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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We want to help

We want to help Çeviri İspanyolca

1,087 parallel translation
- Well, we want to help!
- Bueno, queremos ayudar. como dijimos.
We want to help.
Os quiero ayudar.
-... we want to help you.
- nosotros queremos ayudarlo.
- We want to help you.
- Deseamos ayudarlo.
We want to help you, and we need your help.
Queremos ayudarle, y nosotros necesitamos su ayuda.
Camrade Maksudov, we want to help you to get well.
Camarada Maksudov, queremos ayudarle a curarse.
We want to help you.
Queremos ayudarle.
- We want to help Gregor.
Sí, queremos ayudar a Gregor.
We talked about your request and we're not sure whether we want to help or not.
Hemos discutido tu petición y no sabemos si queremos ayudarte.
Yes, we're from Earth, we want to help you.
Sí, somos de la Tierra, queremos ayudarles.
Do we want to help the inquiry, or not?
¿ Queremos ayudar o no?
We want to help you.
Te ayudaremos.
We want to help you.
Queremos ayudarte.
Officials! We want to help.
¡ Queremos ayudar!
... we want to help people to help themselves...
Les ayudaremos a ayudarse a sí mismos.
Karen, we want to help you.
- Por favor. - No deben tocarlo!
- He's hurt and we want to help him.
Él está herido y queremos ayudarlo.
- Look, we want to help you...
- Mira, queremos ayudarte...
Well, you see, we we want to help you.
Bueno, ya ves, queremos ayudarte.
You see, we we want to help you in your job, if only...
Mira, nosotros queremos ayudarte con tu trabajo y si solo...
That means we want to help you to help yourself.
Eso significa que queremos ayudarte a que te ayudes.
we want to help you.
Queremos ayudarla a usted.
We want to help. -
Queremos ayudar.
We all want to help you.
Todos queremos ayudarle.
We only want to help you.
Sólo queremos ayudarlos.
We only want to help you.
Sólo queremos ayudarlo.
That's the gift we can give, to help those who want to learn find what they love to do.
Ese es nuestro regalo : Ayudar a nuestros hermanos a descubrir lo que quieren hacer.
We only want to help.
Sólo queremos ayudar.
"You don't believe it any more than we do... " but you want to make yourself interesting. " You think that being unusual will help your career...
Tampoco Vd. Cree en ello, pero quiere hacerse el interesante porque cree que lo insólito le empujará hacia arriba.
- We want you to help us nail Stryker.
- Queremos que nos ayudes con Stryker.
Naturally, we want to do all we can to help in this matter.
Por supuesto, queremos ayudar todo lo posible en esta cuestión.
You can live closer. I know that you want to study? Well we can help you with that also.
Además, sé que quieres estudiar y con eso también podríamos ayudarte.
I believe you could kill me right now, and if that's what you want to do... then, uh, go ahead... but you've got enough heat on you already, and we can help you.
Podrías matarme ahora mismo. Si quieres hacerlo... entonces, adelante. Pero tienes demasiados problemas y podemos ayudarte.
I want to get out of here. Consider us to be your friends, lady. We can help you.
Quiero salir de aquí señorita La podemos ayudar
We only want to help him!
Siente dolor!
We just want to come aboard and help.
Sólo queremos subir a bordo y ayudarlos.
He's miserable. He doesn't want to live with his parents, and we must help him.
Con sus padres está mal, debemos ayudarlo.
- Do we want to go and help her?
- ¿ Queremos ayudar?
Do we want to go and help her give birth? Yes.
- ¿ Queremos traerlo al mundo?
I talked with the kids, and we all want to help...
He hablado con los niños y queríamos venir a ayudar.
We want you to help us
Queremos que usted nos ayude
I don't want a thing but to help you... and if we don't help each other, there's nobody to help us.
Yo sólo quiero ayudarle y si no nos ayudamos, nadie lo hará por nosotros.
I will ask our neighbour, Picard, to drive them particularly as we shall want his help to get the supper ready.
voy a obligar al vecino a manejarlos, y nos ayudará para la cena.
We do not want to denounce anyone... we just want you to help in the search.
No queremos denunciar a nadie, sólo queremos su ayuda para la búsqueda.
We all want to help the Doctor, but we've got to do as he says.
Todos queremos ayudar al Doctor, pero tenemos que hacer lo que él dice.
On second thought, Father, you want to bless him? We need all the help we can get.
Por otra parte padre, podría bendecirlo a él,
We've got 240 workers fired here and you don't want to help us out.
Tenemos 240 compañeros despedidos y usted no quiere colaborar.
I don't want your stay in Rome to be trouble but we need your help.
Yo no quiero que su... estadía en Roma sea una pesadilla, pero vamos a necesitar de su ayuda.
Nor is it easy for a parent to know what to say to a child in a time like this,... but I want you to know that your mom and I love you very much,... and we're always with you, at any time... to help you, to listen to you.
Tampoco es fácil para un padre saber qué decirle a un hijo en un momento como éste, pero quiero que sepas que tu mamá y yo te queremos mucho, y que siempre estaremos contigo, en cualquier momento, para ayudarte, para escucharte.
We're playing poker. You want me to help?
Jugamos al póker. ¿ Te ayudo?
We only want our women. And perhaps some men to help me sail the ship.
Sólo queremos a nuestras mujeres, y a algunos hombres para navegar.

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