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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We both have

We both have Çeviri İspanyolca

3,207 parallel translation
We both have a sense of we met before, right?
Los dos tenemos la sensación de habernos conocido antes, ¿ verdad?
We both have votes to count.
Ambos tenemos votos que contar.
I mean, if we both have copies, director, who else has?
Digo, si ambos tenemos copias, director, ¿ quién más las tiene?
We both have a lot to consider.
- Tenemos mucho que sopesar.
Maybe we both have too much forgiving to do.
Tal vez los dos tenemos mucho que perdonarnos.
We both have hamsters.
Ambos tenemos un hámster.
We both have needle marks on our arms, it's fucked.
Los dos tenemos marcas de agujas en nuestros brazos, que está jodido.
Well, actually, Mike, we both have a lot of pressing business to take care of back at the station, which is why I'm wondering why you're wasting your time on a suicide.
Pues, de hecho, a los dos nos espera algo urgente en la comisaría, y por eso me pregunto por qué malgastas tu tiempo en un suicidio.
And what's even trippier is we both have scars below our left knee.
Y lo que es más sorprendente, ambos tenemos cicatrices en la rodilla izquierda.
And that's something we both have to live with.
Y eso es algo con lo que tenemos que vivir.
You better finish the job they have begun or I swear... if we survive this, I'll kill you both.
Será mejor que termines el trabajo que ellos han empezado... si sobrevivimos a esto, os mataré a los dos.
We shouldn't both have to see this.
Desearía hacer que todo esto desapareciera.
We're both gonna have to get jobs to pay the rent.
Tendremos que conseguir trabajo para pagar el alquiler.
We have both had to pay the biggest price imaginable for things that... for things that we can't control.
Ambos tuvimos que pagar un alto precio por cosas que... cosas que no pudimos controlar.
We have both worked for three months to get this crazy idea of putting you in Japan in front of Keith, and we're finally gonna get to pitch him.
Ambos hemos... trabajado por tres meses para lograr esta loca idea de llevarte a Japón con Keith, y finalmente lo lograremos.
Maybe we'll have Robert E. Lee and old Jefferson Davis himself in another box, both of them in chains.
Tal vez tendremos a Robert E. Lee y al viejo Jefferson Davis en persona. en otro palco, ambos en cadenas.
Look, we don't have to like each other, but we're both in James'life forever.
Mira, no tenemos que gustarnos, pero los dos estaremos en la vida de James para siempre.
And then we have witnesses - a Mr Leopold Fitzmaurice, and, er, Mr Horace Verney, both of whom saw Mr Luscombe in their first class compartment and then saw him embark with them on the ferry.
Y tenemos testigos... El Sr. Leopold Fitzmaurice y el Sr. Horace Verney, ambos vieron al Sr. Luscombe en su compartimento de primera clase y le vieron embarcar con ellos en el ferry.
Certainly... We have payments being made into both Olson and Breedlove's bank account by Aaron Monroe's event management company.
Desde luego, tenemos pagos a las cuentas de banco de Olson y Breedlove hechos por la compañía de eventos de Aaron Monroe.
I have known the aforementioned Derek Lee since we were both pimple-faced teenagers, and I basically forced him to be in every single one of my movies.
Conozco al antes mencionado Derek Lee desde que ambos éramos unos adolescentes con granos y básicamente lo obligué a estar en cada una de mis películas.
CHIBI I don't have a problem with you man we can both enjoy the con, ok?
CHIBI yo no quiero problemas contigo tio ambos podemos disfrutar la con, ok?
- Well, if we're gonna have two dudes kiss, We've got to cast them both.
Si vamos a tener a dos tipos besándose, tenemos que seleccionar a dos.
We have nothing to do with it. - Should you both to meet him?
¿ Entonces ambos estaban con la victima?
We have to inform all the nuclear powers, both friend and foe, anyone who might mistake this for a first strike and who has the ability to retaliate.
Tendríamos que informar a todos los poderes nucleares, amigos y enemigos. Pueden ver esto como un primer ataque y tomar represalias.
Right now, we have a boy that needs draining and I really think it would be better for both of us if you did it before he was fully conscious.
En este momento, tenemos un chico que necesita drenarse y realmente creo que sería mejor para las dos de nosotras si lo haces antes, de que sea plenamente consciente.
We wouldn't have this baby if it weren't for both of you.
No hubiéramos tenido este bebé si no fuera por ustedes.
We have very little evidence as of now, and we currently only have two witnesses, both of whose accounts are very vague.
Aún tenemos pocas pruebas y solo a dos testigos cuyas declaraciones son bastante imprecisas.
We have no problems with having both Ryusei and Keita.
No tenemos inconveniente en tener a Ryusei y a Keita.
We can't have it both ways.
O una cosa o la otra.
Look, I want you to put every resource we have on this assassination and you get me an arrest before they shit-can us both.
Mira, quiero que pongas todos los recursos que tengamos en este asesinato y consígueme un arresto antes de que la mierda nos tape a los dos.
- Look, you and I may have our own reasons for being here, But I also think we both genuinely care about what happens To Abigail Hobbs.
Mire, ambos tenemos razones para estar aquí... pero creo que a los dos nos preocupa de verdad lo que le pasa a Abigail.
Believe it or not, good taste is very rare here at the general store on both sides of the counter, so when we find it, we have to defend it.
Lo creas o no, el buen gusto es muy raro aquí en el mercado general a ambos lados del mostrador, así que cuando lo encontremos, tendremos que defenderlo. ¿ Sabes?
We just both simply have what the other wants.
Ambas tenemos lo que la otra quiere.
( Both laugh ) I think we have a love connection.
Creo que tenemos una conexión de amor.
( Laughs ) I know you have to play dumb, but we both know how this works.
Sé que tienes que actuar como una tonta, pero ambas sabemos cómo funciona esto.
We do not have the men to face armies on both fronts.
No tenemos los hombres para enfrentar ejércitos en los dos frentes.
We have to kill Marco so we can both win the game and go home.
tenemos que matar a marco para ganar e irnos a casa.
We have to kill Marco so we can both go home and win the ga... God damn it. Sorry.
tenemos que matar a marco para que podamos ir a casa y ganar los jue- - maldicion, lo siento.
Mr. Shue, and if we're gonna have any chance of winning, we need both of you.
Sr. Shue, y si tenemos alguna posibilidad de ganar, os necesitamos a los dos.
You tell Marley that she's fat even though your face looks like a soccer ball, and we both know that blonds have magical powers, like doing the splits or turning Swedish.
Le dices a Marley que está gorda a pesar de que tu cara parece una pelota de fútbol, y todos sabemos que los rubios tienen poderes mágicos, como hacer las divisiones o volverlo sueco.
I do. It's not the life that I always imagined I'd be living, but I have Beth, and I have this new Broadway Daycare business, and we're both in the same city now, so I get to see you a lot more.
No es la vida que siempre imaginé, pero tengo a Beth, y tengo una nueva guardería en Broadway.
( man ) Well, we're both athletes. We know how it feels to have fun, play, run around and just knowing that our daughter won't be able to do that was -
Bueno, los dos somos deportistas, sabemos lo que se siente divertirse, jugar, correr.
These are water tanks... y as we can not rely on the rain... have two, both located here.
Estos son tanques de agua... y como no podemos depender de la lluvia... tendremos dos, ambos situados aquí.
Well, I don't have a girlfriend. So we're both wrong.
Yo no tengo una novia ambos estan equivocados.
We both still have our contacts, apparently.
Al parecer, ambos seguimos teniendo contactos.
We've got two murders, two suspects, and both of'em have airtight alibis.
Tenemos dos asesinatos... dos sospechosos... y los dos tienen coartadas perfectas.
I think we both handled it as well as two high school students could have handled it.
Creo que los dos lo manejamos como dos estudiantes de secundaria lo podrían haber manejado.
Okay, you have one minute to get him out here now, or else I'm cutting you both out of the deal completely. Okay, but we're partners, so you can't.
Vale, pero somos compañeros, así que no puedes.
Look, we have both had a rough go over these past couple of weeks.
Mira, ambos hemos tenido momentos difíciles durante estas semanas.
Now, we're gonna have audio on both of us.
Ahora, tendremos audio en los dos
We both - me and Ed - have had relationships outside the marriage.
Nosotros, Ed y yo, habíamos tenido relaciones fuera del matrimonio.

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