There are many Çeviri İspanyolca
10,873 parallel translation
"There are many rooms in my father's house."
Hay muchos cuartos en la casa de mi padre.
Ma'am, there are many, many things scarier than death.
Señora, hay tantas cosas que asustan mucho más que la muerte.
- We've taken his sheets but, as you know, there are many ways for a man to kill himself.
Hemos quitado sus sábanas pero, como usted sabe, hay muchas formas para que un hombre se mate.
There are many who would like nothing more than for us to take over.
Hay muchos que le gustaría nada más que para nosotros para tomar el relevo.
- I think that there are many people who think that Mr. Sweeney did kill his wife.
- Pienso que existen muchas personas que creen que el Sr. Sweeney sí asesinó a su esposa.
There are many reasons to back the Protestants in Scotland.
Hay muchas razones para respaldar a los protestantes de Escocia.
Now there are many, many well-known Eds in the world these days.
Ahora hay muchos Eds muy conocidos en el mundo en estos días.
I think there are many who think that is unnatural a come here today and shout "hurray" after all that has happened.
Creo que hay muchos que piensan que es antinatural venir hoy aquí... y gritar "¡ hurra!" después de todo lo que ha sucedido.
There are many sentences to death, not as many executions.
Sentencias de muerte hay muchas, pero ejecuciones no tantas.
There are many things to tell and my throat is dry.
Son muchas cosas que contar y tengo la garganta seca.
There are many roses, but the only important one is yours.
Rosas hay muchas, pero la importante es la tuya.
There are many people suffering in this world, but until we see them up close we don't have any idea they exist.
En el mundo hay mucha gente que sufre, pero hasta que no los tenemos cerca no nos damos cuenta de que existen.
Although... although you are already a great DS, and I'm sure will become an even better DS, there are many, many more things you need to learn before becoming a truly amazing DS.
A pesar... pese que ya eres una gran detective y estoy seguro que aún serás mejor, hay muchas, muchas más cosas que necesitas aprender antes de convertirte en un auténtico sargento detective maravilloso.
There are many ways to pleasure each other and I'm open to all of them, except the one that produces a child.
Hay muchas maneras de complacernos el uno al otro y estoy abierta a todas ellas, excepto a la que produce un niño.
How many banks are there in this river?
¿ Cuántas márgenes tiene este río?
There are so many amazing adventures ahead of you.
Hay muchas aventuras emocionantes delante de ti,
Oh, my God. How many of those are there?
Dios mío. ¿ Cuántos de esos hay allí?
How many of you are there?
¿ Cuántos sois?
There are not many people left at the hospital.
Y no hay una multitud en el hospital.
There are only so many moments a son has a chance to...
Hay tantos momentos en que un hijo tiene la oportunidad de...
How many hybrids have survived the virus, how many there are around the world.
Cuántos híbridos sobrevivieron al virus, y cuántos hay en el mundo.
Many times there are no consequences.
Muchas veces no hay consecuencias.
Have you ever noticed how many shimmering soft things there are in the world?
¿ Habías notado cuántas cosas brillantes hay en el mundo?
And I mon wax wood... How many of them are there?
¡ ¿ Cuántos de ellos hay allí?
There are so many children who need help there.
Hay muchos niños allí que necesitan ayuda.
There are so many blanks here...
Hay demasiados espacios en blanco aquí...
There are so many people here right now, so that...
Hay tanta gente aquí en este momento, así que...
How many people are there who have it?
- ¿ Cuántos son los que lo han tenido?
How many hidden servers are there?
¿ Cuántos servidores ocultos hay?
I love that there are so many different elements of cooking, but they're all part of one experience.
Adoro que existan tantos elementos diferentes para cocinar, pero todos forman parte de una sólo experiencia.
Do you know how many blonde women there are in Manhattan?
¿ Sabes cuántas mujeres rubias hay en Manhattan?
There are too many guards.
Hay demasiados guardias.
We all strike at once, so they don't know how many of us are out there.
Atacamos todos a la vez, así no saben cuantos estamos ahí fuera.
Not as many as there are here.
No tantos como los hay aquí.
Gross, why are there so many old people at school today?
Qué mal, ¿ por qué hoy hay gente tan mayor en el instituto?
That is why there are so many songs written about it.
Es por eso que hay tantas canciones al respecto.
There are some girls who don't know a good thin when it's right in front of them, no matter how many times it has been offered.
Hay chicas que no saben ver que algo es bueno cuando lo tienen delante, no importa cuántas veces se lo ofrezcas.
There are so many things that I found during these trips that I didn't know existed, that has in some way influenced what we do now in the restaurant.
Encontré tantas cosas durante esos viajes Que no sabía que existían, que han influido de alguna manera en lo que hacemos ahora en el restaurante.
How many are out there?
¿ Cuántos hay ahí fuera? Seis alguaciles.
How many hacks are there like this?
¿ Cuántas entradas hay como ésta?
How many potential users are out there for Mutiny?
¿ Cuántos usuarios potenciales tiene Mutiny ahí fuera?
So, you go ahead and you nail yourself to a cross, and while you're up there feeling sanctified, you consider how many people are gonna die because this task force gets shut down and the rest of those animals on Reddington's list are still out there feeding.
Así que, adelante, clávate tú misma en una cruz y en tanto estás allí arriba, sintiéndote santificada reflexiona sobre cuánta gente va a morir porque este equipo de tareas se cerrará y el resto de esos animales en la lista de Reddington seguirán allá afuera, alimentándose.
I mean there are still so many questions to answer, you know, like, where is the baby and why did Dean Munsch decide to start doing this now, but I don't know, at least we know we're all safe again.
Quiero decir, aún hay muchas preguntas sin respuesta como, dónde está el bebé y por qué la decana Munsch decide empezar esto ahora, pero no sé, por lo menos sabemos que estamos a salvo otra vez.
Which is why there are so many eyes on his nomination.
Por eso es por lo que hay tantos ojos pendientes de su nominación.
- How many are there?
- ¿ Cuántos hay?
There are too many traders.
Hay demasiados comerciantes.
Dante, I do not wish to get you in trouble, but are there many of us?
Dante, no deseo meterte en problemas, ¿ pero hay muchos de nosotros?
There are brave souls in Nova Scotia, and also many fools.
The point is how many shallow marshes are there in this general area between 47 and 60 hectares.
El punto es cuántos pantanos bajos hay en esta área general de entre 47 y 60 hectáreas.
There are missions where everything can go sideways and you won't save many lives if you don't save your own first.
Hay misiones en las que todo puede torcerse y pocas vidas salvará si no salva primero la suya.
If the Germans are in the Ministry, there won't be too many here.
Si los alemanes están en el Ministerio, aquí habrá pocos.
there aren't any 65
there aren't 60
there are 1232
there are no rules 58
there are some 34
there are no accidents 24
there are no words 34
there are no 25
there are three 23
there are so many 43
there aren't 60
there are 1232
there are no rules 58
there are some 34
there are no accidents 24
there are no words 34
there are no 25
there are three 23
there are so many 43