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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We both know that

We both know that Çeviri İspanyolca

2,448 parallel translation
But we both know that it would be you, and not I, who would receive punishment.
Pero ambos sabemos que seríais vos y no mi merced, el que recibiera castigo.
I think we both know that this...
Pienso que ambos sabemos que esto...
We both know that was the only way... thirty seconds.
Los dos sabíamos que era la única manera. Treinta segundos.
Amy, I think we both know that any woman who's met him but didn't get to keep him is gonna see me as the enemy.
Amy, creo que ambas sabemos que cualquier mujer que lo haya conocido pero no pudo conservarlo me verá como en el enemigo.
And we both know that was posh boy talk for'kebab him'.
Y ambos sabemos que esa es la forma pija de decir "atraviésalos como una brocheta"
We both know that he can take care of himself.
Ambos sabemos que puede cuidar de sí mismo.
L.A. is obviously way more fun than this place and we both know that you never felt like you belonged in Scottsdale.
Los Angeles es evidentemente mas divertido que este lugar y los dos sabemos que nunca sentiste que pertenecías a Scottsdale.
I'd love to tell you that I was gonna come down to the police station and bail you out but we both know that's not true.
Me encantaría decirte que voy a ir a pagar tu fianza pero ambos sabemos que no es verdad.
You'll take Dee Ann's, and I'll do Jolene's,'cause we both know that you don't want to do a legit massage.
Tú tomas los de Dee Ann, y yo tomo los de Jolene, porque las dos sabemos que no quieres hacer un masaje especial.
And we both know that.
Y ambos lo sabemos.
We both know that.
- Ambos lo sabemos.
Wren seems to refer to her as "M," but we both know that this sociopath goes by other initials as well.
Wren se refiere a ella como "M", pero ambas sabemos que esta sociópata también usa otras iniciales.
You're right. We both know that.
Tienes razón, los dos lo sabemos.
You tell Marley that she's fat even though your face looks like a soccer ball, and we both know that blonds have magical powers, like doing the splits or turning Swedish.
Le dices a Marley que está gorda a pesar de que tu cara parece una pelota de fútbol, y todos sabemos que los rubios tienen poderes mágicos, como hacer las divisiones o volverlo sueco.
I think we both know that that's not exactly true.
Creo que los dos sabemos que eso no es exactamente cierto.
Tix, we both know that there are zero cool people in Lincolnshire.
Tix, las dos sabemos que hay cero gente guay en Lincolnshire.
Now, we both know that's total bollocks, because he's not interested.
Ahora, ambas sabemos que es una tontería total, porque él no está interesado.
But we both know that this isn't about money.
Pero ambos sabemos que esto no es por el dinero.
We both know that's not true.
Los dos sabemos que eso no es verdad.
And I'm afraid that you being able to come back here, even though we both know that you don't need it anymore, is holding you back. ( Sighs ) I'm scared.
Y tengo miedo de que el hecho de que puedas volver aquí, aunque las dos sepamos que ya no lo necesitas, te esté reteniendo.
We both know that's not always enough.
Ambos sabemos que eso no siempre es suficiente.
We both know that it wasn't Franky.
Ambas sabemos que no fue Franky.
We both know that she has a pretty strong track record of being attracted to guys who are dangerous, who break the rules.
Ambos sabemos que ella tiene unos fuertes antecedentes de sentirse atraída por tipos peligrosos que rompen las reglas.
I think we both know that- - Yes, we do.
- Creo que ambos sabemos que... - Sí, lo sabemos.
Look, we both know that Sonya would never let anything happen to Travis.
Mira, ambos sabemos que Sonya nunca dejaría que nada le pasase a Travis.
We both know that you're not what you seem and I got a pretty good feeling those answers are gonna reveal themselves as long as someone is watching.
Ambos sabemos que no eres lo que pareces y yo tengo un buen presentimiento sobre que esas respuestas se van a revelar en cuanto alguien esté mirando.
- We both know that's not true.
- Ambos sabemos que no es verdad.
We both know that.
Los dos sabemos que eso.
We both know that the Ratelle is a fake.
Ambos sabemos que el Ratelle es una falsificación.
We also know that the middle class, in both periods, their incomes were stagnating, and they went deeper and deeper into debt to maintain their living standards.
También sabemos que la clase media, en ambos períodos, estancaron sus ingresos, y se metieron, cada vez más profundamente, en el endeudamiento para poder mantener su nivel de vida.
I think we both know I don't do that very well.
Creo que los dos sabemos que no hago eso muy bien.
We both know how good you are at that.
Ambos sabemos lo buena que eres para eso.
I want him to know that we both...
- Quiero que sepa que las dos...
Though we both know the world is not simple like that.
Aunque ambos sabemos que el mundo no es tan simple.
I just thought maybe it would be weird sleeping in the same place since we've both admitted that we like each other. You know?
Pensaba que era raro que durmiéramos en el mismo lugar, dado que admitimos que nos gustamos, ¿ verdad?
We both know it's gonna be too late for your dear old dad, but there still might be a chance that you can make it out of this.
Los dos sabemos que será demasiado tarde para tu querido y anciano papá, pero quizás aún tengas una oportunidad de salir de esto.
Um, we've both know we've been thinking about doing that for a while now.
Ambos sabemos que hemos estado pensando en hacerlo desde hace un tiempo.
They're both carrying suitcases that they know they don't need to convince the other one we're going on a vacation that we're not going on to protect each other from the truth, even though what they think is the truth is actually a lie, respectively.
Los dos traen maletas... que ambos saben no van a necesitar para convencer al otro... de que vamos de vacaciones, a las que no iremos... para proteger al otro de la verdad, aunque lo que ellos creen que... es la verdad, en realidad es una mentira, respectivamente.
( man ) Well, we're both athletes. We know how it feels to have fun, play, run around and just knowing that our daughter won't be able to do that was -
Bueno, los dos somos deportistas, sabemos lo que se siente divertirse, jugar, correr.
And we both know what that means.
Ambas sabemos lo que significa eso.
Am I fired? " I think we both know the answer to that question.
Creo que sabemos la respuesta a esta pregunta.
Now we both know... that isn't true.
Ambos sabemos que no es verdad.
We both know if I get you that tape, I'm done for.
Los dos sabemos que si te consigo esa cinta estoy muerto.
We both know what that stands for.
Ambos sabemos qué significa.
Axel, we both know you're not gonna let that grenade off in this church.
Axel, los dos sabemos que no vas a dejar que esa granada apagado en esta iglesia.
I think we both know why I felt that way, so don't take this personally.
Creo que ambos sabemos porque me sentía así, así que no te lo tomes como algo personal.
We both know it was more than that.
Ambas sabemos que ha sido más.
I think we both know you're beyond manipulating through that kind of pain, Tom.
Ambos sabemos que puedes manipular ese tipo de dolor, Tom.
Doc says you've been in and out and there's a chance you'd sleep all the time I was here, but we both know you're too mean to go that easy, so come on.
Según el doctor, pierdes y recuperas la consciencia y que dormirías mientras estuviera aquí pero los dos sabemos que eres muy malo para hacerla fácil así que vamos.
I think we both know he wouldn't have wanted that.
Creo que ambos sabemos que él no hubiera querido eso.
I think we both know the answer to that.
Creo que ambos sabemos la respuesta a eso.

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