truth hurts 29
the truth will come out 23
the truth of the matter is 23
the truth about what 27
the truth was 16
is that you 2352
the truth will set you free 17
the truth 1031
the truth is 1715
the truth hurts 29
the truth will come out 23
the truth of the matter is 23
the truth about what 27
the truth was 16
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your sister 22
is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your sister 22
is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your daughter 28
is that your car 43
is that what this is 151
is that what you want 740
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that what this is about 217
is that your car 43
is that what this is 151
is that what you want 740
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that what this is about 217
is that a 177
is that clear 774
is that better 164
is that all 744
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that true 1272
is that him 366
is that her 187
is that all of it 17
is that clear 774
is that better 164
is that all 744
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that true 1272
is that him 366
is that her 187
is that all of it 17