To be perfectly honest Çeviri İspanyolca
263 parallel translation
Well, to be perfectly honest, would you think it terrible if I were to suggest a little drink?
- Para ser muy sincero... ¿ le parecería terrible si sugiero que tomemos un trago?
To be perfectly honest, I'm not.
Para serles franco, no lo soy.
To be perfectly honest... It's my only love.
Para ser totalmente sincero es mi único amor.
To be perfectly honest, when I knew him, he was also a thief, and something of a murderer.
Pero para no ocultarle nada, antes era ladrón, y creo que incluso un tanto asesino.
I'm beginning to get tired, to be perfectly honest.
¡ Empiezo a hartarme! Se lo digo francamente.
I'm going to be perfectly honest with you.
Seré perfectamente honesta contigo.
Well, to be perfectly honest with you, I'm Miss Carlotta Marin's husband.
Pues, siendo sincero, soy el esposo de Carlotta Marin.
To be perfectly honest, I distrusted you when I first arrived.
Para ser honesto, al principio desconfié de vosotras.
To be perfectly honest with you, I tried...
Para ser honesto, traté...
To be perfectly honest, I've heard some talk.
A decir verdad, oí algunas cosas.
I am sorry, but we must now interrupt this fascinating programme. Our colleagues from sports news are clamouring for air time to broadcast sports images, of course. To be perfectly honest, they're wrestling images.
Siento interrumpir esta apasionante entrevista pero nuestros compañeros de la actualidad deportiva nos piden emitir imágenes de deportes concretamente, un combate
Well to be perfectly honest, I'm not so fine.
Bueno, para serte totalmente sincera, no estoy tan bien.
To be perfectly honest, I'm beginning to wish I hadn't brought them back.
Para a ser sincero, comienzo a arrepentirme de haberlas traído.
Now, I want to be perfectly honest with you.
Quiero series totalmente sincero.
To be perfectly honest, it sounds very good to me.
Para ser completamente sincero, me parece muy bien.
To be perfectly honest, madam I'm taking part in an international students'contest to see who can get the most points for selling magazines.
Para serle perfectamente honesto, señora participo en un concurso estudiantil internacional para ver quién gana más puntos vendiendo revistas.
And to be perfectly honest... we feel that you are sort of a dullard.
Y para ser honestos pensamos que es usted un poco cortita de luces
To be perfectly honest with you Mr. Caine here has taken a muckle grand shot to his brainpan.
Para ser honesto con Ud al Sr. Caine le dieron un tiro en la cabeza.
To be perfectly honest, I like a woman with spirit.
Me gustan las mujeres con carácter.
To be perfectly honest I think you miss Anne.
Para ser del todo sincera creo que echas de menos a Anne.
And to be perfectly honest with you, without having heard them...
Y para ser honesto, sin haberlas oído,
To be perfectly honest with you... I've had most of my wardrobe made for the year... and I don't have anything to go with one of those.
Para ser franco con usted mi vestuario para el año entero ya está listo y no tengo nada que combine con uno de esos.
- To be perfectly honest, we're trying to work it out. - Oh.
- Si te digo la verdad intentamos reconciliarnos.
[Marcall] To be perfectly honest... I didn't know which way the court was going to go.
Si te soy sincero, no sabía cómo fallaría el juez.
Well, to be perfectly honest, there was this girl in Philadelphia...
Bueno, para ser perfectamente honesto... - hubo una chica en Filadelfia - - ¡ Cállate!
To be perfectly honest, neither did I. Stengos wasn't the type to artificially extend his life.
Para ser totalmente honesto, tampoco yo. Stengos no era del tipo de los que extienden artificialmente su vida.
" And I replied,'To be perfectly honest,
Yo le contesté :
- To be perfectly honest, she's closer to ten.
Para serle franca, tiene... casi diez.
To be perfectly honest, nobody's original. Nobody's original out there. We're all thieves.
Para ser honesto todos copiamos.
Well, to be perfectly honest, I never liked him either.
Para ser honesto, a mí tampoco me agradó nunca.
To be perfectly honest, you see, I-uh-b-b- -
En verdad, verá, yo- -
To be perfectly honest, Mr Calhoune and myself want some of it.
Para ser honestos, yo y el señor Calhoune queremos algo de ello.
To be perfectly honest... if you like outer space... you'd be happier with one of our Saturn cruises.
Para ser honesto, si lo que le gusta es el espacio exterior le divertiría más uno de nuestros cruceros por Saturno. Todos quedan fascinados.
Well, to be perfectly honest, I'm not awfully hungry.
Bien, para ser perfectamente honesto, no estoy muy hambriento.
To be perfectly honest, I think I'm in a little over my head.
Para ser totalmente sincera, creo que estoy un poco fuera de mí.
Audrey, to be perfectly honest, I'm tired and a little on edge.
Audrey, para serte sincero, estoy cansado y un poco tenso.
To be perfectly honest, I rather liked his looks.
Para ser perfectamente honesto, me resultó bien parecido.
But to be perfectly honest, I think the girls deserve most of the credit.
Pero para ser franco, creo que las chicas merecen todo el crédito.
I mean, to be perfectly honest, i'm a little nervous about being alone at the place right now.
Bueno, para serte sincera, me da un poco de miedo estar sola en estos momentos.
- Well, to be perfectly honest... we don't see much of each other anyway.
- A decir verdad no nos vemos mucho.
I think it's the stupidest shirt I've ever seen, to be perfectly honest with you.
Es la peor camisa que he visto, para ser franco.
Yes, well, I'm going to have to be perfectly honest with you.
Seré totalmente honesto con usted.
Uh, yeah. To be perfectly honest with you... I did do just a little acting in high school.
Si quieres que te diga la verdad... actué un poco en la escuela secundaria.
To be perfectly honest,
A decir verdad,
"But to be perfectly honest with you... anything past Impressionism kind of leaves us cold."
"Pero para ser sinceras contigo..." "cualquier cosa posterior al Impresionismo nos deja frías."
To be perfectly honest, I wasn't watching the speedometer.
Para ser honesto no vi el velocimetro.
And to be perfectly honest, there may not be anything we can do.
Y para ser honesta tal vez no haya nada que podamos hacer.
To be perfectly honest, one theory's as good as another.
Una bomba. Si te soy sincero, cualquier teoría vale.
I have to be honest with you, sir. Everything seems perfectly normal to me.
Si me permite mi opinión, a mí me parece normal.
To be perfectly honest...
Dos veces.
To be perfectly honest, now is not the best time.
to be continued 170
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be with you 30
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be with you 30
to be happy 39
to be free 36
to be blunt 18
to be honest with you 224
to be fair 354
to be completely honest 27
to begin with 126
to be sure 151
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be free 36
to be blunt 18
to be honest with you 224
to be fair 354
to be completely honest 27
to begin with 126
to be sure 151
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be safe 60
to be 126
to be precise 156
to be alone 26
to be clear 133
to be specific 31
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21
to be 126
to be precise 156
to be alone 26
to be clear 133
to be specific 31
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21