Whatever that was Çeviri İspanyolca
1,599 parallel translation
Is whatever that was holding up going to come out next?
¿ Lo que sea que estaba sosteniendo eso vendrá a continuación?
Though Davey, when I wore my mum's fishnets to the school disco thing, said that was well rough cos women used to wear fishnets without knickers at orgies or whatever, so, like, my mum would have got stuff on it.
Aunque Davey, cuando llevé las mallas de mi madre para la cosa disco esa de las escuela, dijo que me quedaban bien porque las mujeres normálmente usan mallas sin bragas para las orgias o lo que sea, entonces, mi madre deberia de saberlo
I know my math was right, so whatever hit that fly was going at least 40 miles an hour.
Se que mis matemáticas estaban bien, así que lo que golpeó a aquella mosca iba al menos a 65 km / h.
And he was like, "Whatever," because he'd forgotten about it by that point.
Eso es lo único que hubiera considerado acerca de cambiar.
It would always be like this movie that was kind of noted to death because, wisely, the people who invest the money in it which would be Miramax or whatever the new company Miramax becomes or Harvey and Bob become when they leave Miramax they would wanna make back their investment.
¡ Kevin Smith! ¡ Kevin Smith! Gracias por venir a Canadá, Sr. Smith, ¿ eh?
Whatever my brother was... you were the ones that made him that way.
Lo que sea que mi hermano fuera ustedes fueron los que lo hicieron así.
And... whatever it was that I saw... Wasn't.
Y... y fue entonces cuando llegaste por detrás mío.
I'll bet even money that whatever was wrong with this house, isn't wrong anymore.
Te apuesto lo que quieras a que lo que estuviera mal en la casa ya no lo está.
Well whatever it was, that's why he killed her!
Bueno, sea lo que sea, ¡ fue por eso que la mató!
So I picked up that little sword on his desk, that fancy letter opener or whatever it was, and I stabbed him with it.
Cogí ese cuchillo de su mesa, ese abrelatas o lo que fuera y le apuñalé.
I realized that, since I was housebound, I might as well wear whatever I like.
Me he dado cuenta, que como no puedo salir de casa, puedo llevar lo que me dé la gana.
I don't know what happened that day, but whatever it was, Jenny was scared.
No se lo que pasó aquel día, pero sea lo que fuera, Jenny estaba asustada.
That yellow-eyed demon, or whatever it was, he talked to me.
Ese demonio de los ojos amarillos, o lo que fuera, me habló.
Someone didn't want you and Brennan to expose whatever was in that cigarette case so they tried to kill you, and succeeded with him.
Alguien no quería que tú y Brennan expusieran a quien estaba en la caja de cigarros, así que intentaron matarte y tuvieron éxito con él.
Whatever that creature was on the DVD, it's not inside this guy anymore.
Lo que sea que fuera esa criatura en el DVD ya no está dentro de este tipo.
No, but for whatever reason, I became convinced that it was God.
No, pero por alguna razón, me convencí que era Dios.
Whatever she did that day, it was all a part of it.
Hiciera lo que hiciera ese día, era parte de todo esto.
It was stupid, and I let myself think that for a second, and it's like whatever sick part of me felt that is over.
Fue estúpido, y me deje llevar por un segundo y la parte enferma de mí que me dejó, ya se ha ido.
Just eggs and avocado and whatever cheese that was in the fridge.
Sólo huevos con aguacate y el queso que estaba en el refrigerador.
Because whatever happened to you was so ugly and went on for so long that you don't talk about it.
Porque lo que te haya pasado fue tan horrible y duró tanto tiempo que evitas hablar del tema.
My mother would want whatever it was that made him happy.
Ella querría lo que lo hiciera feliz.
I think that whatever happened that night was a travesty.
Creo que sea lo que sea que pasó aquella noche, fue una parodia.
Somebody came back here for whatever was in that safe.
Alguien volvió aquí por lo que sea que había en la caja fuerte.
you'd laugh all day at the idea that he was a terrorist or a spy or whatever else you're saying...
No lo conociste. La idea de que era un terrorista es absurda.
For whatever that's worth. Another crazy thought I had was ROTC.
Otra loca idea que tengo es meterme en el Cuerpo de Adiestramiento Oficial.
It happens to be that... If it is evil, whatever it was, whatever Simon's father's intentions were, I could feel on my own skin once I learned about it.
El hecho es que- - Si es maléfico o lo que sea más allá de cuáles eran las intenciones del papá de Simón lo sentí en mi piel cuando me enteré de ello.
I went to the school chapel every day and prayed - - prayed that he would... just walk through the door and... give me a hug and tell me I was forgiven for... whatever it was that made him leave.
Fui a la capilla de la escuela todos los días y oré - oré para que... entrara caminando por la puerta y... me diera un abrazo y me dijera que me perdonaba por... lo que sea que lo había hecho dejarme.
Well, whatever it was, you decided that he had to die, as well.'
Bueno, fuera lo que fuera, decidió que él tenía que morir también.
What happens is... is you think the last thought you're ever gonna think and then whatever it was that used to be you... just goes.
Lo que ocurre es... piensas en el último pensamiento que siempre vas a pensar y entonces lo que sea que solías ser tú... Sólo se irá.
... and although you can't see or talk to her anymore... ... you have to believe that whatever was taken from that grave... ... that wasn't your niece.
Y aunque no pueda verla o hablar con ella más tendrá que creer que lo que se hayan llevado de esa tumba no era su sobrina.
I promised my wife on her death bed that I would do whatever was necessary to protect lindsey.
Prometí a mi mujer en su lecho de muerte que haría lo que fuese por proteger a Lindsey.
I mean, that was one of the things I fell in love with... the fact that she just made up her mind and just did - - whatever she... she was determined to do.
Quiero decir, ésa fue una de las cosas de las que me enamoré. ... el hecho de que tomara una decisión y después hiciese lo que había determinado hacer.
I was wondering if you could do, uh... whatever it is that you do, and give me a call.
Me preguntaba si puede hacer lo que sea que hace y llamarme.
Whatever she was going through, whatever drove her to do that to her first husband, it seemed like she put it all behind her.
Lo sea que le haya sucedido, lo que sea que la impulsó a hacer eso a su primer esposo parece haberlo dejado atrás.
That creature, whatever the hell it was, almost killed every one of us!
¡ Esa criatura del demonio, cual sea que fuere casi nos mata a todos!
Whatever I did till now, was just for both the of us! That's why you accepted a job in Al Zohra!
todo lo que he hecho hasta ahora lo he hecho por nosotros es por eso que aceptaste un trabajo en Al Zohra!
And it was just by chance matching walk-in patients who didn't have appointments with whatever doctor was available at the moment that my chart ended up in the hands of Dr. Joseph Sonnabend.
Y fue de casualidad colocando los pacientes ambulatorios que no tenían cita con el doctor, que estuviera disponible en ese momento que mi volante acabó en manos del Dr. Joseph Sonnabend.
Detective, my mother was very disturbed, and I've had to accept that whatever made her that way
Detective, mi madre estaba muy perturbada, y he tenido que aceptar de que lo sea que la hizo de esa manera
As far as I can tell, you're still steering your own ship, which means that whatever was in that box hasn't taken the wheel... yet.
Hasta donde puedo ver, aún controlas tu propio barco. Lo que significa que lo que sea que había en la caja no ha tomado el timón, todavía.
Last time I saw him, he was all excited, cos he'd just learned how to bowl a flipper, whatever that is.
La última vez que lo vi, estaba muy emocionado porque había aprendido a "lanzar con efecto" lo que sea que fuera eso.
That night that we first met, or met again, whatever what was I wearing?
La noche que te conocí o que te vi otra vez ¿ qué tenía puesto?
Whatever my beef with Connor was, that guy's was triple.
Fuera cual fuera mi problema con Connor, el de ese tipo era el triple.
Look, I know you didn't choose to... pass out, fall asleep- - whatever it was that happened back there.
Sé que no elegiste desmayarte, quedarte dormida, lo que sea que sucedió allí.
But I just wanted to tell you that you know, whatever happened with me and Abby was just the misguided, messed-up flailings of two people, two very troubled people.
Lo único que quería decirle es que aquello que pasó entre Abby y yo fue un acto equivocado y desesperado de dos personas terriblemente atormentadas.
By that time, whatever fever had possessed her was gone.
Para ese momento, la emoción que la había poseído ya se había ido.
I don't think so. But whatever was in here, if we had a possible war criminal that risked everything to retrieve the bag...
Pero estaba aquí, si tuviéramos un criminal de guerra, que arriesgó todo para recuperar la bolsa...
Sir, on a personal note, my daughter was exposed to whatever stuff that is down there, and the testing can help her.
Señor, en una nota personal, mi hija fue expuesta a lo que sea que hay ahí abajo, y los análisis pueden ayudarla.
What we learned today is there isn't a car on the planet that can make us cool, whatever state it was in.
Lo que aprendimos es que no existe auto en el planeta que pueda hacernos geniales, sin importar el estado en que esté.
Kitt got a profile of the attack, And we're looking into it, but whatever it was that hit you, It's more advanced than anything in use today.
Kitt consiguió un perfil del ataque, y lo estamos investigando, pero lo que sea que les haya golpeado, es lo más avanzado.
We have to assume that whatever exit rios has planned was compromised.
Debemos asumir que cualquier escape que Rios haya planeado fue comprometido.
Whatever that device was, that's what they were after.
Fuera lo que fuera el dispositivo era lo que buscaban.
whatever that means 174
whatever that is 200
that was close 355
that was stupid 112
that was quick 252
that was about 19
that wasn't very nice 41
that was a long time ago 336
that was fast 352
that wasn't me 262
whatever that is 200
that was close 355
that was stupid 112
that was quick 252
that was about 19
that wasn't very nice 41
that was a long time ago 336
that was fast 352
that wasn't me 262
that wasn't a question 26
that wasn't my intention 19
that was nice 214
that was awesome 388
that was amazing 502
that was funny 122
that wasn't your fault 51
that was great 569
that wasn't supposed to happen 22
that wasn't it 39
that wasn't my intention 19
that was nice 214
that was awesome 388
that was amazing 502
that was funny 122
that wasn't your fault 51
that was great 569
that wasn't supposed to happen 22
that wasn't it 39