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We both were Çeviri İspanyolca

2,259 parallel translation
We both were alone in the city over Christmas break.
Estábamos los dos solos en la ciudad en las vacaciones de Navidad.
We both were.
Los dos teníamos.
We were both stoned and just hung about laughing thanks to the demon ale.
Estábamos entonados pasándolo bien y riendo gracias a la cerveza.
But the technical perfection of these vases is remarkable, if we think that both were made in primitive times.
Sin embargo, la perfección técnica de estas vasijas es impresionante, si pensamos que ambos se hicieron en tiempos primitivos.
We were both young when I first saw you I close my eyes and the flashback starts I'm standing there On a balcony in summer air
Claire Smith Lorenzo Bartolini felizmente anuncian su casamiento que se celebrará el sábado, 28 de agosto, a la una de la tarde.
We were the big- - biggest juvenile delinquents in the town, and we both got arrested on the same night.
Éramos los delincuentes juveniles más grandes de la ciudad, y nos arrestaron a ambos la misma noche.
We were very lucky, both of us.
Tuvimos mucha suerte, ambos.
The last time I talked to Kurt, we both agreed together that we were not going to participate in the Time Magazine.
La última vez que hablé con Kurt, ambos acordamos no salir en Time.
... And the light was dim, and we were galloping past each other, we were passing each other by when we both... ... We made our animals stop.
Estábamos en el bosque a media luz y nos acercábamos a galope estábamos a la misma altura cuando deteníamos nuestros caballos.
We were both inside your mother.
Los dos estuvimos dentro de tu madre.
I guess it's ironic in the sense that we're both now advocating not consuming the products that we were busy actually producing with our families.
Creo que es irónico que ahora ambos sostengamos no comer... los productos que nosotros mismos y nuestras familias producíamos.
I guess it's just something he said to us when we were kids or somethin'. It's like floating'around in both of our brains.
Debe de ser algo que nos dijo cuando éramos niños que está flotando en nuestros cerebros.
We were both thinking that maybe tonight could work better.
Se nos ha ocurrido que esta noche sería la ideal.
Well, we both thought you were all marvellous.
Bueno, ambos pensamos que estuvieron maravillosos.
Let's not misjudge one incident that occurred when we were both under great stress for an ongoing alliance.
No juzguemos mal un incidente que ocurrió Cuando ambos estábamos bajo un gran stress por una alianza continua.
He ignored us both but we were not angry.
Eso nos divertía. Pero a él no le importaba.
Blanc, we both knew you were up to something
Blanc, ambos sabíamos que estabas tramando algo.
Well, you know, we were both looking forward to going.
Bueno, ya sabes, los dos estábamos deseando ir.
We were both banned, but I was banned first, so you have to go.
Nos prohibieron la entrada, pero a mí primero, ve tú.
I mean, when your dad and I split up, we were both crushed.
Quiero decir, cuando tu padre y yo nos separamos, estábamos destrozados.
I suggest we treat our relationship as if it were a crashed computer and restore it to the last point we both agree it worked.
Sugiero que tratemos nuestra relación como si fuera una computadora dañada y hagamos una restauración al último punto donde ambos aceptamos que funcionaba.
Yes, but we were both lying.
Sí, pero los dos estábamos mintiendo.
But then I realized we were both single again, so...
Pero me di cuenta de que los dos somos solteros de nuevo...
We were saved, both of us, by a man that I had never met.
Ambos fuimos rescatados por un hombre que no había visto nunca.
I think we both know how he'd respond to your dealing if someone were to tell him.
Creo que ambos sabemos cómo respondería a tus transacciones si alguien le dijera.
Vanessa, I know we've been friends since we were little, and we both like pierogies, and my dad really misses you, but just to be clear, so there's no misunderstanding down the road,
Vanessa, sé que hemos sido amigos desde pequeños, y a los dos nos gustan los pierogies ( plato típico polaco ) y mi padre te echa mucho de menos, pero siendo claro, y para que no haya malentendidos,
We both did things we didn't know were wrong in the moment.
Los dos hicimos cosas que no supimos que estaban mal en el momento.
We both wish we were.
Ambos deseamos lo que fuimos.
We were both kind of up for this thing, this really...
Ambos estábamos esperando esto, en verdad...
Jerry, we both know you were shotgunning funnel cakes instead of watching Li'l Sebastian.
Jerry, ambos sabemos que estabas devorando churros. En lugar de estar cuidando a Li'l Sebastian.
Well, Jenna and I were supposed to go to her family's lake house, but somehow, we both got roped into doing this historical society thing at the Lockwoods.
Bueno, se supone que Jenna y yo íbamos a ir a la casa del lago de su familia, pero, de alguna forna, nos hemos visto forzados a hacer esa cosa de la sociedad histórica en casa de los Lockwood.
More bad news - - we were both right.
Más malas noticias... ambos estábamos en lo correcto.
We were in love, we were going to be together, and we both know Vance is a bad guy- - bad to her.
Estábamos enamorados, íbamos a estar juntos, y ambos sabemos que Vance es un tipo malo... malo con ella.
Well, we do know that both Tina and Vivian were at the scene.
Bueno, sabemos que Tina y Vivian estuvieron en la escena.
Anyway, after a few minutes, we both just knew we were meant to be together forever.
Como sea, después de un rato los dos sabíamos que estábamos destinados a estar juntos para siempre.
The last time Raj was new to me, we were both in diapers.
La última vez que Raj era nuevo para mí, los dos estábamos en pañales.
Now, we both know you weren't looking for George's keys, all right, so what else did you find while you were playing Detective?
Ahora, ambos sabemos que no estabas buscando las llaves de George, así que, ¿ qué más encontraste cuando estabas jugando a ser detective?
We were both summoned to Oa for training.
Nos convocaron a Oa para entrenar.
I erased the computers when we were boarded and had both of us memorize part of the intel.
Borré las computadoras cuando fuimos abordados y nos hice memorizar parte de la información a cada uno.
We have reason to believe that both of your daughters were abducted by the same man.
Tenemos razones para creer que ambas hijas fueron secuestradas por el mismo hombre.
We were born in walk-ups, but we both made fortunes.
Nosotros nacimos en la pobreza, pero ambos hicimos fortunas.
We were both just having a pee.
Ambos estábamos solo meando.
We worked together for a short time at Cornell before we were both recruited into the program.
Trabajamos juntos durante un corto tiempo en Cornell antes de que fuéramos reclutados en el programa.
We acknowledge there were mitigating factors in both cases.
Reconocemos que hay factores atenuantes en ambos casos.
When we first met, we were both mad about cars.
Cuando nos conocimos, ambos estábamos locos por los autos.
We were both with the councilman around the clock.
Los dos estuvimos con el concejal todo el día.
I was thinking, instead of getting those twin cemetery plots we were talking about, we got one coffin for both of us to just lie face-to-face in for eternity, both of our skeletons snuggling, beyond the flesh.
Estaba pensando, mientras hablabamos sobre ese plan en el cementerio sobre lo de enterrarnos en un solo ataud cara a cara para toda la eternidad, nuestros esqueletos calentitos mas allá de la carne.
We were both to blame.
Tuvimos ambos la culpa.
We were both high-school students, when we came up with the idea. We'd never even met in person when we founded the company.
Los dos eramos estudiantes de secundaria cuando se nos ocurrió la idea no nos conocíamos personalmente cuando fundamos la empresa.
We were both thinking it, but now it's out in the open.
Ambos lo pensábamos, pero ahora está en el aire.
'We were both fools, she and I.'
"Ambos fuimos tontos, ella y yo."

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