To be Çeviri İspanyolca
857,006 parallel translation
After all, she was supposed to be helping me find woodhouse's killer.
Después de todo, se supone que me iba a ayudar a encontrar al asesino de Woodhouse.
But, unfortunately, all of this has to be entered into evidence...
Pero, por desgracia, todo esto tiene que ser confiscado como pruebas...
Oh, you have got to be kidding!
Tienes que estar de coña.
That trafficking route used to belong to the Russians, the FSB, to be clear, but last year Hugh Meachum, on behalf of the CIA, appropriated those routes, effectively taking over.
Esa ruta de tráfico pertenecía a los rusos, al Servicio Federal de Seguridad, para estar claros, pero el año pasado, Hugh Meachum, en nombre de la CIA, se apropió de esas rutas y se hizo cargo.
You want to be next?
¿ Quieres ser el próximo?
She just told her son to be quiet.
Le dijo a su hijo que se callara.
- Glad to be here.
- Encantado de estar aquí.
The wound was too messed up to be sure.
La herida estaba en mal estado para estar seguro.
Boy, I would love to be Bob Lee Swagger for a day.
Vaya, me encantaría ser Bob Lee Swagger por un día.
I'm not trying to be anybody's hero.
No intento ser ningún héroe.
Glad to be here.
Encantado de estar aquí.
It's gotta suck to be the best, huh?
Debe ser terrible ser el mejor, ¿ verdad?
That's why my strategy's not to be as good as you.
Por eso mi estrategia es no ser tan bueno como tú.
Bet it feels good to be above the law.
Apuesto a que se siente bien estar arriba de la ley.
He has to be.
Tiene que estarlo.
Is that why you've been pretending to be dead?
¿ Por eso has estado fingiendo estar muerto?
8113's supposed to be brothers, and you went and screwed him.
Se supone que los 8113 son hermanos y lo traicionaste.
Oh, I didn't mean to be rude.
No quise ser grosero.
Used to be we had lines, places we wouldn't go to, even for money.
Antes teníamos límites, lugares a los que no iríamos ni por dinero.
This ride's way too nice to be government issued.
Este auto es demasiado bueno para ser del gobierno.
I don't need to be sure.
No necesito estar seguro.
Don't have to be a bitch about it.
No tienes que ser una perra al respecto.
But I don't seem to be making much progress in the way of shooting though, that's for sure.
Pero no parece que esté teniendo progreso en la manera de disparar. De eso estoy seguro.
She's not that little girl who you left behind to be raped by Gato.
No es la niñita que abandonaste y que fue violada... por Gato.
You know, I knew I couldn't count on you to be a good husband, but at least I thought you would be a good father to our daughter.
Ya sabía que no podía contar con que fueras un buen esposo, pero al menos, esperaba que fueras un buen padre - para nuestra hija.
Women aren't meant to be in charge.
Las mujeres no pueden ser líderes.
I will set you free and make you as powerful as you were meant to be.
Te pondré en libertad y te convertiré en ese hombre poderoso que estás destinado a ser.
Listen to me, okay? We're supposed to be on the same team!
Escúchame... ¡ Se supone que somos un equipo!
I want to be part of the business.
Quiero ser parte del negocio.
It's really not good for me to be alone, especially if things go south with Devon Finch.
No es bueno para mí andar sola. Sobre todo si las cosas salen mal con Devon Finch.
Isabela has a little mosquito of her own that needs to be crushed.
Isabela también tiene un mosquito que debe ser aplastado.
But let me remind you that Camila is not to be touched.
Pero déjame recordarte que a Camila no se le toca.
Your report seems to be missing some info.
Parece que a tu reporte le faltan algunos detalles.
But I'm gonna need that sum to be rolled out in payments.
Pero necesito que me dé esa cantidad en varios pagos.
- history will not be kind to that man.
Y confía en mí, - la historia no será amable con él.
Well, you'll be in hot water if you try to sneak off before Archer comes back with that ransom money.
Tú sí que vas a estar en agua caliente como intentes escaparte antes de que Archer vuelva con el dinero.
You'll be happy to know we recovered the ransom money. - So...
Le alegrará saber que recuperamos el dinero del rescate.
And I thought you might be here to give me an exclusive on what really happened with Bob Lee Swagger last year.
Yo que creía que había venido a darme una exclusiva sobre qué pasó realmente con Bob Lee Swagger el año pasado.
While you're playing good cop, his boys could be on the way to your ranch right now.
Mientras juegas al policía bueno, sus chicos podrían estar yendo a tu rancho.
Well, I'm guessing he's gonna be the one that's trying to kill us.
Bueno, supongo que será el que intente matarnos.
Gotta be that latch I've been meaning to fix.
Debe ser el pestillo que debía arreglar.
All right, well, for argument's sake, if you were to look into it, where would be the first place you'd look?
Bien, pues, pongamos por ejemplo, si lo investigaras, ¿ cuál sería el primer lugar al que irías?
You sure he's gonna be well enough to talk to you?
¿ Seguro de que estará bien como para hablar contigo?
Man, it'd always bother me why this great sniper would be so sloppy to let his name be heard on the radio.
Siempre me intrigó por qué un francotirador tan bueno permitiría que su nombre se escuchara en la radio.
He'd probably be happy to hear it.
Creo que se alegraría en saberlo.
Kids use it to party, but nobody's gonna be there at dawn.
Los jóvenes la usan para divertirse, pero no habrá nadie de madrugada.
If we don't get that first payment, a fleet of El Santo's hit men are gonna be on the next flight to Dallas.
Si no enviamos este primer pago, los sicarios del Santo van a tomar el primer vuelo a Dallas.
At least be man enough to recognize what you've done.
Al menos ten los pantalones para admitir lo que hiciste.
It'll be my pleasure to sit and do business with you.
Será un placer conversar y hacer negocios con usted.
We have to secure this deal today. Otherwise, El Santo's sicarios are gonna be on the first flight to Dallas. And make no mistake about it :
Tenemos que hacer el trato hoy, sino, los sicarios del Santo van a subirse en el próximo avión a Dallas, y, tenlo por seguro, serás la primera en la lista.
Then learn to be quiet.
Entonces aprende a callarte.
to be continued 170
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be with you 30
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be with you 30
to be happy 39
to be free 36
to be blunt 18
to be honest with you 224
to be fair 354
to be completely honest 27
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin with 126
to be sure 151
to begin 33
to be free 36
to be blunt 18
to be honest with you 224
to be fair 354
to be completely honest 27
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin with 126
to be sure 151
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be safe 60
to be precise 156
to be alone 26
to be clear 133
to be specific 31
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21
to be safe 60
to be precise 156
to be alone 26
to be clear 133
to be specific 31
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21