You and your husband Çeviri İspanyolca
3,071 parallel translation
You and your husband went to dinner with Mr. Barrett when he was in town.
Usted y su esposo fueron a cenar con el Sr. Barrett cuando estuvo en la ciudad.
And you and your husband, you couldn't agree on one thing.
Y tu marido y tú, no os podíais poner de acuerdo en nada.
Congrats on the pregnancy, OK, but can you please tell my secretary the friggin'sex or we're going to spend the rest of today watching a woman trying to pick the winner in a two horse race that, frankly, no-one outside you and your husband gives a flying root about.
- Felicidades por el embarazo, pero puedes por favor decirle a mi secretaria el maldito sexo o vamos a pasar el resto del día viendo a una mujer escogiendo al ganador en una carrera de dos caballos que, francamente, a nadie además de a tí y tu marido
She heard you and your husband fighting.
Te escuchó pelear con tu esposo.
Witnesses said that you and your husband fought... a lot.
Los testigos dicen que usted y su marido se peleaban... mucho.
But you and your husband the nobel one ; Bringing your skill so far to help others.
Pero usted y su esposo una persona noble... trajo su habilidad para ayudar a otros.
You and your husband must have had a loving relationship if you had another child after 1 8 years.
Usted y su esposo deben haber tenido relaciones... si tuvieron otro hijo después de 18 años.
There is our Spa Suite where you and your husband could come together.
Esta es la suite del Spa, donde puede venir con su marido.
Maybe, uh, down the road, I'll score a perfect 10 like you and your husband here.
Talvez, más adelante, logré una puntuación perfecta como tú y tu esposo aquí.
And this doesn't take away any of the indignities you've suffered over the past few years, but it makes life better, for you and your husband and your family and our family.
Y esto no esconde ninguna de las indignidades que has sufrido por los últimos años pero hace que vida sea mejor, para ti y tu esposo y tu familia y nuestra familia.
You and your husband and Jesus are okay, but I'm worried about the policeman.
Tú y tu esposo, y Jesus estan bien. pero Estoy preocupada del policia.
So, you and your husband Jeremy ran the tea rooms?
Entonces, ¿ Jeremy, su esposo, y Ud. dirigen los salones de té?
Not only did you and your husband Live, eat, sleep together.
No solo usted y su marido vivían, comían, dormían juntos.
In the majority of cases, your body won't recognize the platelets of any foetus conceived by you and your husband.
En la mayoria de los casos, tu cuerpo no reconocera las plaquetas de ningun feto concebido por ti y tu marido.
And apparently a very good wife to let your husband's ex stay with you.
Y aparentemente una muy buena esposa para dejar que la ex de su marido se quede con usted.
You could kill your husband, avoid a messy divorce and the two home invaders would take the fall.
Podría matar a su marido, evitar un divorcio turbio y echarían la culpa a los dos invasores.
And our official report will state that you were held captive by your husband.
Y en nuestro informe oficial constará que usted estuvo cautiva por su marido.
To your mother, and to you, I've been such a terrible husband and father.
Con vuestra madre y con vosotros, he sido un esposo y padre terrible.
If you'd be generous, and grant your husband's wishes, couldn't this all be easily resolved?
Si usted fuera generosa, y concediera los deseos de su marido, ¿ no podría eso resolver todo fácilmente?
You use me as a taxi, a bodyguard, and a device to make your ex-husband jealous.
Me usas como taxi, como guardaespaldas, y para poner celoso a tu ex-marido.
And you're just telling your husband now?
¿ Y recién ahora se lo cuentas a tu esposo?
You hacked the specs to the dinner and you helped plan your husband's little stunt.
hackeaste los datos sobre el banquete y ayudaste a planear el pequeño acto de tu esposo.
You wouldn't know manly if it crawled up your skirt and built a house. Your husband looks like a girl.
No conocerías la virilidad aunque subiera bajo tu falda y se hiciera una casa.
Your husband cheated on you, and now you take it out on any guy that's just trying to have fun.
Tu marido te engañaba y ahora la tomas con cualquier tío que solo intenta divertirse.
Either you enter witness protection with your husband, or I can try and arrange for you to enter separately.
O entra a protección de testigos con su marido, o puedo intentar conseguir entrar por separado.
If I wasn't your husband, and you saw me in a bar, would you hit on me?
Si no fuese tu marido, y me vieses en un bar, ¿ intentarías ligar conmigo?
Shake off your malaise with housework and a strict routine to serve the needs of your husband and children, and you'll have no time to wallow in self-pity.'
Sacúdete el malestar con trabajo doméstico y una estricta rutina sirviendo las necesidades de tu esposo e hijos, y no tendrás tiempo para revolcarte en la auto-compasión ".
And now that I know how serious the both of you are, I will respect the fact that your place is here with my husband.
Y ahora que sé lo serio que sois ambos, respetaré el hecho de que tu sitio está aquí con mi marido.
I feel that you're treating me with the same degree of disregard as when I was your husband's campaign strategist, and I think that is wrong.
Siento que me tratas con el mismo grado de indiferencia de cuando era el asesor de campaña de tu esposo, y creo que está mal.
Just got a couple of shelves at a local chain, actually. Whoops. And your husband allows you to occupy yourself with such things?
Solo un par de estanterías en una tienda local, realmente. ¿ Y tu esposo te permite pasar el rato con esas cosas?
Jackie J., if you wanna recharge the Pupar and your husband says "no," you know what I say you do?
Jackie J., si quieres recargar el Pupar y tu esposo dice "no", ¿ sabes lo que yo digo que hagas?
I'll discuss it with my husband and call you back. Your name?
Voy a discutirlo con mi marido y te llamo. ¿ Tu nombre?
Your husband left, and you built a life, a business.
Tu esposo se fue, y construiste una vida, un negocio.
Then you can go back to bed and sleep in peace with your husband.
Luego puedes volver a la cama y dormir en paz con tu marido.
And I'd better go so you can tell your boyfriend about your husband.
Y será mejor que me vaya para que puedas contarle a tu novio lo de tu marido.
Can you tell us where your husband and Simon went last night?
¿ Nos puede decir dónde iban su marido y Simon anoche?
Will you, Caris Wooler, take Elfric Builder as your lawful husband, to love, honour, and obey from this day forward so long as you live?
Tu, Caris Wooler, ¿ Tomas a Elfric Builder como tu legítimo esposo, para amarlo, honrarlo, desde este día y hasta que mueras?
- And do you, Philippa, take Ralph of Shiring, Lord of Wigleigh, to be your lawful husband, to honour and obey... so long as you shall live?
- Y tú, Philippa, tomas a Ralph de Shiring, Señor de Wigleigh, para que sea tu legítimo esposo, para honrarlo y obedecerlo... mientras vivas?
You were a good woman once, and you stuck by your mad husband for quite a long time...
Eras una buena mujer una vez, y atrapada por un marido loco por mucho tiempo...
And when they came home... did your husband talk to you at all about What happened, Mrs. Cole?
¿ le contó su marido todo lo que pasó, Sra. Cole?
You lied and tricked him into killing your husband.
Mentiste y lo engañaste para que matara a tu esposo.
Yes, we had a deal, but your husband loves you because you are the sweetest and most wonderful and understanding wife.
Si, teníamos un trato, pero tu marido te ama porque eres la más dulce y más maravillosa y comprensiva esposa.
And what would your reaction be, if I told you that we've got footage of you in your car, driving over the M62 towards Bridlington on the day before Susie Bishop's body was discovered, but that your husband Rob doesn't appear to be in the car with you?
¿ Y cómo reaccionaría si le dijera que tenemos imágenes de usted en su coche, conduciendo por la M62 hacia Bridlington el día antes de que se descubriera el cuerpo de Susie Bishop pero que su marido Rob no parece estar en el coche con usted?
$ 25 million, your husband met with him three times, - and you had no idea? - That's correct.
En la víspera de la decisión del juez Wynter de darles 25 millones su esposo se reunió con él tres veces, ¿ y no tenía idea?
And what kind of husband does that make you, when your own wife doubts you?
¿ Y en qué clase de marido te convierte el hecho de que tu mujer dude de ti?
And you've no alibi for the time of Peter's death or your husband George's.
Y no tiene coartada para el momento de la muerte de Peter... o de su esposo George.
But you have your work and a very handsome husband.
Pero tiene su trabajo y un marido muy atractivo.
And you should forget your husband.
Y tú deberías olvidar a tu marido.
I feel awful, and I just want you to know. That your husband had nothing to do.
Me siento horrible, y solo quiero que sepas que tu marido no tiene nada que ver.
Whether it's swimming with sharks, or if you're with your girlfriend, and all of a sudden, her husband pulls in the driveway in his patrol car.
Ya sea nadando con tiburones, o si estas con tu novia, y derrepente llega su marido a la casa en su patrullera.
And maybe until you have your suspect in custody, this is a good time to go home and discuss this with your husband.
Y puede que hasta que el sospechoso sea detenido, sea un buen momento para irte a casa y discutirlo con tu marido.
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your family 21
you and your brother 31
you and your wife 27
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your family 21
you and your brother 31
you and your wife 27
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your friend 16
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i together 16
you and i both know that 16
you and mr 71
you and dad 20
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i together 16
you and i both know that 16
you and mr 71
you and dad 20
you and 111
you and your 24
you and her 39
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and him 50
you and you 80
and your husband 51
you and your 24
you and her 39
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and him 50
you and you 80
and your husband 51