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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / They don't believe me

They don't believe me Çeviri İspanyolca

323 parallel translation
You don't believe all those things they said about me, do you?
Usted no cree todas esas cosas que dijeron de mí, ¿ verdad?
You don't believe what they said about me being drunk... the night I lost the Championship, do you, Dink?
Tú no crees lo que dijeron de que estaba borracho... la noche en que perdí el Campeonato, ¿ verdad, Dink?
If you ask me, I don't believe they're married.
A mí me parece que no están casados.
They don't believe nobody.
Les digo que soy el viejo Champmathieu, y me llaman mentiroso.
- Suppose they don't believe me?
- ¿ Y si no me creen?
I know you don't follow Arsenal but they're a good bet, believe me.
No entiendo. - No, pero es una buena apuesta. Creanme.
They tell me it works with gas, but I don't believe it.
Dicen que funciona con gas, ¡ pero yo no lo creo!
They don't believe I don't know any M. Paulo.
No me creían que no conozco a ningún M. Paulo.
Frenchy, they don't believe me.
No me creen.
Well they don't have any effect on me, believe me.
Pero no me afecta, créame.
They're saying that... no, I don't believe you.
Decía que... Pero, no. No me lo creo.
Why don't they want to believe me?
¿ Por qué no quieren creerme?
Believe me, they don't come no better...
No hallarían gente mejor, créanme.
Now, I don't care if they believe me or not.
Ahora no me importa si me creen o no.
I don't expect you to believe me but these few last months have been getting me down almost as much as they have you.
No me creerás, pero estos meses me han deprimido tanto como a ti.
And his wife is trapped there in the building, And if you still don't believe me the man they killed up there in a closet, honest, Pop
Y su mujer está atrapada, y si no me crees, el que mataron está en un armario.
I still have a feeling they don't believe me.
Sigo pensando que no me creen.
Looks a little like they don't believe we're leaving.
Se sorprenden de que me vaya.
They don't believe me, Mama.
No me creen, mamá.
They don't believe me.
No me creen.
You know, downtown they just don't believe me.
Sabes, en comisaría no se lo creen.
How can I convince my audience they're alive, if I don't believe it myself?
¿ Cómo voy a convencer a mi público de que están vivos si yo no me lo creo?
At the times when the ladies don't need me, since I believe they won't need me all the time,
- Dime. En los ratos en los que las señoras no tengan necesidad de mí, porque no creo que me necesiten a todas horas...
But they don't want to believe me.
¡ Lo juro! Pero no quieren creerme.
They believe in my miracles from 2000 years ago, but they don't believe in me now.
Creen en milagros desde hace 2000 años, pero ahora no creen en mí.
I know you don't believe what they say about me in the village.
Don Jesús, yo sé que usted no cree lo que dicen de mí en el pueblo.
They don't believe me, Toto.
No me creen, Totó.
They don't stop, believe me.
Nadie deja de hacerlo, se lo digo yo.
Just as they don't believe me.
A mí, tampoco me creen.
They don't believe me.
Porque no me creen.
Mire, Sr. Hempstead, no quiero parecer descortés, pero,... las cosas que me agradan, las cosas en que creo,... sé que son extrañas, pero... valen mucho más que 10 dólares a la semana.
Even if they showed me their passport I don't believe anyone would call himself Pepito Sbazzeguti!
Aunue me muestren el pasaporte no puedo creer que alguién se llame ¡ Pepito Sbazzeguti!
But it's so funny, though, sometimes you'd never believe it, they call me Katharine, I don't even know it's my own name, I forget to answer.
A veces me llaman Katharine ¡ y se me olvida contestar!
I don't care whether they believe it or not.
No me importa si me creen o no.
No los hemos visto... pero ellos no nos creen.
They don't believe it, they don't understand.
No la creen, no me entienden.
If they don't believe me and search the ship...
Es la verdad.
And they look at me as if they don't believe me.
Y ellos me miran como si no me creyeran.
They wanted to string me up! Well, I don't believe it, Clint.
No le creo a Clint...
I don't believe anything they write.
No me creo nada de lo que escriben.
I know you don't understand, but believe me, your ships will know they're there.
Sé que usted no entiende, pero, créeme, sus barcos se sabe que están ahí.
- They're gonna pick me up. - You don't really believe that, do you?
Podría estar afuera de esa puerta.
I can repeat a hundred times I don't know anything, they don't believe me.
Ya puedo repetir cientos de veces que no sé nada, que ellos no me creerán.
Believe me, they don't deserve what we do for them.
Créame, no merecen lo que pasamos por ellos.
They don ´ t believe me.
No me creen.
They don't believe me.
Es irónico, pero no me han creído.
Since my nervous system is already affected, as you pointed out, doctor, I don't believe they could do much more to me.
Y como mi sistema nervioso ya está afectado no creo que puedan hacerme mucho más daño.
But they can't hear me, because they don't really believe.
Pero no pueden oírme, porque no creen en mí.
Yeah. You know, they told me... You know, how come you guys don't believe in God?
Me dijeron que ¿ ustedes no creen en Dios?
Oh, I don't believe in them things, not unless they say what I want them to say.
Yo no creo en estas cosas excepto cuando me dicen lo que quiero escuchar
Look, I don't know talked you into taking this job, or how much they're paying you, but you gotta believe me, it ain't enough.
No sé quién lo convenció ni cuánto le pagan pero no es suficiente.

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