To drink Çeviri İspanyolca
24,010 parallel translation
Okay, Rick, we need to have a talk. Uh, but first I want you to drink this.
Tenemos que hablar, pero primero, bebe esto.
I see the bird has taught ye how to drink as well.
Veo que le enseñó al ave cómo beber también.
- You want something to drink?
- ¿ Quieres beber algo?
- You want something to drink?
- ¿ Quieres algo de beber?
You were at a party, had too much to drink.
Fuiste a una fiesta y bebiste mucho.
On yesterday's march, punished by the dust of the road, I sought to drink first at the well, before the slaves in my charge, whose thirst was far greater than my own.
En la marcha de ayer castigado por el polvo del camino quise beber del pozo antes que los esclavos a mi cargo, cuya sed era aún mayor que la mía.
Ju have a lot to drink?
Bebiste mucho.
Fuck, Sarah. I didn't mean to drink too much of the precious fucking orange juice!
No quise tomar mucho del maldito, precioso jugo de naranja.
What's he supposed to drink?
¿ Qué va a tomar?
He's going to drink some fuck off juice.
Tomará jugo de "no jodas".
Had too much to drink.
Ha bebido demasiado.
To drink the fizz and, er, well...
Para beber el espumante y, bueno...
I guess I had a little too much to drink.
Supongo que he bebido demasiado.
That's a mind-blower because... you had too much to drink, and I'm... whatever I am.
Esto es raro porque... tú tenías mucho bebida, y yo... lo que sea.
No, you have to drink vampire blood for that.
No, tienes que beber sangre de vampiro para eso.
I'm not supposed to drink because she can't.
Se supone que no tengo que beber porque ella no puede.
No, we, er... we'd both had a bit to drink by then, hadn't we?
No, nosotros... Ya habíamos bebido bastante,
Do you want anything to drink?
¿ Quieres algo de beber?
Something to drink?
¿ Algo de beber?
I expect everyone to drink.
Espero que todo el mundo beba.
How'bout I list five things about you to prove that I'm right and if any of them are false, you get to sit down and buy me a drink.
Qué tal una lista de cinco cosas sobre... ti que demuestren que tengo razón y si alguna de ellas es falsa... te sientas y me invitas a una copa.
What, you think the more we drink, the more we're going to be fucking stoned for even more hours?
 ¿ Crees que entre mà ¡ s bebamos, mà ¡ s horas estaremos drogados?
Are you tired of having to haul out your wallet every single time you buy a drink at the bar?
 ¿ Cansado de sacar la billetera para pagar cada trago en el bar?
It can take a while to acclimatize... so please make sure you drink plenty of water.
Tardará en aclimatarse así que por favor beba mucha agua.
Thank you. My grandma used to pour a big glass of milk and make me drink the whole thing -'cause she was from the Depression.
Mi abuela me daba un gran vaso de leche y hacía que lo bebiera entero porque era de la época de la Depresión.
You want something to drink, or, uh, you want a snack, or... something to drink? Yeah.
I forgot I was supposed to have a drink with her tonight.
Olvidé que se suponía que iba a tomarme una copa con ella esta noche.
That's why I like playing with those four fools you saw earlier, because they're men who drink, who smoke and who can't afford to lose.
Lo que me gusta de jugar con esos 4 tontos que Ud. vio antes, es que son hombres que beben, que fuman y que no pueden permitirse perder.
Permission granted, little buddy. You ready to get your drink on?
Concedido, amigo. ¿ Estás listo para beber?
Uh, but I shouldn't have a drink right away, because I popped a few Dramamine just to, you know, help me get my sea legs.
Pero no debo beber enseguida. Tomé un par de Dramamines para ayudarme con el mareo.
It's really easy to slip into a drink.
Es muy fácil de colar en una bebida.
See, to me, coffee was just a thing that my boss would drink up.
Pero para mí, el café solo es una cosa que mi jefe se bebe.
I'll drink to that.
Beberé por eso.
Just drink to maintain.
Bebe para mantenerte.
You want to get a drink?
¿ Quieres tomarte una copa?
Jared, I'd like to buy everyone in the place a drink.
Jared, me gustaría comprarle un trago a todos a todos en este lugar.
People were trying to have a quiet drink.
La gente trataba de tomarse unas copas tranquilos.
And now, according to Donnie's wishes, we drink and have a good time.
Y ahora, de acuerdo a los deseos de Donnie, bebemos y pasamos un buen momento.
Let me drink to him.
Déjame beber con él.
You need to come in for a drink.
Tienes que venir a tomar una copa.
- He needs to come in for a drink.
- Tiene que venir a tomar una copa.
She'd had nothing to eat or drink since she was taken, but she's otherwise unharmed.
No ha comido o bebido nada desde que se la llevaron, pero, aparte de eso, está ilesa.
Think of how satisfying it will feel to stand in the Valles Marineris and thunder-chug a Blue Bronco energy drink.
Piensen el regocijo que sentirán al pararse en el Valle Marineris y tragarse una bebida energizante Blue Bronco.
Look, you don't need to buy me records, or take me for a drink.
Mira, no necesitas comprarme discos, o llevarme a tomar algo.
Well, I... I just wondered if you, you know, fancied a drink or a bite to eat tonight. Erm...
Bueno, solo... me preguntaba si querías tomar o comer algo esta noche.
- We need to have a drink.
- Esto hay que celebrarlo.
- I'll drink to that.
- Voy a brindar por eso.
Said I should probably have another drink before I went to the hospital.
Me dijeron que debería beber otro trago antes de ir al hospital.
It's like I don't need to eat, drink or sleep.
Es como si no necesitara comer, beber o dormir.
Tyler kept trying to get everyone to, like, drink his Moonshine.
Tyler seguía intentando que todo el mundo... bebiera de su Moonshine.
The moment you know he is in love with you, you're going to do something for me. You will drink this blood of mine, and then you will slit your own throat and bleed out silently.
A pesar de lo que Elijah Mikaelson nos haya hecho creer, la profecía de su desaparición es muy real, y una amenaza contra nuestro señor es una amenaza contra nosotros.
drink 1827
drinks 220
drinking 264
drink your tea 26
drink your milk 19
drink your coffee 21
drinking wine 19
drinking beer 18
drink your drink 16
drink it 243
drinks 220
drinking 264
drink your tea 26
drink your milk 19
drink your coffee 21
drinking wine 19
drinking beer 18
drink your drink 16
drink it 243
drink some water 60
drink the water 19
drink up 432
drink with me 19
drinks are on me 60
drinks on me 39
drink it all 23
drink this 338
drink that 36
drink it up 21
drink the water 19
drink up 432
drink with me 19
drinks are on me 60
drinks on me 39
drink it all 23
drink this 338
drink that 36
drink it up 21