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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We had a date

We had a date Çeviri İspanyolca

301 parallel translation
I knew we had a date, I just wanted to see if you remembered.
Sabía que teníamos una cita, solo quería ver si te acordabas.
We had a date, don't you remember?
Teníamos una cita, ¿ no lo recuerdas?
Why, I thought we had a date for today.
Pues, creía que teníamos una cita hoy.
You know, I want to thank you For the way you helped me out when Nick was here, Saying we had a date and everything.
Gracias por la forma en que me ayudó cuando Nick estaba aquí, diciendo que teníamos una cita.
- But we had a date. Why should she?
Pero teníamos una cita.
- We had a date, didn't we?
- Teníamos una cita, ¿ o no?
- Yes. We had a date yesterday.
- Sí, teníamos una cita ayer.
I guess we're lost. You see, we had a date with... we're going to China...
Verá, tenemos una cita con vamos a China.
We had a date for breakfast, but it took me all day to find her.
Quedamos para desayunar, pero no la encontraba.
We had a date for dinner.
Teníamos una cita para cenar.
Hello, I thought we had a date at Radio City an hour from now.
Hola, creía que habíamos quedado en Radio City... dentro de una hora.
Or have you forgotten we had a date to go swimming this afternoon?
¿ O has olvidado que esta tarde vamos a nadar?
I thought we had a date tonight, not a rehearsal.
Pensé que teníamos una cita, no un ensayo.
We had a date, remember?
Teníamos una cita, ¿ recuerdas?
I told her we had a date and not to expect me if you'd made other plans.
Le dije que teníamos una cita, que no me esperara si tú tenías planes.
Am I coming? I seem to recall we had a date for dinner.
- ¿ Teníamos una cita para cenar?
The last time we had a date it was to go to the seaside.
La última vez que nos citamos fue para ir al mar.
I explained we had a date.
Les dije que tenía una cita.
I thought we had a date.
-... pensaba que teníamos una cita.
I thought we had a date!
Pensaba que habíamos quedado.
Well, it would be more to the point if I asked you, considering we had a date two hours ago.
Eso debería preguntarte yo a ti, puesto que teníamos una cita hace dos horas.
I thought we had a date.
Pensé que teníamos una cita.
- Pero sabías que esta noche teníamos un compromiso.
We had a date tomorrow to go birdwatching.
Mañana íbamos a ir a ver pájaros.
- I wanted to see you. - We had a date at midnight.
- Habíamos quedado a medianoche.
We had a date, remember?
¿ Tarde? Tuvimos una fecha, ¿ Se acuerda de que?
I thought we had a date tonight.
Pensé que teníamos una cita esta noche.
- We had a date. Six o'clock.
- Teníamos una cita a las 18 : 00.
But we had a date, going to run away together, elope.
Pero teníamos una cita, para marcharnos juntos, fugarnos.
But we had a date for four o'clock.
Pero teníamos una cita a las cuatro.
We had a date.
Una vez salimos.
We had a date at the hotel.
Teníamos una cita en el hotel.
We had a date. Did you forget?
¿ Cómo es eso, si lo acordamos!
Well, she was at my place that afternoon and we had a date for that evening.
Bueno, ella estuvo en mi casa esa tarde, Y teníamos una cita esa noche.
- We had a date last night.
- Anoche teniamos una cita.
- I thought we had a golf date.
- Creí que íbamos a jugar golf.
I supposed you've forgotten we had a skiing date.
Supongo que olvidaste que íbamos a esquiar.
She knew we had a date.
- Sabía que teníamos una cita.
We had a little date, remember?
Teníamos una cita, ¿ recuerdan?
But we set a date a long time ago and had to keep postponing it.
Habíamos fijado la fecha hace ya mucho tiempo, pero luego, por una cosa o por otra, se ha ido retrasando. Pero esta vez es ya seguro.
Did you forget we had a dinner date?
¿ Olvidaste que teníamos una cita para cenar?
And a fine swimming date we had, I don't think.
No creo que hayamos pasado un buen día nadando.
" We've had a date Since the world began
Llevo esperándole Desde que el mundo es mundo
All right, we've had a disappointment. I say we go ahead and set a date... and get married on that date the way other people do.
Está bien, hemos sufrido un contratiempo pero sigamos adelante, fijemos una fecha y casémonos, como todos.
We had a dinner date one night, and I was a few minutes late... and she didn't want it to happen again.
Una noche salimos a cenar, me retrasé unos minutos y ella no quería que volviera a repetirse.
On 9th December, the day after this supposed night of love Gilbert had a date with Annie ; we know where they went
El 9 de Diciembre, al día siguiente de la supuesta noche de amor... Gilbert tuvo una cita con Annie ; Sabemos dónde fueron.
- We had a dinner date last night.
- Ibas a venir a cenar anoche.
Anyway, I had a date with Bruno the last time we met was on flight 255, which was more than 10 days ago...
Te decía que tenía una cita con Bruno, ¿ no? que desde el vuelo 255 que no nos veíamos es decir, más de diez días, y entonces...
A date had to be set and we have set it.
Se tenía que poner una fecha, y la hemos puesto.
Daxiat! I forgot we had a dinner date.
No me acordaba que quedé en cenar con él.
We'll first bring you up to date on a little adventure we had on our way here, Commander.
Primero le diremos lo que pasó en el viaje, Comandante.

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