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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You haven't read it

You haven't read it Çeviri İspanyolca

156 parallel translation
- But you haven't read it yet.
- Pero aún no lo ha leído.
You haven't read it?
¿ No lo has leído?
It's because you haven't learned how to write or read. - Is that it?
Es porque nunca aprendiste a escribir ni a leer. ¿ Es así?
I haven't read it, you see, but I've heard a lot about it.
No lo he leído, pero he oído hablar mucho de él.
Haven't I repeatedly told you not to cut up the paper until I've read it?
¿ No te dije que no cortes el periódico antes de yo leerlo?
You haven't read it.
No lo ha leído.
You probably haven't experienced it, but you must've read about it.
Quizá no lo hayas experimentado, pero habrás leído sobre ello.
- Are you sure you haven't read it?
- ¿ Seguro que no lo ha leído?
You haven't read it, have you?
No lo habrás leído, ¿ verdad?
How do you know all that, you haven't even read it yet?
¿ Cómo lo sabes, aún no la has leído?
- Haven't you read it?
- ¿ No la ha leído?
Well, Lieutenant, it seems you haven't read your Bible as well as you claim.
Bien, teniente, parece que no se ha leído el manual tan bien como dice.
It's not that - I said they haven't read all of Marx. - You're way off.
Sí, sus líderes se ocupan de los obreros, pero no leyeron a Marx.
- Haven't you read it?
- ¿ No se la ha leído?
Haven't you read about it?
¿ No has leído al respecto?
For "Take Your Carcass Home." You haven't read it?
"Arrastra tu carroza hasta mi casa". ¿ Lo ha leído?
Haven't you read about it in "House and Home"?
¿ Acaso no lo ha leído en "la Semana"?
Yes, but actually, I can't allow you to read it, as I haven't read it yet.
Sí, pero no puedo permitirle leerlo, si no lo he leido lyo primero.
You just know as you read the book, I mean I haven't finished it yet but... I can just imagine, that the story will end horribly.
Conforme lees el libro lo sabes, no lo he terminado pero... me puedo imaginar que termina fatal.
Let's read it through from A to Z, so you see that I haven't cheated you.
Vale, sentémonos y repasémoslo todo. Repasémoslo de cabo a rabo... para que veas que no te engaño.
I haven't started the cake, but I'll read you what it says.
No he empezado el pastel, pero te leeré lo que dice.
You haven't read it.
No lo has leído.
You haven't read it.
No lo leíste.
Oh, well, to tell you the truth, I haven't had a chance to read it yet.
Oh, bien, en verdad, aún no tuve tiempo de leerlo.
- My dear attorney, it shows that you haven't read my book.
Ah, mi querido fiscal, admítelo...
- Can't you read it to me? - Frankly, I haven't got the heart.
no tengo corazón.
We haven't read the letter yet, why don't you study it?
Todavía no hemos leído la carta, ¿ por qué no las examinas?
Let's not discuss my ideas if you haven't read my ideas. Oh, your view is educated, but it's narrow.
- Su opinión es fundada, pero inflexible.
Haven't you read it?
¿ No lo leyó?
You've just read it, haven't you?
Usted no leyó?
You still haven't had time to read it?
¿ Aún no lo has leído?
Well, haven't you read it?
Bueno, ¿ es que no la ha leído?
- And you haven't read all of it.
- y no Io has leído todo.
How do you know if you haven't even read it?
Como los sabes si no lo has leido?
You haven't read it yet.
Aún no lo has leído.
I hope you haven't read it.
Espero que no lo hayas leído.
I haven't read a word about E-1101. Where'd you get it?
No sabía nada del E-1101. ¿ De dónde lo has sacado?
- You still haven't read it, have you?
- No lo has leído todavía, ¿ no?
I'm sure you haven't read it.
Seguro que no lo ha leído.
You haven't even read it.
- Ni siquiera la leíste.
- I take it you haven't read this.
- Deduzco que no has leído esto.
You will sign it, and you will read it aloud in full view of the public so they'll know that we haven't forged your image or your signature.
La firmará y la leerá en voz alta frente al público... y así sabrán que no hemos falsificado su imagen o su firma.
No lo leíste, ¿ no es cierto?
Oh, fine, because I haven't read it. I gave you the book a month ago, Jake.
Te di el libro hace más de un mes, Jake.
- Why haven't you read it?
- ¿ Por qué no lo has leído?
- I don't believe you haven't read it.
No lo abrí.
- But you haven't read it.
- Pero no lo has leído.
You still haven't read it?
¿ No la has leído aún?
Not written or you haven't read it?
¿ No está escrito o no lo has leído? ¡ Cállate!
- Haven't you read it in my report?
- ¿ No leyó mi reporte? .
- You haven't read it.
- No lo ha leído.

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