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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / With that in mind

With that in mind Çeviri İspanyolca

619 parallel translation
With that in mind, perhaps we can proceed with a few questions and answers that...
Teniendo eso en cuenta, tal vez podamos pasar a las preguntas y respuestas que...
With that in mind, what are your views on some civilized recreation?
Visto lo visto, ¿ Cuáles son tus puntos de vista sobre una cierta recreación civilizada?
With that said, if he's in his right mind, then it should be like that.
Con eso dicho, si él está en su sano juicio, entonces debería ser así.
And it was with that in mind that he spoke those words.
Y con eso en mente... pronunció esas palabras.
Have you been mooning around with that nonsense in your mind?
¿ Has estado andando todo este tiempo con esa tontería en la cabeza?
I called on Miss Brown last night with that happy notion in mind.
Precisamente esa era mi intención cuando fui a verla ayer.
Is your whole life so filled with filthy drunkenness... brawling and lust, that here now... perhaps close to your death... the only thing left for you to do is to live it all over again in your mind?
Toda tu vida está plagada de borracheras... alardeando y anhelando, como ahora... quizá cerca de tu muerte... ¿ lo único que se te ocurre es revivirlo en tu mente?
Since you were born, he's been coming here with that one hope in mind.
Tu padre alimenta esta esperanza desde el día en que naciste
That fits in perfectly with an idea I have in mind.
Eso encaja perfectamente con una idea que tengo.
We've just the one room left with the one bed in it. You'll not mind that?
Nos queda una habitación con una sola cama, ¿ no les importa?
In the talk I had with him the other day, he said some things that absolutely convinced me he's not in his right mind.
En la charla que tuve con él el otro día, dijo cosas... que me convencieron de que no está en sus cabales.
My dear Fran, dismiss that idea from your mind at once... and come and have lunch with me in London tomorrow.
Fran, quítate esa idea de la cabeza de una vez y ven a almorzar conmigo mañana en Londres.
In your frame of mind at that time you would've fallen in love with any doctor.
Al estar en ese estado te habrías enamorado de cualquier doctor.
Never again, with the shadow of that rupture in my mind, did I play my parts thoroughly. I played on the surface.
Nunca más pude compenetrarme en mis papeles con esta falla sentimental, en mis pensamientos
Bear in mind, Mr. Leland, that such extraordinary procedure doesn't dispose me towards further dealings with you.
Tenga en cuenta, que un proceder tan extraordinario no me predispone a hacer más tratos con usted.
I assure you that my purpose in coming here is to see all things with an open mind and report them faithfully to washington.
He venido aquí para verlo todo sin ningún prejuicio, e informar a mi gobierno.
In her mind it's tied up with all the disasters that have befallen Hurlstone.
En su mente ese ritual está ligado a todos los desastres que han caído sobre Hurlstone.
With your consuming interest in the game I'm surprised that you've changed your mind about running up to Lord's cricket grounds this afternoon.
Dado lo que le gusta el criquet me sorprende que no vaya al partido de esta tarde.
At last you've seen with your own eyes what we officials have known all along. That this story of the Blessed Virgin was born in a sick and warped mind.
Por fin, veis lo que los oficiales hemos sabido siempre esta historia de la Virgen nació de una mente enferma y retorcida.
But before that last walk there are those long weeks with every moment echoing in your mind. " The sentence of the law is
Previas a ese último paseo, están esas largas semanas con el eco en la cabeza de su sentencia.
And it's a dead giveaway that it's still in your mind and I had something to do with it.
Te has delatado. Todavía piensas que tengo que ver con eso.
Bearing in mind the fact that she's engaged to be married to Dr. Cousins do you think she was frank with him as she should have been?
Sabiendo que estaba prometida con el Dr., ¿ cree que fue sincera con él?
If you don't mind, Latour, I should like to go over that night with you again, in case any small incidents have slipped your memory.
Si no Ie importa, me gustaría que volviéramos a esa noche. Por si algún pequeño incidente ha escapado a su memoria.
In your civilization, open mind means that one must agree with what you yourself say.
En su civilización, estar abierto a todo significa acceder a lo que usted dice.
In a short while, she recovered herself and brightened up, what with the things I told her to get her mind off the scare she'd had and to set her thinking as well, of the brave fella that had rescued her.
Ella se recuperó en poco tiempo... y se fue animando gracias a lo que le iba diciendo, para que olvidara el susto y para hacerle pensar... en el valor del hombre que la había salvado.
I suppose from that day on I began to- - to compromise... always with the one hope in the back of my mind that somehow, someday...
Supongo que desde aquel día empecé... a comprometerme. Siempre con el único deseo de que de alguna forma, algún día vencería por mí mismo.
If you asked someone with a suspicious mind, they'd say that the residents and the staff are in cahoots and that you're taking bribes from the residents.
Si le pregunta a alguien desconfiado, dirá que las internas y el personal están confabulados... y que Vd. es sobornado por las internas.
Must be dreadful to sing and dance with that horrible picture still burning in one's mind.
Será desagradable cantar y bailar con esa imagen horrible todavía en la mente.
I came to the Indies with one thought in mind to find the rest of that map.
Vine a las Indias con un solo pensamiento, hallar el resto de ese mapa.
I understand all that, but keep in mind that during the war, with George in the army,
Sí, está bien, lo comprendo.
But it's still in my mind that only yesterday they were warm with life.
Pero no puedo evitar pensar que ayer aún estaban con vida.
I want you to know that I was never more impressed in my life, or more flattered... that a young girl likeyou, with all her interests... should be able to remember almost word for word a sermon she'd heard over two years ago. - Mind you, it was your own ideas... that really turned the tide. - Oh.
Quiero que sepa cuánto me conmueve... cuánto me halaga que una joven como Ud. Con tantas inquietudes... haya recordado, casi palabra por palabra... un sermón que oyó hace más de 2 años.
Another mile in that buggy with that Perkins boy, and I'd have lost my mind.
Otro kilómetro más con ese chico Perkins, y yo habría enloquecido.
With so many questions in my mind, but always realizing that it was one life against many.
Con muchísimas dudas, pero siempre pensando que es una vida contra muchas.
You see, what I need to know is... could a man actually be in one place doing one thing... and still in his mind be elsewhere... doing something else, but so vividly, with such detail... that this is the real, the living part of his life to him?
Verá, lo que necesito saber es... ¿ si podría un hombre estar en un lugar haciendo algo... y en su mente estar en otro lado... haciendo otra cosa, pero tan vívidamente, con tanto detalle... que para él, ésa es la parte verdadera de su vida?
While we're living in that barn with all that money going out... while we're waiting for that hundred grand... would you mind telling me what we're gonna eat on?
- Adelante. Mientras vivimos en ese granero e invertimos todo el dinero... mientras esperamos la ganancia...
I submit, my lord, that it is entirely impossible to guess what went on in the mind of some entirely imaginary burglar. With or without gloves.
Yo diría, Su Señoría, que es totalmente imposible adivinar lo que pasó por la mente de un ladrón imaginario con o sin guantes.
I hope that during your annual meeting in Sherbrooke, you'll be gay of heart and mind, staying in one of our loveliest cities, and pleased with how your meetings turn out.
Espero que durante su reunión anual en Sherbrooke, serán felices de cuerpo y mente estando en una de nuestras ciudades más bonitas y satisfechos con los resultados de su reunión.
But with me it's all in good taste. They know that I don't mind.
- Conmigo pierden el tiempo.
But you knew in your own mind that your marriage was stained with blood and damned from the very beginning.
Pero en tu corazón sabías que tu matrimonio estaba teñido de sangre y maldito desde el principio.
You made him old before his time, pumping him full of what you consider worldly wisdom, when he was too young to see that your mind was so poisoned by your own failure in life, you wanted to believe every man was a knave with his soul
Le hiciste mayor antes de tiempo, llenándolo antes de tiempo de lo que crees sabiduría popular, cuando era demasiado joven para ver que tu mente estaba envenenada por tu vida fallida, querías que creyera que todo hombre pone su alma en venta
Did you mind eating with dad and mom in that horrible wooden tomb?
¿ No te importaba comer con papá y mamá en esa horrible tumba de madera?
I feel it has been proven that the murder of Staff Sergeant Quinn... of the Royal Army Service Corps... on the night of August 16 at the United States Army Corps depot in Bachree... was willfully and with forethought committed by the defendant, Lt. Charles Winston... while he was of sound mind and in full possession of all his faculties.
Ha quedado demostrado que el homicidio del sargento Quinn... del Cuerpo del Ejército Real... la noche de agosto 16, en el depósito del ejército de EE. UU. en Bachree... fue cometido con premeditación... por el acusado, el Tte. Charles Winston... estando en pleno uso de sus facultades.
You can't perform with things like that in your mind. It's dangerous.
No puedes trabajar pensando en tonterías, es peligroso.
But keep in mind that a nation which for 500 years has been fighting for freedom, a nation that amazed the world with its heroism cannot be defeated!
Pero recuerden que una nación que ha luchado durante 500 años por su libertad, una nación que sorprendió al mundo con su heroismo no puede ser derrotada.
I'm not up in the air with a mystery in my mind, because that at least gives me an answer.
No estoy en ascuas pensando en un misterio porque al menos eso me da una respuesta.
Bearing in mind that the accused came here with the expressed purpose of recovering the micro-key and remembering the evidence against him, his guilt becomes even more obvious.
Teniendo en cuenta que el acusado llegó aquí con el propósito expreso... de la recuperación de la micro-llave, y recordando las pruebas contra él, su culpabilidad se hace aún más evidente.
You can't make up your mind and that's why you fight with me, but in fact, you fight with yourself.
No puedes tomar una decisión y por eso luchas conmigo, pero en realidad, hay que pelear con uno mismo.
The school I went to taught us that the 13 Colonies with proper, educated leadership, all with the same goal in mind after the Revolutionary War, took from 1776 to 1787 11 years of peaceful effort before they came up with a paper that all 13 colonies would sign.
Al colegio donde fui, nos enseñaron que las 13 colonias con líderes educados e igual ambición después de la guerra, tardaron de 1776 a 1787. Once años de esfuerzo pacífico antes de lograr el papel que las 13 colonias firmaran.
That punk shacked up in some pad, tee-veeing it with a couple of broads to take his mind of the commercials.
Se habrá metido en algún cuartucho y estará sodomizando a un par de tías para distraerse.
With your induction completed, please keep in mind that this penitentiary... has been reequipped with the most modern... electronic video and audio devices... in order to assist you in paying your debt to society.
Una vez hayan completado su ingreso hagan el favor de tener presente que esta cárcel. ha sido equipada con el más moderno sistema de alarmas visuales y sonoras..... con el fin de lograr que ustedes puedan pagar su deuda con la sociedad.

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