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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You wouldn't like it

You wouldn't like it Çeviri İspanyolca

951 parallel translation
And ifI told you that just getting out on this barge and being on the sea had changed me and made me feel different about things as if all that I've been through wasn't me, didn't count it was just like it never happened you'd laugh, wouldn't you?
Si te dijera que el sólo hecho de hacerme a la mar en esta barcaza me cambió y me hizo ver la vida de otro modo te reirías, ¿ no?
Why, if I told you how often I wished I had you like this, you wouldn't believe it. Why me?
Si te digo cuánto he esperado esto, no me creerías.
You wouldn't like this schnitzel even if it was good.
No te gustará el escalope ni siendo bueno.
I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't think you'd like her.
No lo sugeriría si no creyera que va a caerte bien.
If you'd picked a guy who looked like a millionaire, I still wouldn't have believed it.
No hubiera picado aunque tuviera pinta de millonario.
You wouldn't like it.
No le gustaría.
Oh, no, you wouldn't like it at all.
Oh, no, absolutamente no le gustaría.
You know you wouldn't like roquefort if you knew the way it was made.
Si supieras cómo hacen el Roquefort.
Wouldn't it be funny if you could hypnotize people like that?
Qué gracioso sería si pudieras hipnotizar a la gente de esa forma.
You know is much as I'd like to, I wouldn't even believe it if I'd heard you'd been eaten by a shark.
No te creería, ni aunque te hubiese devorado un tiburón.
I wish you wouldn't take it like this.
Desearía que no se lo tomara así.
─ Now stop it. You'd like it wouldn't you if they sent that nice Mr York to the electric chair. Simply because you had a little stomach ache at the wrong time.
¿ Y si enviábamos a este Sr. York a la silla eléctrica,... a causa de su pequeño dolor de estómago?
Por supuesto que no le gustará... si prefieres una granja.
If you hadn't met me at the boat, I'll swear it wouldn't have seemed like a homecoming at all.
Si no me hubierais recogido no me parecería estar en casa.
Even if I could I wouldn't do it for bumpkins like you!
Aunque pudiera no lo haría para paletos como vosotros.
A young man like you wouldn't be feeling the way you do, if there wasn't a lady mixed up in it.
Un joven como tú no se sentiría así si no hubiera una dama de por medio.
I can't check whether this is true, but it doesn't matter anyway, I wouldn't allow my children to go to the opera just like I find the theatre and the cinema depraved what would you say if my mother got married again?
No he podido comprobar si es cierto, pero es posible. De todos modos, yo no permitiría que mis hijos fueran a la ópera. Igual que al teatro o al cine, ¡ pervierten a los niños!
But you wouldn't like it if I made fun of your story.
Pero a ti no te gustaría que me burlase de tu historia.
- Oh, you wouldn't like it.
- No creo que te guste.
Wouldn't it be grand to have steak whenever you like. - Crumbs, I'd have it three times a day.
¿ No sería genial comer bife cada vez que lo deseas?
Yes, but I'll take care of my own $ 10. Wouldn't you like to double it?
Sí, pero yo cuidaré de mis $ 10.
Wouldn't you like to double it? Sure, I love to gamble if I'm sure I'm going to win.
Me encantaría jugar si estuviese segura de ganar.
You see, the girl I'm engaged to wouldn't like it.
Ya ves, mi novia no lo habría apreciado.
Because if I had had my money at my disposal, I garantee you it wouldn't have ended like this.
Te encuentras en un estado lamentable.
You wouldn't like a lily in it, would you?
No querría que le pusiera una azucena, ¿ verdad?
It don't only feel empty, it is empty. If it weren't, you wouldn't be messing around In things like this.
La tiene hueca, si no, no se metería en líos.
If everyone was like you, it wouldn't be pretty!
¿ Y por qué tú?
And I wouldn't want to go out in the morning like you and know that I was going to be a traitor to it.
Y no me gustaría salir en la mañana, como ustedes... y saber que la voy a traicionar.
Yeah, well, if you had a face, I wouldn't like it either.
Si Ud. tuviera una, tampoco me gustaría.
And I'm sure you wouldn't... - like it out here anrway, because it's full of - - Sue.
Y seguro que este lugar no le gustaría porque está lleno de -
- Wouldn't you like to see it now?
- ¿ No les gustaría verla ahora?
It's no use. You can't go asking favours from an old friend. He wouldn't see it like that.
Estás muy segura de que me ayudará, pero yo no me fío de nadie.
You know, if you told anybody we'd been living like this, just down the hall... for six months, neither one of us ever giving the other one a thought they wouldn't believe it.
, si le dijera a alguien que hemos estado viviendo así... aquí en el ayuntamiento... durante seis meses... sin dedicarnos uno al otro un solo pensamiento... no lo creerían.
Well, she'd like to hear it, too, wouldn't you, Lee?
También le gustará oírla.
Sure, Wouldn't you like it?
- ¿ No le gustaría?
You said before, Del wouldn't like it.
- Toma. Has dicho que eso le disgustaría a Del.
Wouldn't like to play tennis in it, would you?
No jugaría con él al tenis.
Oh, you'd like it, wouldn't you, sir?
A usted le gustaría, ¿ verdad, señor?
I told you, you wouldn't like it that way.
Se lo dije, que no les iba a gustar así.
You'd feel like an awful sucker marching in the middle of it, wouldn't you?
Se sentiría como un estúpido si se viera arrastrado por él, ¿ no es cierto?
If I had known you would feel like that, I wouldn't have planned on it.
Si Io hubiese sabido no Io habría planeado.
I don't like it at all. You wouldn't be lucky if you played fair.
Mal, si jugases limpio no tendrias tanta suerte.
I guarantee you wouldn't like it if you saw it on the wall, neither would Louie.
Te garantizo que no te hubiera gustado al verlo en la pared, y tampoco a Louie.
You wouldn't believe it, Sam, the way those two like each other.
No te puedes imaginar, Sam, lo bien que se llevan esos dos.
- You wouldn't like it.
- No le gustará.
You had a pan like that, you wouldn't show more than half of it.
Con una cabeza así, es inútil mostrar el otro lado.
I knew you wouldn't leave it like that.
Sabía que no podrías dejarlo así.
- No. But if anything should happen to you this time, I wouldn't like it.
No, pero no me gustaría que le ocurriera algo.
He wouldn't like it if he knew you'd let her down.
No le gustaría saber que la ha abandonado.
It's like i told you i had cancer or something. You wouldn't just laugh it off and ditch me. That's exactly what he's gonna do!
Si te dijese que tengo cáncer, no te reirías ni darías media vuelta.
- I hoped you wouldn't take it like that
Esperaba que no lo tomaras así.

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