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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We had a break

We had a break Çeviri İspanyolca

241 parallel translation
Oh. We had a break down 50 miles away.
Tuvimos una avería.
We had a break-in with this kid in a small joint...
Tuvimos una presentación con él en un pequeño club...
We had a break at the reservation.
Se han escapado de la reserva.
Last night we had a break-in at the facility.
Alguien entró en las instalaciones anoche.
Once we had a break down.
Una vez tuvimos una avería.
Sorry I was a little jumpy but we had a break-in earlier.
Perdón, estaba un poco agitado. Tuvimos un robo antes.
Anoche entraron en la oficina.
Busquen a la banda. Es la primera fuga que hemos tenido en cinco años.
We had a lucky break, that's all.
Tuvimos suerte, eso es todo.
We sure had a break with Aldrich.
Logramos alejar al señor Aldrich.
We're really doing you a favor. You've had a bad break, but if you know anything more about your uncle than you've already told us, let's have it!
Le estamos haciendo un favor, si sabe algo más sobre él, díganoslo.
We've had a lucky break.
¡ Tuvimos un golpe de suerte!
We've just had our first break.
Pero no vamos a quedarnos quietos, ya les dimos un primer golpe.
We had a bad break.
Tuvimos un contratiempo.
We had a bargain. Why did you break it?
Teníamos un trato.
We've had occasion to break up and make up five or six times.
Nos ha dado tiempo a dejarlo y a volver 5 ó 6 veces.
Friend, if we had a TV down at the station I'd break my arm before I turned your show on.
Amigo, si tuviesemos una television en el cuartel, me rompería un brazo antes de escuchar su programa.
( American man ) They had been able to break through because we could get no fighter-bomber support.
( Hombre americano ) Habían sido capaz de romper a través de porque podríamos llegar ningún apoyo cazabombardero.
When I told Hans I wanted to break up... he said everything would be fine once we had a place in New York.
Cuando le dije a Hans que quería dejarlo, dijo que con un apartamento aquí todo iría bien.
We've had ourselves a little break.
Van a hacer una pequeña visita.
We've had a break :
Novedades en Atlantic City.
We had to break into it..
Tuvimos que abrirlo a fuerza.
We also had a little break this morning.
Esta mañana tuvimos un golpe de suerte.
Diana had a security code that we just can't seem to break.
Diana tenia un código de seguridad que no podemos romper.
We had a report of a break-in at your place last night.
Recibimos un aviso de allanamiento en su casa anoche.
hello. We've had a break-in here.
Hola, alguien ha entrado por la fuerza.
José Manuel... Earlier you said we had to break the impasse, that you wanted to do something for your country now.
José Manuel,... tú me dijiste a mí hace un momento que había que salir del tranque, que tú querías hacer algo por tu país ahora...
But we've had a real break.
Pero hemos tenido suerte.
We had such a wonderful plan to break you, Jack.
Teníamos un magnífico plan para quebrarte, Jack.
Well, we've had a break-in.
Alguien ha roto.
We had a series of break-ins around here.
Hemos tenido una serie de atracos en este barrio.
Maybe if we knew how many they had to start with, we could get excited, but if they got 50 guys, it's a little early to break out the champagne!
Quizá si supiésemos cuántos eran en un principio, podríamos alegrarnos de eso. Pero si eran 50 para empezar no creo que esta noticia sea como para descorchar el champán.
So my father and I... we had our breakfast, dinner, and tea... working in that field, without a break in our work.
Y mi padre y yo... comíamos una miserable... bazofia trabajando en ese prado, sin ningún descanso.
We've had a bunch of break-ins here.
Han entrado en varias casas.
Well, I reckon we could break down these kids ´ statements if we had Jackson banged up.
Pienso que podemos hacer caer los dichos de esos chicos si presionamos a Jackson.
We've had a lot of break-ins.
Hubo muchos robos.
We had to break in.
A la fuerza.
I've been tracking a number of fringe groups and in fact we had planted an agent at the hertz rent-a-car counter who, if he had not been on a coffee break...
Hemos estado rastreando un número de grupos marginales y hemos infiltrado un agente en una rentadora de autos que si no ha estado en un receso para café el será capaz de evitar...
Now, I know everybody's eager to get back to class- - Ha.! but I thought it might break the ice if we had a little'Q'and'A.'
Ahora, sé que todos están ansiosos por volver a clase pero pensé que romperíamos el hielo con una sesión de preguntas.
We had a tea break waiting for you.
Nos tomamos un té esperándote.
We had a great time over the summer break.
Nos lo pasamos muy bien durante las vacaciones de verano.
I think we had to make a clean break.
Teníamos que terminar sin más.
Then we had this big, stupid fight, and I said I wanted to take a break.
Luego peleamos. Dije que nos diéramos un tiempo.
I had the waterproof wallet... nylon... in case we run into a sea turtle that can break a 50.
Conseguí una billetera a prueba de agua... de plástico... en caso que una tortuga necesite cambio de 50.
Fortunately, we appear to have had a break.
Por fortuna, tendremos un descanso.
we will run Later had been and I will break we will reach neck every house as long as. there don't have any chance in order for them caught us!
Escapamos y les rompo el cuello a todos hasta llegar a casa.
We had been shooting quite a long time... when I break down and they take me to the mental institution.
Llevábamos mucho rato rodando cuando tengo la crisis y me llevan al hospital.
Well, what about the time... we had to break into Leonardo's office?
Bueno, qué hay de esa vez... en que tuvimos que entrar a la oficina de Leonardo?
We haven't had a meal or a piss break in six hours.
No hemos comido o ido al baño hace 6 horas.
We just had a break.
- Acabamos de hacerlo.
We had reports of a break-in. Who are you?
Denunciaron que alguien entró ilegalmente. ¿ Quién es Ud.?

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