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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We thought

We thought Çeviri İspanyolca

37,321 parallel translation
Just when we thought we couldn't go any faster... We find ways to break the speed limit.
Justo cuando pensábamos que no podíamos ir más rápido descubrimos cómo superar el límite de velocidad.
There was a time we thought our place in the world was the will of the Divine.
Antes creíamos que nuestro lugar en el mundo era voluntad divina.
We thought it was to share.
Pensamos que era para compartir.
The night before last, we thought we'd have it for dinner.
Anteayer decidimos cenar esa carne.
We thought she might withdraw, but she bent her own rules.
Pensamos que se retiraría, pero rompió sus propias reglas.
- We thought he was a slacker.
- Pensábamos que era un holgazán.
Maybe you and I didn't know her as well as we thought we did.
Tal vez no la conocíamos tan bien como creíamos.
We thought we were doing the right thing.
Pensamos que estábamos haciendo lo correcto.
We thought you'd changed.
Pensamos que habías cambiado.
Because it turned out she wasn't as sick as we thought.
Porque resultó que no estaba tan enferma como pensamos.
We thought of your zoo, but we had to fight the war office.
Queríamos su zoológico, pero la oficina se opuso.
Things turned out a little different than we thought they would, didn't they?
Las cosas salieron diferentes a lo que pensamos, ¿ no?
But, because we're not there yet, I thought it'd be kind of fun if we raced modern technology with future technology.
Pero como no llegamos ahí aún, pensé que sería divertido hacer una carrera entre la tecnología moderna y la tecnología futura.
I thought you said no context of where we were.
No debemos dar pistas de ubicación.
Maybe we only thought we saw it.
Quizá nos pareció verlo.
I thought we were trying to help these nice lads.
Creí que queríamos ayudarlos.
I thought perhaps one day we could build it together.
Pensé que algún día podríamos construirla juntos.
I thought since we found it together, we'd always be in this together.
Creí que al hallarlo juntos, lucharíamos juntos.
Well, Claire thought she heard her brother crying in the woods, so we went in, but it was this pack of crazy coyotes and...
Clara dijo que oyó a su hermano llorar en el bosque. Fuimos allá, pero una manada de coyotes locos vino y...
I thought we just died.
- ¿ Sí? ¿ No morimos?
I thought we were supposed to be doing cool outdoor activities.
Creí que haríamos actividades geniales en el exterior.
Yes! I saved you! I thought we were friends now.
Creí que éramos amigos.
We really thought we lost you.
Pensé que te perdíamos.
I thought we were your BFF's.
¿ No éramos tus amigas?
Sorry, I know it's not a well thought-out plan, but we have to leave.
Sé que no lo planeé bien, pero debemos irnos.
- I thought we were going to the park.
- Creí que iríamos al parque.
- We all thought, "No way."
- Pensamos : "No puede ser".
- I thought we might clash.
- Pensé que chocaríamos.
I thought it'd be helpful information... if we could find out what Hikaru likes.
Pensé que sería útil averiguar qué le gusta a Hikaru.
I thought we could go see the city lights after this.
Pensé que podríamos ir a ver las luces de la ciudad luego.
After Hansan talked to me... when we talked at his atelier... since then... I thought it over and tried to act accordingly.
Después de que Hansan habló conmigo cuando hablamos en su estudio desde entonces lo pensé mucho e intenté actuar así.
I thought we'd only be three people, so I only bought three.
Pensé que seríamos tres, así que solo compré tres.
Well, even as we say this, after the accident, he may have thought he could get closer to Martha, but then Yuuki Byrnes comes along and reveals Martha likes Terashima.
Incluso ahora, después del accidente, él podría haber creído que podía acercarse a Martha. Pero luego Yuuki Byrnes llega y revela que a Martha le gusta Terashima.
Now that we've come to a fireworks show... have you thought about what you want to happen with us?
Ya que vinimos ¿ pensaste en qué quieres que pase entre nosotros?
But... When you said we shouldn't go out because of my career... I thought maybe you were just running away.
Pero cuando dijiste que no deberíamos salir por mi carrera pensé que quizá estabas tratando de huir.
You see, I thought we bonded when I didn't put you in a prison cell for breaking into the Royal Barracks.
Pensé que habíamos formado un vínculo cuando no te encarcelé por haber entrado a las barracas reales.
I thought we were test tube babies.
Pensé que éramos bebés de probeta.
I thought we were gonna win.
Pensé que íbamos a ganar.
I thought you said we were going to Millhurst.
Pensé que habías dicho que íbamos a Millhurst.
They thought that we would be a part of their evolution.
Pensaron que seríamos parte de su evolución.
I thought we could end the favorite song of Augustus.
Pensé que podíamos acabar con la canción favorita de Augustus.
I thought we were gonna be murdered there for a second.
Creí que nos iban a asesinar por un segundo.
I thought we were lifeguards.
Somos salvavidas.
I thought that we prevent people from getting sunburned and, yeah, occasionally stop them from drowning.
Creía que evitábamos que la gente se quemara... y a veces, evitábamos que se ahogaran.
When Lou dropped that pass at the start? I thought we were done, man.
Cuando Lou falló ese pase al principio, pensé que perderíamos.
I just thought it'd be nice if we could get out of the house.
Creo que sería lindo salir de la casa.
I thought we were just gonna hide out.
- Sinceramente puedo decir que nunca he visto nada más hermoso que la mirada en tu rostro cuando la viste por primera vez. - Creí que sólo nos esconderíamos.
I thought we agreed that you'd never come here.
Acordamos que nunca vendrías aquí.
I thought we could just roll and tumble.
Pensé que podríamos rodar y revolcarnos.
Thought we'd build each other up... ♪ Brother ♪ make music together.
Pensé que nos construiríamos el uno al otro... que haríamos música juntos.
I thought we were rolling out with it.
Pensé que íbamos a rodar con él.

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