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Some of these species transmit trypanosomiasis, also known as sleeping disease or "mal de caderas".
Certaines de ces espèces ont été incriminées dans la transmission, par leurs piqûres, du "mal de caderas", la "maladie du sommeil" et autres trypanosomiases.
Also, hold for questioning Vivian Kirkwood, also known as Killroy or Revere.
De plus, gardez Vivian Kirkwood pour interrogatoire, aussi connue sous les noms de Killroy ou Revere.
This defendant, Kirby Dawson, according to these notes also known as Bubbles for once paid the bill.
Selon ces notes, l'accusé Kirby Dawson, aussi connu sous le nom de "Ballons" a, pour une fois, payé la tournée.
"Bernardin, also known as" Bernardin Boulder Head "
" C'était Bernardin, appelé aussi Bernardin de St Pierre du caillou...
Also known as Lord George
Dites aussi à Lord Georges
I am also known as the human skeleton. How do you do?
- Aussi connu comme le squelette humain.
MichaelJ. Skelly, also known as Johnny Friendly, president.
Michael J. Skelly, alias Johnny Friendly, président.
- That's Charlie Arneg. He's also known as "Charlie the Sneak." He peddles information.
Charlie Arneg, dit "la Mouche".
Also known as Jondrette, the poet Alvares, Fabantou the actor.
- Thénardier? - Jondrette, le poète Alvarez...
I remember you though, you're also known as Snakeskin.
Je me souviens bien de vous, on vous surnomme Peau de serpent.
Mr. Weitzelkowski you're also known as "The Weasel."
M. Weitzelkowski, on vous appelle aussi "La Fouine".
Former Governor Kodos of Tarsus IV, also known as Kodos the Executioner.
Kodos, ancien gouverneur de Tarsus IV, également connu sous le nom de Kodos l'exécuteur.
Also known as nightshade poisoning.
Ou empoisonnement aux solanacées.
I am Ryuko Yano, also known as Oryu, the Red Peony.
Mon nom est Ryuko Yano. On me surnomme Oryu la Pivoine Rouge.
I'm also known as the Red Peony.
On me surnomme Oryu la Pivoine Rouge.
We're also known as the "Black and White Swordsmen"
Nous sommes les sabreurs Blanc et Noir.
Hua Niangzi, also known as the Thousand Hands King.
Dame Hua. On m'appelle aussi la Reine Mille-doigts.
Gentlemen, thanks to you we are no longer in the Arena of Verona. Instead, we are in the Theater of Flavius... also known as the urinal!
Messieurs, grâce à vous nous ne sommes plus dans les arènes de Vérone mais dans le théâtre de Flavius appelé aussi vespasienne!
Under the provisions of Title 2 of the 1950 Internal Security Act also known as the McCarran Act the President of the United States of America is still authorized, without further approval by Congress to determine an event of insurrection in the United States and to declare the existence of an "internal security emergency"
Depuis l'article 2 de la loi de 195o sur la sûreté intérieure, la Loi MacCarren, le Président des USA a le droit, sans même l'approbation du Congrès, de décider s'il y a insurrection aux Etats-Unis et de déclarer l'état d'urgence.
Also known as the Three Headed Cobra.
Aussi connus comme le Cobra à Trois Têtes.
Kanbei Harada also known as Killer Kanbei, 42.
Kanbei Harada, alias Kanbei "le tueur", 42 ans.
Munenori Yagyu's sons, Jubei, Mitsuyoshi, Tomonori and Munefuyu, rule what appears as the Yagyu clan, but yet another child, Gisen, also known as Retsudo, forever lurks in the shadows!
Mais une branche secrète a été créée par son 3e fils, Retsudo. C'est le Yagyu d'Ura.
Betty Ryan, Sylvester Cole, Clelia Morgan, also known as Mary.
Betty Ryan, Sylvester Cope, Clelia Morgan aussi connue comme Mary.
Malcolm Richards, M.D., the doctor-saint of the waterfront, founder of the Richards Free Clinic, also known as Richard Malcolm, M.D., late of the Union Army, our killer from the time.
Malcolm Richards, le saint docteur du bord de mer, fondateur de la Richards Free Clinic, également connu sous le nom de Richard Malcolm, médecin dans l'Union Army, notre meurtrier du moment.
'One of these was Wilbur Underhill, also known as the Tri-State Terror.
L'un était Wilbur Underhill, aussi connu sous Le nom de la Terreur des États.
Also known as the Son of the Great Gull?
Aussi connu sous le nom de Fils du Grand Goéland.
[Kolchak] Since I wasn't allowed in the barn, I thought I'd have a chat with Gordon Spangler, also known as " Gordy the Ghoul.'"
Puisque je n'étais pas admis dans la grange, je comptais avoir une discussion avec Gordon Spangler, aussi connu sous le nom de "Gordy la Goule".
Also known as Mama Lois or - [French Pronunciation] Mamalois.
Aussi connue sous le nom de Mama Lois.
Well, it's come to our attention that you're planning to marry one Hildebrand Johnson also known as Hildy Johnson.
Il nous a été signalé que vous comptiez épouser un certain Hildebrand Johnson surnommé Hildy Johnson. Et alors?
Did you serve under Caporegime, Peter Clemenza, and under Vito Corleone, also known as the Godfather?
Avez-vous servi sous les ordres du caporegime Peter Clemenza et de Vito Corleone, connu comme étant "le Parrain"?
It is also known as the "Wedding" position.
C'est connu comme la position du mariage.
The singer, Cliff Edwards, also known as Ukulele Ike.
Le chanteur? Cliff Edwards, autrement dit "Ukulele Ike".
Also known as Gator.
Alias Gator.
Twenty seven years ago, the spaceship "Dawn", which is a Russian acronym of "annihilator relativistic nuclear starship", took off from Earth towards Alpha Star in Cassiopeia Constellation, also known as Schedar.
Il y a 27 ans, le vaisseau spatial AUBE, acronyme de Astronef Uranique à Bombardement Einsteinien, a décollé de la Terre en direction de l'étoile Alpha Cassiopeiae, connue sous le nom de Schedar.
The town's people are busy worrying... smuggling goods, and hunting Yankeespies. While at theport, the British authorities... maintain a close check on European passengers... disembarking from the Great Eastern... the huge steamship also known as the "Floating City."
On s'inquiète... on trafique, on fait la chasse aux espions yankees... et sur le port, les autorités britanniques... contrôlent les voyageurs européens... qui débarquent du Great Eastern... l'immense paquebot surnommé "La ville flottante".
Also known as Hecky Brown?
Connu sous le nom de Hecky Brown?
Susan Denise Atkins, 21 years old also known as Sadie Mae Glutz, and infant son, Zezozose Zadfrack Glutz.
Susan Denise Atkins, 21 ans... connue sous le nom de Sadie Mae Glutz, et son fils Zezozose Zadfrack Glutz.
Sayce, 22 years old, also known as Moses, also known as Boots.
Sayce, 22 ans, également connu sous le nom de Moïse et de Boots.
Steve Grogan, 17, also known as Clem an escapee from a state mental hospital.
Steve Grogan, 17 ans, on l'appelle aussi Clem... échappé d'un hôpital psychiatrique.
Patricia Krenwinkel, 22 years old also known as Katie, also known as Marnie Reeves also known as Big Patty, also known as Mary Ann Scott.
Patricia Krenwinkel, 22 ans... connue sous le nom de Katie, Marnie Reeves... ou encore Big Patty, ou Mary Ann Scott.
Charles Milles Manson, also known as Jesus Christ, God, Soul, the Devil.
Charles Milles Manson, alias Jésus-Christ, Dieu, Âme, le Diable.
Lisa Armbruster, 25, also known as Richie.
Lisa Armbruster, 25 ans, alias Richie.
Cindy Jane Orelia, 21, also known as Freckles, also known as Martha Ellen Fry.
Cindy Jane Orelia, 21 ans, alias Freckles, alias Martha Ellen Fry.
"It is also my wish that the estate consisting of 67 acres, known as the Willows, become the property of said above mentioned Margo Martin."
"Je souhaite également que le domaine de 30 hectares nommé les Saules... devienne la propriété de la même Margo Martin."
I also commend to your keeping the soul of Rome Clay... late brigadier general, Confederate States Army. I Known to his comrades here, sir... as Trooper John Smith, United States Cavalry. A gallant soldier and a Christian gentleman.
Je recommande aussi à votre miséricorde l'âme de Rome Clay... ex-brigadier dans l'armée confédérée... que ses camarades connaissent... sous le nom de John Smith, de la Cavalerie des États-Unis... un vaillant soldat et un gentleman!
For now, he sees through a glass darkly but then, face to face, now I know in part but then shall I know even as also I am known.
Aujourd'hui nous voyons au moyen d'un miroir, mais ensuite, face à face. Aujourd'hui je connais en partie, mais ensuite je connaîtrai comme j'ai été connu.
Could one-arm Clark also be a social type known as Chester A. Gwynn?
Clark à un bras serait-il Chester A. Gwynn, le mondain?
As we brought up this kid, we would have known to bring up the other also.
Nous avons pu élever celui-ci, nous aurions pu élever le second.
The Slater patrol was turning south towards the course of the Wallingham train, and a band of Sioux warriors was on the move, led by the great Chief 5 Barrels and his sub-chief, Walks-Stooped-Over, who was also known in certain Indian circles as Sky Eyes,
Slater se dirigeait vers le sud pour rattraper la route de la caravane, et des guerriers sioux avançaient sous la conduite du chef Cinq Fûts et de son sous-chef, Marche-Voûté, aussi connu par certains Indiens comme Yeux de Ciel
It is known that the police are also searching for two men posing as priests, who visited Webster shortly before his escape.
La police cherche deux hommes s'étant fait passer pour des prêtres et qui ont rendu visite à Webster.
William Phelps Herbert Delaney Florence Barrett Hershel Brownstein also known as Hecky Brown?
William Phelps... Herbert Delaney... Florence Barrett...

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