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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We had a

We had a Çeviri İspanyolca

42,369 parallel translation
We had a deal with the previous tenant.
Teníamos un trato con el arrendatario anterior.
I used to have a partner. We had an office.
Antes tenía un socio y trabajábamos en un bufete.
We had a moment.
Tuvimos algo.
He's a very old friend... and we had a lot to talk about.
Es un muy viejo amigo y... Teníamos mucho de qué hablar.
We had a tough childhood, at times, nobody's fault, I know, just congratulations.
Tuvimos una infancia difícil, a veces, nadie tiene la culpa, lo sé, felicitaciones.
- And we had a nice time.
- Y nos lo hemos pasado bien.
We had a very nice time.
Nos lo hemos pasado bien.
Look, we had a totally normal childhood, and...
Sí, eso. Mirad, tuvimos una infancia totalmente normal y...
We had a speed demon in the passenger seat.
Tenía a un loco de la velocidad como copiloto.
We had a time of 1 hour,
Tenemos un tiempo límite de 1 hora.
We had a normal morning.
Tuvimos una mañana normal.
We had a deal... your doggie and the money for my cocaine.
Teníamos un trato... Tu perro y el dinero por mi cocaína.
Before your unexpected return, we had agreed a figure with your half-sister.
Antes de su inesperado regreso, habíamos acordado una cifra con su hermanastra.
We had a fucking agreement!
¡ Teníamos un puto acuerdo!
We had a conversation.
Tuvimos una conversación.
I had this nightmare where we had all killed a guy.
Tuve una pesadilla en la que habíamos matado a un tipo.
We had a lovely lunch comparing the damage done to our bodies.
Almorzamos comparando el daño en nuestros cuerpos.
What if this means we had a son?
¿ Y si esto significa que teníamos un hijo?
But we had a son we've forgotten is not one of them.
Pero que tuvimos un hijo que hemos olvidado no es una de ellas.
I came here'cause we all agreed we had a chance to take Nassau back, have a place of our own.
Vine aquí porque todos acordamos que teníamos una oportunidad de recuperar Nassau, de tener nuestro propio lugar.
We never reached our destination. and I became the lone survivor. a much different life to what I had here in New York.
Nunca llegamos a nuestro destino. Perdí a mi familia en ese accidente y me convertí en el único sobreviviente. Me rescataron unos monjes y me criaron en un monasterio, una vida muy distinta de la que tenía aquí.
- We just had a talk.
- Tuvimos una charla.
Did you know that some gang called the Yang Clan had a deal with Patel before we made that pier acquisition?
¿ Sabías que una pandilla llamada Yang Clan tenía un trato con Patel antes de que adquiriéramos el muelle?
Me and my friend Davos, when we were kids, we'd... we'd wait until the brothers had gone to sleep and we'd climb up the tower.
Mi amigo Davos y yo, cuando éramos niños... esperábamos a que los hermanos se fueran a dormir y trepábamos por la torre.
We had the world at our feet.
Teníamos el mundo a nuestros pies.
When we spoke the other day, you had a way of putting it that I thought was very interesting and succinct.
Cuando hablamos el otro día, tuviste una forma de decirlo... que me pareció muy interesante y sucinta.
We've had some good weeks thinking about Completion, envisioning a day when everyone is in the Circle, when all of humanity is connected and united.
Hemos tenido unas buenas semanas pensando en Completion, imaginando un día en que todo el mundo esté en El Círculo, cuando toda la humanidad este conectada y unida.
Now, I sense some nervousness in this room. 'Cause we've had a little bit of a public dispute, but, Stella, come on up here.
Veo que algo los puso nerviosos... ya que hemos tenido un poco de disputa pública... pero, Stella, vén, sube aquí.
This is why we had to wait for you to go to Bed Bath Beyond?
¿ Para eso tuvimos que esperarte a que fueras a Bed Bath Beyond?
We saw you had an invite to Cath's party last Saturday.
Hemos visto que tiene una invitación a la fiesta de Cath del pasado sábado.
We could easily win this war if only you had a little faith.
Podríamos ganar la guerra si tuvieran un poco más de fe.
♪ And you know we had to fight To reach the top ♪
# Tuvimos que luchar Para llegar a la cima #
♪ And you know We had to take it to the top ♪
# Y tuvimos que llevarlos a la cima #
♪ You know we had to fight To reach the top ♪
# Saben que tuvimos que luchar Para llegar a la cima #
♪ And you know We had to take it to the top ♪
# Y saben que tuvimos Que llevarlos a la cima #
♪ We had to break the locks ♪ ♪ We fought our way up to the top ♪
# Tuvimos que romper las cadenas Luchamos para llegar a la cima #
♪ We had to break the locks We fought our way up to the top ♪
# Tuvimos que romper las cadenas Luchamos para llegar a la cima #
You turned us on to Flash because of music, because music was all you had and you convinced us that it was all we had too, so we followed you.
Nos presentaste a Flash por la música, porque la música era lo tuyo y nos convenciste de que también era lo nuestro. Por eso te seguimos.
I did as others did and as others had me do, and we are all owned, and we have all owned others... so don't you dare stand there and judge me.
Hice lo que hacían y lo que me ordenaban, y todos tenemos dueño, igual que todos hemos sido dueños de otros... así que no te atrevas a quedarte ahí y juzgarme.
The saltpetre we stole had already been sold to the Royal Navy.
El salitre que robamos ya se lo habían vendido a la Marina Real.
When you came in here with bits of a man's flesh between your teeth... we kind of had a silent deal.
Cuando ha venido aquí con trozos de carne humana entre los dientes... hemos hecho un trato de silencio.
For a short time, we had our own little superstar.
Por un corto tiempo, tuvimos nuestra propia superestrella.
We have had such a wonderful morning, but we need to have a little chat, and it's a little bit serious, okay?
Hemos pasado una mañana maravillosa pero necesitamos tener una pequeña conversación, y es un poco seria, ¿ de acuerdo?
We never had a trivia night end in bloodshed before.
Una noche de trivial nunca había acabado en un baño de sangre.
We did not plan it, but... I just felt so strong, like life had given me a second chance.
No lo planeamos, pero... me encontraba fuerte, como si la vida me hubiera dado una segunda oportunidad.
- We could get rid of him if we just had a car, you know?
Podríamos deshacernos de él si tuviéramos un auto.
How were we to know that our lives had already begun, and our release would only be into a larger holding pen?
¿ Cómo sabríamos que nuestras vidas ya habían empezado y nos liberaríamos hacia otra sala de espera más grande?
We had half a notion that Herr Himmler himself was going to grace us with his presence this evening.
Tenemos medio oído que el mismo Herr Himmler va a honrarnos con su presencia esta noche.
Whoever it was was about to alert a German patrol that we're here and they'd have arrived before we had time to change that tyre.
Quienquiera que fuera iba a alertar a una patrulla alemana de que estamos aquí y hubieran llegado antes de haber podido cambiar el neumático.
You had a nasty little bullet down there that we took a dislike to.
Tenías una bala con una herida muy fea, y hemos tenido que sacarla.
Being your husband, Max and Josh's dad... Sometimes I wish we had 10 kids.
Siendo tu marido, el padre de Max y Josh... a veces desearía que tuviésemos 10 hijos.

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