You and me together Çeviri İspanyolca
3,158 parallel translation
Yesterday we were leaving together and today you can't look me in the eye.
Ayer nos teníamos que marchar juntos y hoy no puedes ni mirarme a la cara.
And when I finally got together with my father, he said you were in Mexico.
Y cuando finalmente me reuní con mi padre, me dijo que estabas en México.
Together, you and me... we'll get a little justice.
Juntos, tú y yo... conseguiremos un poco de justicia.
No, we did it together, you, me, Claudia Joy, and Joan Burton got the ball rolling.
No, lo hicimos todas, tu, Claudia Joy, yo, y Joan Burton haciendo rodar la pelota.
You and me and Lauren we're gonna get through this together.
Tú y yo y Lauren... Vamos a superar esto juntas.
I just thought that we had some kind of future together... You and me and him.
Pensé que teníamos un futuro juntos... tú, yo y él.
And you and me are gonna make history together.
y haremos una historia juntos.
I've really enjoyed working with you. And I think there's a lot we could do together in the competition.
Creo que hay un espacio en el mercado para un grupo como ustedes, y realmente me gusta trabajar con ustedes, creo que hay mucho que podemos ahcer en la competición.
Look, I'm just really into you, and I think it'd be awesome to get back together.
Mira, en serio me gustas mucho, y creo que sería genial volver a salir juntos.
I'm on my way to another meeting right now, but why don't you put together a proposal and give my team a call?
Me voy a otra reunión ahora mismo, pero ¿ por qué no hace una propuesta y llama a mi equipo?
I just want you to know that you and your wife's romance together has opened up my eyes to what i want in a partner.
Quiero que sepas, que el amor que se tienen, me abrieron los ojos para entender que es lo que quiero en mi compañero.
And I thought you helped me and Will get together, when, in fact, you told him not to date me.
Y yo creía que nos habías ayudado a Will y a mí a estar juntos cuando, en realidad, le habías dicho que no saliese conmigo.
So, you think we'll be going to that wedding the fourth of July, you and me, together?
¿ Crees que iremos a esa boda del cuatro de Julio, tú y yo, juntos?
We have been through a lot together, and now you're leveraging me?
Hemos pasado por mucho juntas, y ahora ¿ me dejas?
And you kissed me and told me we'd be together forever and that you'd call me as soon as you got settled into your dorm.
Y me besaste y me dijiste que estaríamos juntos por siempre y que me llamarías apenas te acomodaras en tu habitación.
- Hey. We would spend time together, and I enjoyed, you know, the interactions that she had with my kids.
Pasábamos tiempo juntos y me gustó la relación...
I think your so-called feelings for Damon are really starting to cloud your judgment, and I don't like it, and the thought of you two together really makes me want to barf.
Creo que tus supuestos sentimientos por Damon están empezando a nublarte el juicio, y eso no me gusta, y la idea de veros juntos me provoca ganas de vomitar.
I've arranged with SIS that you and Borch work together, and keep me posted.
He quedado con el SIS en que Borch y tú trabajéis juntos, y mantenme informado.
Governor, I know this is a terrible time for you, and I understand how you feel about me, but if we're going to work together, if I'm going to help you here, you follow my rules.
Gobernador, sé que es un mal momento para usted y entiendo cómo se siente conmigo, pero si vamos a trabajar juntos, si voy a ayudarle, tiene que seguir mis reglas.
And the love that is me loves the love that is her, and together we bring forth our love before all of you, who are also made of love.
Y el amor que soy yo ama al amor que es ella, y juntos damos a luz a nuestro amor delante de todos vosotros, que también estáis hechos de amor.
Just you and me, together.
Solo tú y yo juntos
I told you I slept with you in Vegas because I though Dixon and I weren't together.
Te expliqué que me acosté contigo en Las Vegas porque pensaba que Dixon y yo no estábamos juntos.
Besides, once we got hoarse from screaming, and you stopped hitting me with your shoe, we calmed down and we figured it out together.
Además, de que nos quedamos roncos por gritar, y dejaste de golpearme con tu zapato, nos calmamos, y nos las apañamos.
Well, I guess, with me and Liam back together, the only date you could find was your gay best friend?
Bueno, ¿ supongo que, conmigo y Liam juntos otra vez, la única cita que has podido encontrar ha sido tu mejor amigo gay?
And if you can't support me, we can't be together.
Y si no puedes apoyarme, no podemos estar juntos.
First you got together with Rufus so that I could never be with Dan, and now you're jealous that some man that doesn't remember sleeping with you is in love with me.
Primero estuviste con Rufus por lo que nunca pude estar con Dan, y ahora estás celosa de que un hombre que no recuerda haberse acostado contigo esté enamorado de mí.
I really wish that you and my brother would go out together.
Realmente me gustaría que usted y mi hermano salierán juntos.
Because I am a man and I don't play games and you and I are very good together. So you let me in now or I walk away.
Soy un hombre, no me gusta jugar y tú y yo funcionamos juntos así que déjame pasar, o me voy a ir.
I Let us go together and I'm ready to be with someone who you deserve.
No lo dices porque no me quieras, sino porque no puedes evitarlo. Vayámonos juntos.
I told you, I slept with you in Vegas because I thought Dixon and I weren't together.
Te lo dije, me acosté contigo en Las Vegas porque pensé que Dixon y yo no estábamos juntos.
Since we can't decide, you, me, and Ernie spend his first Thanksgiving together.
Dado que no nos decidiemos, tú, yo y Ernie pasaremos su primer Accion de Gracias, juntos.
You all have your Sunday night dinners together, and I'm never included.
Todos tenéis vuestras cenas de los domingos juntos, y nunca me incluís.
I love the holiday season, and I'm very glad you and Tony are going to be together.
Me encanta la temporada de vacaciones, y estoy muy contenta que tú y Tony vayáis a pasarlas juntos.
You know, I'm a very composed person, but my boyfriend dumps me, and I go crazy, and I kiss my ex-husband, and I think, "oh, maybe we'll get back together."
Ya sabes, yo soy una persona muy serena, pero mi novio se deshace de mí, y me vuelvo loca, y beso a mi ex-marido, y pienso, "oh, quizá volveremos a estar juntos."
Okay, when I slept with Taylor, you and I weren't even together.
Vale, cuando me acosté con Taylor, tú y yo ni siquiera estábamos juntos.
You're here every day, you never leave a tip, and we had geometry together, Bobby, so don't call me "lady."
Venís aquí cada día, no dejais propina, y vamos a Geometría juntos, Bobby, así que no me llames "señorita".
I knew someday it'd be you and me in jail together.
¡ Bastardo traidor!
You and me, we did good... together, I mean.
Tu y yo, lo hicimos bien... juntos, quiero decir.
You don't know about me, I don't know about you, we must get to know each other well, I don't know what you like and you don't know what I like, and we must live together...
Usted no sabe acerca de mí, y yo no sé sobre usted, debemos conocernos bien entre sí, No sé lo que te gusta y usted no sabe lo que me gusta, y tenemos que vivir juntos...
We can set up shop together, you and me.
Podemos poner una tienda juntos.
You'll think enough of me to let me buy you a beer and we can look at that shoebox together.
Me perdones y me dejes invitarte una cerveza y podamos ver esa caja de zapatos juntos.
You see, these towns... are very close together, old sport... and, well, it gets in the papers, you understand.
Las ciudades están muy cerca, viejo amigo y esto llega a los periódicos, ¿ me entiendes?
Escucha, promete que no huirás y leeremos esto juntos.
I can tell you're not putting two and two together.
Me puedo dar cuenta que no... estas poniendo dos y dos juntos.
But seeing the two of you getting along so well together... has made me think that he has his mother's gentleness... and maybe that gentleness, more than anything else... is his best quality.
Pero viéndoos a los dos llevaros tan bien... me hizo pensar que tiene la amabilidad de su madre... y quizá esa amabilidad, es mejor que cualquier otra cosa... es su mejor cualidad.
And still to this day, every day... you make me feel... like the girl I was when you first turned on the light and woke me up, and we started this adventure together.
Y hasta este día, cada día me haces sentir como la chica que era cuando encendiste la luz y me despertaste, y empezamos esta aventura juntos.
You guys got me drunk till I passed out, and then you superglued some of my fingers together so all I could do was this.
Ustedes me emborrachó hasta que me desmayé, y luego superglued algunos de mis dedos juntos por lo que todos Que podía hacer era esto.
I had this idea that, you and me could live in the woods together.
Tengo una idea. Pensé que podríamos quedarnos juntos en el bosque. Ser como los indios.
You bring me all the pieces... and I'll put them back together exactly as Vaucanson had them.
Tráeme todas las piezas y las volveré a colocar tal y como las tenía Vaucanson.
You and me. We'll sort it out together.
Tú y yo. vamos a resolverlo juntos.
If me and you put our two brilliant minds together we will get out of here.
Si juntamos nuestras brillantes cabezas saldremos de aquí.
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your brother 31
you and your family 21
you and your wife 27
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your friend 16
you and me both 228
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your brother 31
you and your family 21
you and your wife 27
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your friend 16
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i both know that 16
you and i together 16
you and mr 71
you and dad 20
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i both know that 16
you and i together 16
you and mr 71
you and dad 20
you and 111
you and her 39
you and your 24
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and you 80
you and him 50
you are 6060
you all right 5423
you are so sweet 63
you and her 39
you and your 24
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and you 80
you and him 50
you are 6060
you all right 5423
you are so sweet 63
you are amazing 104
you are my friend 67
you are beautiful 191
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
you are the best 102
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are right 482
you are my friend 67
you are beautiful 191
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
you are the best 102
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are right 482